8 September 2015 | By: Writing Buddha

When I congratulated an uncle for his new Honda City.....

1321st BLOG POST -->>

    You must have heard it often that a brilliant child in his school days ended up failing in junior college or graduation and have become enough demotivated to even continue with the thing called "education". This has become quite common these days. I was thinking as to why is this happening so often nowadays when I remembered what an uncle said to me whom I congratulated for his new Honda City. He just smiled and said,"Beta, the real expenditure and maintenance of dream starts from here. Yes, I have purchased the top model which was my dream from a long time by saving lots of money and didn't go for loan; but the parking charges, the maintenance charges, the diesel charges, toll charges, cleaning charges, insurance premium etc is just about to begin which will make it compulsory for me to earn and live more efficiently and seriously from now on wards otherwise this car will be found in a garage with lots of dust over it and not driven for the last 10 years while his owner would be traveling back on his Passion Plus bike".    

            This made me realize that the achievement we find as our destination is actually the beginning many a times. And this is why we find people messing up with their lives or the things that they wanted to own from a long time. The very first example I would like to give is of love marriage. When we finally manage to convince our parents and start celebrating about living with our partner for rest of our life, we forget that the journey actually starts from here. People stop considering their partner as promisingly as they did during their difficult times when they didn't even know if they are going to lead their life together. This ends up in several fights, arguments and ego clashes which generally leads to divorce. Many couples have never been successful in understanding the reason why their love disappeared after marriage which lead to separation and loneliness. Only if they could have understood that the Saat Pheres were beginning and not the end of all the struggle.

               Similarly, when students prepare for their CET exams of engineering, they give all their soul and life to it. Right from morning to night, you will find them attending several coaching classes that prepare them to enter into a good and reputed engineering college. As soon as a child gets his desired college and branch, he feels he have got the ultimate and stops being serious about studies anymore. Whenever anyone nudges them to study, they ask them to let them chill for few months as they have achieved what they wanted to. Even the person trying to make them study turns away considering the efforts the child had made to enter Engineering. This is the reason why many students fail in their first year and get a drop. There are very less Engineering candidates who have passed their B.E. in exact 4 years. And with first class marks, you will rarely find any. 

               The same applies to the people who get their dream job. They celebrate it so much some times that they forget there is a big life of almost 35-40 years awaiting for them to keep their performance excellent consistently. They become happy just after getting the offer letter as if they are been paid for all the 4 decades in advance. They start taking naps in office. They start exceeding their lunch times. They start leaving the office at 6 PM sharp without even considering their manager who stays in office even after they leave. They forget all the basic etiquette they were taught during skill development in college to impress their colleague in the office. They start living in office hours similarly as they were in college. Though they feel that no one is watching them but there are enough people in organization who look beautiful but fires once you start looking in different direction. At last, they lose their job and start asking for the same in their friend circle again.

              Hence, it's time we start understanding that passing any kind of "Entrance Exams" aren't the reason to celebrate. We should realize that these are BEGINNINGS and not the END. Many of us have lost great opportunities in life because of getting lazy after just entering in the institution. We have failed badly but we have been unable to understand what went wrong. This is what went wrong with many of us. We should understand that the good news always carry a message of consistency and balance for the rest of our lives with it. We should become more devoted and serious about the thing which has just accepted us rather than spending bucks in Starbucks in happiness of getting accepted. Yes, celebrations are cool if you are conscious and aware of your upcoming venture. But remember, not every ENDING is the END, they are just the BEGINNING so don't lose the momentum and keep running with the same pace. :-)



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