Today the college started again after a long break which we got because of Swine Flu.And as you all
know that returning to college after a big break or interval is very hard.We feel lazy and boring to
attend the class sit on the bench..tha same faces..the same boring lectures....Same was
the situation with me..Even I was feeling very tireful today to go to college again..The same local
train the same route..the same road to walk till the time I reach college..
After I reached college I felt little bit fresh to see my classmates again..Now my class has been
divided into two groups so today I felt a different environment in the class..Till now no child has
questioned me anything about joining their group...I think they know my nature that I talk with any1
and I need enjoyment....ab wo mujhe jo bhi dega uske side ho jaaaunga.....but permanently kisi ka
nahi hone waala...I have some principle of my own...
Today Sir gave us the first assignment of C Programming and I felt excited about this because it
gave me a feeling of a Graduation Studies...I also came to know that tomorrow Sir is going to take
us to lab for the first time and again it made me more excited.....
Today both of my favourite teacher passed great dialogues in the class...Abrol mam (English) said
that whatever Im teaching is not in your portion and if you dont want to do You are free Im not
going to stop you...because Ill keep getting my made me feel little cheap but made me
Zaheer Sir ( C Programming) said that plz concentrate in my class and clear your doubts because
tomorrow the external teacher will ask you questions and when you will give silly answers they will
ask who is the teacher and you will take my name so plzzz......This childish statement too made me laugh.....
But at the end of the day I was very tired...
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1 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:
thats right, u shudn't stick with just 1 group..
maintain small distance from both the groups but be friends with all..
aur rahi teacher ki baat, they seem sort of worried for themselves..!!
but yes, they do care abt the students..
they just try to show that they're indifferent but they're not...
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