30 July 2024 | By: Writing Buddha

Completed 15 Years of BLOGGING...

2106th BLOG POST

How do I speak and express my mind – my heart- my feelings at this moment? What do I decipher of anything and every thing that has happened out of one casual event? I don’t know how it all started and continued and reached up to this place which has given some recognition and appreciation. And few people who think that what I say is of some prominence and consists of trustworthiness. Even if not liked, the honesty and capability to express is loved. All of this has come upon me without even believing that some day the status quo would reach this milestone. I never planned. I never goaled for this. But as it is said, your purpose for existence always exists. You exist for a purpose. You may not find it but it finds you. And once you get connected with your purpose, everything becomes unstoppable and remarkable. This one event and possibility is just that. Example of this phenomena. A pillar that shall keep telling people that the divine always plans it for you. You just have to give it a chance.


And so I did! 15 years ago! On this very day –  31st July – in 2009 – I wrote my first blog post without even knowing what exactly this is. I understood Orkut. I understood a new similar place called Facebook. I heard about Twitter but never tried. BLOG- a word I didn’t know what it meant. I found an advertisement on Orkut for it and somehow clicked and wrote my first blog post. Saw it live on a web page and got excited that something I wrote is out there for everyone to surf. And then I had so much to say that I thought let’s just start writing and expressing whatever goes on in this so-called mind – which can also be called garbage. Yes, because few blog posts are just that and nothing else. Haha!


The Blog turned out to be a definitive personality-changing event in my life. It changed the way I thought. It changed the way I perceived things. It changed the way I consumed contents. Everything became a matter of exploration and further deep-diving. Everything now started seeming to me like someone similar to me trying to express their thoughts. Since then, I never ridiculed and insulted anyone’s creativity in loneliness. If I start a book, I finish it. If I start a movie or web-series, I watch till its last minute. If I listen a song or watch it on Youtube, I complete it. Never have I ever forwarded any movie or changed any song in between. Why? Because I see myself in the creator of this creativity. I know they are expressing themselves through acting, voice, painting, writing, lyrics, music etc. They are speaking about their experiences – often pain and incompleteness.


Every creator always derives his creation or art or piece out of that missing part of his life. The incompleteness speaks because completeness gives satisfaction. Satisfaction can never create anything. It makes a person peaceful. One starts enjoying the pleasure that it derives. No one wishes to struggle after that. But when there’s a quest that has not been achieved – or lost after being an egoistic owner of it – it brings the most emotional aspect out of you. It then makes climbing mountain or dreaming of becoming President or achieving fame possible for you. Because that burning sensation will not go until it has been achieved for what you moved from your comfort zone and stepped on the road which has multiple turns that can often lead you towards wrong destinations. But if you keep trying, it will help you reach the place that gives you the purpose- to live – to laugh – to smile – to survive – to inspire – to be wholesome.


Most of the Blog Posts that has been written here is with the same thought process and that’s the reason many people have clicked with it because it resonates their own emotions – not once but multiple times. After writing for more than 2100 times here, there are many who have read almost all of them. Is it because I write well? No! It’s because I write what most of us feel. All of us are incomplete. All of us are questing for something. All of us are hungry. All of us are hopeful. All of us are dreamers. All of us know that without being a team, we shall continue being a lost soul. We keep on searching for someone alike to understand us. And whenever someone finds a creator speaking their own language, the connection establishes and never breaks. It strengthens only to make the consumer strong and the creator stronger.


In 15 years and with 2100 blog posts, I can find myself closer to my soul multiple times at various junctions of my life. This has happened only because I have all of you with me. Our souls have connected. Because your soul has called for my soul, it has awoken and made me realize its presence. I meditate. To know what more it needs – what it requires to survive – and get entangled of its life and death process in a human body- and stay an accomplished example for everyone to look at it and what to become alike. All of this – spirituality and religiosity- has been possible only because there’s a space called WRITING BUDDHA where the Buddhism within me is able to Write and vent out – good and bad – beautiful and ugly – and every extreme of all types of spectrums.


I wish all of you stay with me – your soul keeps on getting strongly bonded with mine. Wish all of us grow together – materialistically and spiritually – and reach the zenith and enjoy the power divine has blessed us with – and left for us to identify, search and become that power. Let’s become powerful enough to be happy, joyful and blissful.


Thanks everyone for the 15 years! Please stay by and along!



0 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:

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