Friends you all would have heard the word- TECHNICAL FAULT..this what happened with me and my dear internet service..I was with you all till 20th August but on the day of 21st when I tried to access Internet it said that your modem is not responding and when I checked it out I came to know that the tower through which my internet deals with is under maintenance because of which I have to be away from blogging for many days..I was very sad but Im again happy as you can see Im back with my new posts...Reason is not that ki I got bored with blogs Im very much fond of blogging so for that I post everyday without fail but plz forgive me for a week when I was far from all of you....
This one week has been an interesting one for me..I enjoyed a lot..and faced new things and activities...The biggest craze in Maharashtra- Ganesh Chaturthi began this month on 23rd and the new murtis of lord Ganesh everywhere in city made me so blessed and happy that I felt ki Im in heaven......the next day when I went to college and saw that big ganpati there I was just so much of happy that even my college is celebrating Ganesh chaturthi...
On the same day started the Paak Mahina of our Muslim brothers and sisters...In this month they keep fast which is named as ROZA in Quran and Islam..They keep it with all the love and respect for Allah and have their foods in the early morning before Sun rises and then they have their next food after Sun Sets between this they cant even drink Water...and now you will be thinking that who gives them power in the whole of the day to do their jobs and other well beings....thats the power of Allah my friends..........
Now in my college I feel very much everyone knows who Abhilash is and everybody is happy with my sense of humour......I dont do all this for getting appreciation and all but I like cracking jokes and delivering my dialogues in such a way that the 2nd person who is in conversation with me go mad with laughter....and this what I am right from my childhood......
So now in my college Im friend with everyone.......and now I feel myself very comfortable........
So friends Happy Ganesh Chaturthi And Happy Paak Mahina to all of you.....
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1 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:
Good to see you back!!
i thought you're gone!! lol
you are really lucky to enjoy ganesh chathurti.. here in pune the craze is very little, coz of swine flu...
i never knew you as a humourous person!! i always thought that you're clam and quiet!! lol
i would really like to meet you yaar...
keep up the blogs man. i'm always here to read them and post my comments and feedback..
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