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The ART cycle in the initial chapter itself shows how serious and determined the author is. The book consists chapters that will help you understand how to develop your self-confidence, be enthusiastic and have winner's attitude, enhance your appearance, etiquette and personality, develop communication skills, seek feedback and correct ourselves, create your brand and invest in yourself. With all these elements been discussed, this book is a complete package for everyone who are about to start their career or are already stuck in midway and are unable to find which way to go and win against peers. This book tells you what to do today to not regret later that if I would have done this-and-this in my 20s, 30s, 40s, I would have achieved so-and-so already.
Every "I wish I knew" section tells how other successful persons regretted later for not knowing the rule that could have worked then. They tell it themselves. In the middle of the paragraphs, you will find quotes by wonderful thinkers and achievers following which the paragraph gives message related to the quote itself. Every quote is worth remembering and following. The best part of the book is the Interviews in the end of every chapter. The author assured that he finds a man successful in terms of the same element that he has discussed in the chapter and explore all his life in 9-10 questions. Book ends with the best interview- The one he has with Prasoon Joshi. In all, I would say, this book deserves to be read by every person doing Professional course, fresher in an organization and everyone striving even in their 30s and 40s. I will give this book 4.5/5 undoubtedly. Please have this in your shelves if you wish to be best in your career.
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