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Varun Gautam's story makes sure that by the time it's half way done, you already start feeling motivated. You will link the events with few unsuccessful times you had. Though the book makes you hate Arjun since his introduction but later on, the way you keep cheering him page by page is what describes the efficiency with which Varun has scripted this story. You want Arjun to succeed. You start seeing yourself in him. You start feeling every emotion that he feels. That's the power of this book- The Symbol.
Varun's writing style is very simple and his command on language is also commendable. With well-crafted sentences, he manages to make you feel every emotion that he wants to convey through his story. His intention of changing the mindset of people will surely be successful as story leaves its impression on you even after hours you are done reading it. The concept of The Symbol is also managed very well. The author hasn't overdone it. I was quite doubtful about the superstition this book might promote but it is given a new angle by the end of the tale.
Arjun's character is wonderfully described by the protagonist Dhruv throughout the book. Creating a selfless protagonist like Dhruv who speaks less about himself and more about Arjun is a different angle I have found after a long time. The way love stories are treated satisfies because author does not waste pages in narrating how the love was made and sex was accomplished. Kudos! The character of Arjun's father is something that will surely make you laugh as you might find a friend's father in him. Haha! Rest, all the characters and scenes are treated well. The book should be surely in your shelf if you are feeling down or you think you cannot achieve something just because you failed once. I recommend this book to all the youngsters undoubtedly. I give it 3.75*/5. Amazing stuff!
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