1197th BLOG POST -->>

The language of the authors is very simple and anyone who have just started reading novels will like reading this book. I liked that authors kept the book of 155 pages only because nothing new could have been done with the story if it had been thicker by 100 more pages. Initially, the arrival of Rishi does create an interest and I am happy that he is taken off from the story at the right moment as it starts irritating after a time. The flashback of Puneet's life came as a surprise and it develops an interest to read what exactly happened that's causing the traumatic experience in the protagonist's present life. Though I wish if it could have been written from a third person's voice. It would have suited the plot more. I felt in the climax that the concept which the authors are asking us to believe is a mere stupidity but when I searched on Internet about the few references that they have mentioned, I tried to accept the story. Though I am not completely satisfied but still I am not fully dejected by it.
I liked the way authors have tried to introduce a twist periodically to keep the readers intrigued and therefore I rate this book as average. A little mistake could have brought this book in a very bad light. It is surely a page turner as you want to know what exactly is about to get unfolded in the end. I just felt that the limitation of vocabulary and command in English language didn't let the authors express the emotions of each character as they wanted to. Similarly, I didn't find any conversation in sync just because of the same reason- the sentences' formation used to construct the emotions. Rest, I would say an average attempt. It is for the ones who believe in love blindly. I give it 2.5*.
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