11 October 2022 | By: Writing Buddha

7 Times when I shared space with MR. AMITABH BACHCHAN

2030th BLOG POST

31st October, 2010

30th January, 2013

9th May, 2013

28th September 2017

26th August, 2019

1st September, 2021

13th August, 2022

Well – you must be thinking what’s special with all these dates mentioned above. These are the dates which motivate me always as I got a chance to share space in some or the other form with none other than Mr. Amitabh Bachchan – one of the few gentlemen in India who needs no introduction at all. He is one of the most celebrated and respected personalities who is a role-model to many including me. Every person who adores him feels he is the biggest fan and no one else can feel the same passion for Big B the way he/she does. Since childhood, I have seen my mother taking his name and telling me how he is her favorite actor since her childhood. I didn’t understand much as in 1990s, Amitabh Bachchan wasn’t seen much for a decade due to his financial issues.


For the first time when I actually understood the kind of personality he is was when I watched the trailer of Mohabbatein. Just by seeing him, a 10 years old child understood that this body language and dynamic look must be of none other than Amitabh Bachchan – someone about whom he heard enough from his mother. I got this confirmed when the trailer repeated from her. After some days, while scrolling the new multiple-channels cable plan, we stumbled upon Star Plus and saw him asking questions to a contestant. Both, me and my mother got surprised as to what’s happening here. And then came a promo of the next episode.


It was his first television appearance in the show that was to run for more than two decades – KAUN BANEGA CROREPATI – and a show which would give me an opportunity to witness him closely for not once but four times till date. I am still having high expectations from the Universe that I’ll be visiting the KBC sets more often in future and be under the same roof as Mr. Bachchan and get a chance to speak a sentence or two with him like every time. Since then, I ensure that I don’t miss a single episode of KBC and I am glued to the television even now when Mr. Bachchan sits on his seat and make the world move the way he wants it to.


31st Oct, 2010 stays special as AB would spend some time replying to his fans on Twitter. I tried my luck and shared my blog link with him – yes, the same blog you are reading right now. I don’t know what transpired in the Universe but out of thousand people tagging him, he took out time, opened and read my blog and replied back to me saying in public that my blog design is better than his. We know how humble he is and this is one instance where he rated a 20-yrs old boy more than him knowing that I was nowhere in the competition in this new field of Blogging in which even he had ventured in. It was his Blog knowing after which I thought of doing something similar in my free time after studying.

30th Jan, 2013 is another great day as I saw Mr. Bachchan for the 1st time in my life at a concert where the last performance was given by him. He sung a song and I must say it felt as if the voice is not of a regular being like us but is echoing somewhere from the clouds. It was a beautiful day but with a pain that I stood quite far away from the stage and couldn’t view him properly. It was just a self-satisfying moment knowing that the figure I saw almost 100 meters away was Mr. Bachchan moving and singing in front of me. I thought that I will have to live with this one experience for life time but as it’s said – Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost!


On 9th May, 2013, I was preparing for an exam which was to happen in the morning. At around 5 AM, while I was studying, I got an update that he’s online. I again tweeted him asking to wish me for the exam as I had already failed in the subject once so that table can turn for me. Once again, Universe empathized with me and I got an unexpected reply. And I must tell you all – later, I got the confirmation from the University that I passed the exam I had given for the 1st time itself and this 2nd attempt won’t be considered at all. The tables literally got turned and I still credit it to Mr. Bachchan. How, otherwise, is this possible?

And then for all the other 4 dates mentioned of 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022 – it was an opportunity I received to be at the shoot of an episode of KBC. Something I can still not believe that I have been a part of. I feel as if all the images I have when Bachchan sahaab stood near us and got the pictures clicked are false and edited. I still can’t comprehend how in this world I am clicked along with the most productive individual – and more importantly, a man I find inspiring and wish to be like him since I was that child who got in awe of him when he saw him in the movie trailer and then, in the show of KBC wearing amazing suits and walking as if he controls the whole planet. There is something about him that stayed with me. I was 10 and even when I am 33 now, I still find my feelings for him as innocent and pure as it was then. And yes, that 10-year old boy finally got his mother’s dream accomplished of seeing and meeting her favorite superstar not once but 3 times for almost 10 hours in total.





I have met many celebrities – I am in touch with lots of them – but it is still a fanboy moment whenever I get to meet him on KBC sets or you can sense my craziness for him whenever he is the topic of the discussion. He is 80. He still enter running into the KBC set without panting at all. I, at 33, try all my best to not run even for a second. What makes him so energetic, productive, punctual, disciplined, hard-working, humble, talented, healthy even now – the age when most people survive on their pension is a case-study which scientists need to sit and provide us an answer for. Whenever someone asked me in childhood – “What would you like to become after growing up?” – I would say “Amitabh Bachchan”. It was never been referred to his acting profession but the kind of unstoppable and Godly personality that he is.


On his 80th Birthday, I just want God to give him the longest and healthiest life possible so that he is around us for inspiring many more generations. I wish he keep on setting examples which will challenge youth like me to give their best whenever they feel that it’s time to give up. His face should keep on emerging in front of everyone whenever they try to keep a benchmark on how much effort one can make in the same 24-hours day. People often ask me how I manage Office, Reading, Reviewing Books, Blogging and still managing my family and personal life. It has all been learnt from this demigod called AMITABH BACHCHAN otherwise I used to be the same cry baby making excuses of not having time to do anything extra. Thanks, SIR, for making me the person I am. I will always be grateful to you. AND… I hope to see and meet you soon – again. Universe, hope you are listening it.





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