16 October 2024 | By: Writing Buddha

You Can Get It Done by Liisa Kyle (Book Review: 4*/5) !!!

2113rd BLOG POST

18th Book of 2024

I remember reading a book by Jan Yager named “How to finish everything you start” which obviously talked about how we can ensure that we just don’t end up starting a lot of things but not completing most of them. Thankfully, after couple of years, I got to read a book almost on the same topic named “You can get it done” written by Liisa Kyle who’s a PhD holder. This 136-pages book published by Aleph also has a tagline- “Choose what to do, plan, start, stay on track, overcome obstacles and finish”.


Liisa’s writing style is very friendly which makes this book readable for everyone right from school to senior citizens. She has divided the book in small chapters which makes it easy for the readers to read the whole book in a single sitting or continue reading a chapter every day and finish it gradually in 10 days. I read the hardcover version and it is very portable to carry while traveling. In the initial chapters, Liisa helps us understand how she has structured her book and it is something I have read for the first time. She mentions different stages where we are stuck in our journey of starting something to quitting it and helps us navigate directly to the chapter which shall provide resolution to our current problem in the process.


This makes this book of a great utility value. It’s not only about reading the theoretical knowledge but understanding the direct application of it. The book starts with the concept of a Plodder or Burster which helps us understand our approach towards a particular task. Author motivates us here telling that we can be both depending on various tasks hence even if we aren’t on track for few, we need not get disappointed. This tells about the empathy value that author has added in her writing.


Initially itself, at a segment, author asks us to leave the book and identify our issue with the task completion for a week and then come back to understand further. I liked reading this unique way of engaging readers with the book in a passive manner. Every chapter is full of activities which are real fun.


I enjoyed reading the section where author tries explaining how morning time has more energy as well as creativity due to the uniqueness of this phase where we have just got up experiencing dreams which gives wings to our imagination. This is a totally new concept about morning times and what a way to introduce it to us.


In the vision board chapter, author tries to help the reader group who have not even identified what tasks to get involved in. Author explains the process in stepwise manner which is so exciting to understand how a human being can identify the work of their interest and joy. Amazing!


As mentioned above, again at a middle junction in the book, author mentioned how we can get back to our project rather than continuing to read the book as the sole reason for picking it is to understand how to work on our project and finish it. Haha! At this point, she tells which chapters to target ahead in the book in terms of how we are doing with our tasks that we have started monitoring since we started reading this book.


In the last chapters, author describes different kinds of inner enemies sitting within us who gets activated at different trigger points. She also provides amazing solutions to help us kill those inner enemies and proceed ahead with our goals.


Talking about the drawbacks, I felt that the book is written getting inspired by the new Agile methodology under which corporate world has started working. It makes us start something, review it in between and accordingly quit few irrelevant tasks and ensure other important ones get finished by the end of the sprint cycle. I wished if author could have focused more upon the personal goals along with professional perspective as well. She tries to specify the personal elements as well but the solutions sound similar to the ones which are effective in the professional setup. Author also ends up repeating several concepts in different chapters which makes it boring at times to read the same thing twice or thrice.


Overall, this book is surely a good booster for us when we get stuck in a phase where we are unable to pursue whatever we started doing. I give this book 4 stars out of 5.





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