I have achieved what I always wanted from the medium of my Blogs. I have put a lot of effort to improvise my Blog and make it popular at the National Level. But after some time, when I thought of connecting the Dots and find what all elements supported my blog and made it bizarre, I found that there are many beautiful people and superb entities which helped my blog reach where it is vindicated today. I would like to thank all those people and mediums today.
First of all, I would thank Google for giving me a platform through which it is possible for me and many other blog writers to divulge their writings in public and make their voice heard in a high-decibel world.
I would like to thank Nitin Goyal and Rishab Dahiya who gifted me the domain name .info because of which I get more Hits on my Blog and it brings enhancement and beauty to my Blog. Thanks a lot. Hope everyone gets a senior like you. Hats off !!!
Now, I would like to thank a boy - Vinayak Nagri. He is just 11 years old. Yes, you have heard right. He is just 11 years old but he is the most genius boy I have ever seen of this age. He has helped me a lot in developing my Blog's page wonderfully. He has helped me in many more factors related to Blogging and Publishing. I have no words to explain the glory of this small boy who has a big brain. Salute to him !!!
Now, the most important factor - Readers !!! You are the real Boss and Author of this Site. Just because of you, I developed a passion for Writing. I had a terrible grammar. You have compelled me to leave the comfortable sofa and start working on my Grammar and Formation of sentences. Sometimes, you accused me of being ignorant and poppycock on my posts. This helped me to work more on my topics. And Yes, you won in making me excellent in many posts. Thanks. Just keep reading my blogs and keep posting your comments. You all have been great.
Now, I would like to thank my Friends and College-mates. You have been the wonderful companions of my life. I don't think I can ever get such supportive people in my life. You all made me feel special and above-all just because I am a Writer and my Blogs are popular. I can never forget the admiration and respect you give to me even when I am undeserving. You are the Super-humans as you do this selflessly. The world has turned into a selfish and destructive zone but still having the best people with me feels to be great. I hope I'll keep your expectations alive. I have fulfilled some. Some are left. Keep your support as you have always been, there is no longer time to achieve the To-Dos.
I would like to thank Amitabh Bachchan now. Yaa. I want to. Because I never knew the meaning of the word - BLOG before his blogs became news in Indian media and newspapers. I started reading his blogs which gave me a short description about what Blog is and what we can do with the blog. Thank you Sir. Hope you are listening. Love you. Admire you a lot.
Now, I would like to thank Chetan Bhagat. I read his novels which allowed me to translate my normal incidents into a humoristic one. You taught me how to exaggerate the normal things into a beautiful and bizarre dreams. You are a wonderful writer. Keep writing and teaching me. You are my favorite.
Last but the best - My Parents !!! If they would have been unsupportable, it wouldn't have been possible to bring this Blog at a level where it is standing now. They never refuse me to write a blog whenever I want to (except late nights). They keep appreciating me for my blogs and the wonder I do in the people's heart with my writings. I love you Mom and Dad. You are the Best. I hope I'll publish a novel and gift it to you as the biggest achievement of my life. Keep your Blessings with me.
P.S.- I haven't thanked some of the bloody relatives. Just because I didn't wanted to create a new page titled - Hater of Me and My Achievement, I thought to mention it here itself. So people don't think that all my relatives are happy with what I am doing. They are jealous and they want me to fall down. Help me to prove them wrong.
(updated on 10th November, 2010)
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