24 May 2014 | By: Writing Buddha

An Open Letter to Arvind Kejriwal by Ritesh Rangare (Guest Post)!!!


Ritesh Rangare studied at NIT Calicut. Ritesh belongs to a middle class family from a small town Seoni, Madhya Pradesh. He doesn't like reading novels much, but still he wrote this novel in the last days of college at the age of 22 along with his friend, Harshal. At present, Ritesh is working in a same company as Marketing Manager and Business Development Manager.

चुनाव में बहुत सारे लोग कुछ पार्टियों से दिल से जुड गए थे, ऐसे में “आम आदमी” जैसी पार्टी जितनी तेजी से आगे बढ़ी उतनी ही तेजी से जमीन पर वापस आ गयी मुझ जैसे काफी लोगो को ये बुरा लगा उनकी भावनाओ को राजनीति से जोड़ कर उसका गलत फायेदा उठाया गया | मैं केजरीवाल सर तक ये बात पहुचना चाहता हू और ARB (Abhilash Ruhela's Blog)  को मेरी बातें जायज लगी और उन्होंने मेरे इस पत्र को पब्लिश करना का फैसला किया | मैं बहुत बहुत शुक्र गुजार हू अभिलाष का जिनके ब्लॉग के जरिये मैं काफी देशभक्तों तक अपनी बात पंहुचा सका |


केजरीवाल सर, मुझे आपसे कोई शिकायत नहीं है एक समय था जब आप मेरे मार्गदर्शक बन गए थे आपकी बातें और काम मुझे प्रभावित करते थे और मुझे ये स्वीकार करने में जरा भी झिझक नहीं होती कि भारत के करोडो लोगो कि तरह मैं भी देश कि तरक्की के लिए लाचार और बेबस महसूस कर रहा था दरअसल दोष भारत कि राजनीति का था इसलिए जब आपने एक नयी सोच और नए तरीके से राजनीति शुरू कि तो मैं भी उन करोडो लोगो कि तरह आप पर भरोसा कर बैठा शायद इसलिए क्युकी भारतीय स्वभाव से भावुक है | जब निर्भया की इज्ज़त बचाने के लिए पूरा देश एक साथ रास्ते पर आ गया था तो ये तो हमारे देश की इज्ज़त का सवाल था हमे समझ नहीं आया कि आप सही हो या गलत हमे बस ये दिखाई दे रहा था कि शायद देश प्रेम देश कि शरहद से देश कि राजनीति में आ गया है, खुशी बहुत हुई, उम्मीदें भी बहुत जाग गयी, लगा जैसे क्रांति आ गयी है, सिर्फ कुछ बुद्धिजीवियों और राजनीतिक पण्डितों को छोड़ कर किसी को अंदाजा ही नहीं हुआ कि आप करना क्या चाहते हो | लोगो की भावनाओ के सहारे खुद को आम इंसान बता कर आपने सबका दिल जीता और दिल्ली कि जनता ने आपको एक मौका दिया | शायद आपकी नीयत साफ़ थी लेकिन सिर्फ मुख्यमंत्री बन ने पहले तक, जब आपको ये समझ आया कि पूरा भारत परिवर्तन चाहता है और लोग भावनात्मक रूप से आपसे जुड़े हुए है (विधानसभा भासण के दौरान ) तो आपने इस बात का फायदा उठाना चाहा और सोचा कि जब भारतीय जनता मुझे मुख्यमंत्री बना सकती है तो यही सही मौका है कि मैं प्रधानमंत्री भी बन जाऊ और यही आपके जीवन कि सबसे बड़ी गलती थी, और यही आपकी नियत डगमगा गयी | आप भूल गए थे लोकतंत्र में बहुत ताकत है जो लोग आपको कुछ महीनो में आम इंसान से सिर्फ एक दिन में खास बना सकते है वही दुबारा आपकी औकात दिखने के लिए एक ही दिन में वापस आपको जमीन पर भी ला सकते है | आजादी के बाद देश धरनो और इंकलाब से नहीं चल रहा, लोग राजनीति के लिए जागरूक हो रहे है हम थक गए है नेताओं के वादों से, बहुत छोटी सी बात है जो हमे तक समझ आ गयी है कि अपना देश, दुनिया में मुह दिखने लायक तक नहीं रहा है और आप जैसे लोग, लोगो कि भावनाओ का फायदा उठा कर उस पर राजनीती कर रहे है | मैं शायद आज भी आपका शुभचिंतक रहता अगर आप दिल्ली कि कमान अच्छे से संभाल कर काम के दम पर वोट मांगते न कि भावनाओ से | बहुत सारी राजनीतियां देखी “जात-पात” ,”राज्य”, “हिंदू मुश्लिम” ,“गरीबी “ लेकिन पहली बार किसी ने “भावनाओ” की राजनीति की और काफी हद्द तक आप सफल रहे | अच्छा हुआ आपने इस्तीफा दिया क्युकी इस से हमे समझ आया कि “बच्चे” देश नहीं संभल सकते | देश में भावनाओ कि कमी नहीं है, कमी है सिर्फ “विकास” कि | एक चाय बेचने वाला क्या उसकी जगह अगर जूते सिलने वाला भी हमे विकास दिला सकता है तो शायद हम उसे ही वोट देते | उन चाय बेचने वाले ने आपको और हम सबको ये सिखा दिया कि सिर्फ IIT स्टूडेंट होने से आप सबका भविष्य नहीं बना सकते उसके लिए जरुरत है सही सोच, सही विज़न, सही अनुभव, और इन सबसे उपर एक सही नियत और सच्ची देशभक्ति कि | 

नरेन्द्र मोदी _/\_

बेबस भावुक भारतीय 
रितेश रंगारे

17 May 2014 | By: Writing Buddha

An Interview with Mr. Vishwas Mudagal (Author of Losing My Religion)!!!

1087th BLOG POST -->>

His novel has recently been announced a "BESTSELLER". I got an opportunity to talk with Vishwas Mudagal. Do read the interview below and know what he wants to say about his future as writer and entrepreneur. 

How does it feel to be an author now, Mr. Vishwas Mudagal? And that too your debut novel becoming a bestseller? 

It feels incredible to be a published author. More so because I never really thought I would write a novel so early in my life. And it’s a definitely a dream come true to see Losing My Religion, becoming a best-seller. 

What exactly made you write such a different novel? 

I think that might be my style; I don’t know any other way of telling a story. I have no formal introduction to writing stories or novels, but the one thing I knew was that I wanted to write a meaningful page-turner and entertain the heck out of the reader. And I don’t think of anyone while I write my story, I write it for myself. The author in me has to entertain the reader in me. 

Moreover, the idea for LMR came from my life. I had started an Internet company in 2007 that couldn’t make money in spite of getting amazing user traction. I went broke and didn’t know what to do further. I wanted to quit everything and go on a journey across India, when I saw one of my friends doing it. But I couldn’t go on that journey, and ended up writing about a person, in my situation of bankruptcy, who goes on an uncharted journey when he meets a crazy American hippie. That’s how Losing My Religion happened!

Before we head towards discussing your book, we would like to know in spite of being an author, what do you exactly do? And do you wish to continue with the job or come into full-time writing?

I am a serial entrepreneur and a CEO. I am currently the CEO of GoodWorkLabs, which helps global companies, startups and entrepreneurs build software products and succeed in the marketplace. Technology is an integral part of me and I have been passionate about it from childhood. 
Do I wish to come into full-time writing? That’s a tough question. Writing or rather storytelling is my passion. It gives me so much of pleasure that I forget the world when I write. But I love entrepreneurship with the same verve, it gives me an adrenelin rush that I can’t explain. How do I choose between the two things I absoutely love? I can’t. So the question is how do I balance my time to do both. That’s a Herculean task, especially when my readers are demanding (yes, demanding!) for my next book.

Did you really visit these places mentioned in your book like Malana, Goa and Haridwar?

I have visited majority of the places mentioned in the book. Travel is the food for the soul and I love to travel. You discover or re-discover yourself only through travel, and unplanned travel is the most exhilarating experience. 

I have been to Goa, Om Beach at Gokarna, Haridwar & New York, pretty much all the places mentioned in the book. The only place I haven’t been to is Malana, but I have traveled to the Himalayas extensively. 

How difficult was it for you to get published in this scenario when it is said that only rejection comes in the author’s way?

I took around two years to get published. Many publishers rejected the novel for many reasons, some because it was a fresh concept, some because they thought it’s a business book, and some because I was a debutant. But Fingerprint! believed in the book and commissioned it and the rest is something everyone knows. 

How has been the response of FingerPrint! till now seeing the good reviews coming in?

Fingerprint! is a great publisher, with a good editorial, design and marketing team. Recently they threw a success party in New Delhi celebreting the success of Losing My Religion. They have been very supportive and are putting all their weight behind my book. 

I have lately seen some celebrities talking about your book. Can we hope for this getting adapted into a movie?

Everyone who has read Losing My Religion wants to see it as a movie. People from the film industry are surprised to see that my book is actually written like a movie script. They feel it will make a big-budget blockbuster. I didn’t do it intentionally, but perhaps that’s the way I write. Only time will tell whether it will become a movie and who will take it up. 

By when are you coming up with your next novel? And if possible, do give us an idea about what it would be.

I’m not sure when my next novel will come. People are eagerly waiting; some can’t even wait. I get mails and messages almost every day telling me how my novel has influenced them, inspired them, given them hope, made them cry, made them remember their friends who they have lost, helped them get over a breakup, pushed them to start a company—all this in just two months as my book launched recently. Many told me ‘Thank you for writing LMR.’ When I hear someone thank me for LMR, I am touched. 
I know people have huge expectations from me now. I heard one critic say: ‘How will Mudagal beat his own work?’ When people start worrying about how an author will beat his own work, I believe he has arrived. 

Since 2011, I have been stuck with an idea of a man in the future. I can’t get it out of my head and I hope that will be my next. But I might end up writing a sequel to LMR as well. I don’t decide these things, my heart does. So let’s see what comes next. 

In the end, tell us in 5-7 lines, what speech will you give if you win a Major Award for the Best Indian Author for your books?

This is a tough one. I never prepare my speeches, I am always spontaneous. But I will definitely thank people who have supported me and believed in me. And my readers! And give a message to people to follow their passion without fear of failure with my parting words ‘Follow your passion and the world will follow yours...’
Youth in India has been told to follow a defined path of going to college, taking up a job, marrying as soon as possible, starting a family, buying a home, and never taking risks. We have to change this, we have to create an India that thinks big, that innovates, that defines a glorious future, and this is possible only when we take risks, experiment, and follow our passion. It is my mission to give this message to people in India of all ages. 

13 May 2014 | By: Writing Buddha

An Interview with Sumeet Sachdev, our very own Gomzy!!!

1086th BLOG POST -->>

Sumeet Sachdev (born March 18, 1976) is an Indian actor, producer and director. He is most popularly known as Gautam "Gomzy" Virani, the oldest son of Tulsi Virani in the popular Indian television serial Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi. Sachdev made his directorial debut in his short film Rehman Saheb Ko Phone Karna Hai. I had a chance to interview him after his episode in "Yeh Hai Aashiqui" on UTV Bindass. Do read what he wants to say about his Gomzy days and re-appearance on TV. 

We remember your character “Gautam a.k.a. Gomzy” in Kyunki Saas bhi kabhi bahu thi. What is it to remember the series and your initial days on television after a decade? 

The character of Gomzy will always be close to my heart. It is the character that took me into every household in the country. It surely wasn’t very easy as the onus of the most popular show was put on my shoulders and I was an absolutely fresh new comer. What amazes me is that people even today, who must’ve been ten to twelve years at the time, have vivid memories of my entry and scenes. I doubt if many characters of television have managed to leave such a mark, I feel blessed.

How do you feel when you see your on-screen mother, Smriti Irani, being one of the key contestants in this Election 2014?

Most certainly I wish her all the very best. What is more important is that whoever comes to power should successfully tackle all the problems and issues and help the country make progress towards a better tomorrow.  

Can we, your fans, know where did our favorite Sumeet Sachdev disappear after a wonderful run on the India’s most popular series? 

When ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’ went off air, I was in the middle of making a short film for festivals titled ‘Rehmaan Sahab ko phone karna hai’. I decided to focus on finishing it. I am an architect by qualification and stepped back to architecture too. I did do ‘Pyar ka Bandhan’ and a cameo in ‘Bandini’ but besides that, there was no offer that excited me enough and I was distanced from acting. Over these years, I have been asked time and again by many about my disappearance and many expressed their eagerness to see me back on screen. Recently, I decided to get back to acting and had a great experience facing the camera after long for an episode of ‘Yeh hai Aashiqui’.

We have seen Balaji actors of your time retaining their popularity through reality shows. Why didn’t we see you in any of them?

I’m not all that hungry for popularity. I’m not really sure how much a reality show contributes to popularity, even if it does it’s just temporary I suppose. If I’m approached with a format that interests me, I most definitely would go ahead.

What if tomorrow you get a call to be in the Bigg Boss’s next season? 

Depending on how I am placed, I would be happy to give it a try. It surely would be a very testing experience. 

Do you still have an eye on big screen? Like Rajeev Khandelwal, would you like to do sensible small-budgeted movies?

Most certainly if something good and interesting is on offer. 

Recently, we saw you in an episode of Yeh Hai Aashiqui. You had the same charm as you had a decade ago. What has been your experience working after so many years? How did your fans react to that?

It felt fantastic shooting and has been even better since the telecast. The role of a professor was on offer with whom one of his student’s falls in love. I thought it would be a great warm up after a long break. I didn’t expect this warm up would heat up so much. I am simply surprised, overwhelmed and humbled by the response. The amount of time I have spent on facebook these last few days interacting with the viewers, I haven’t spent in all these years put together. I’m really touched, much appreciated. This episode shall always be very close to me.

For all those who missed the episode, the youtube link is here. Please watch when able. Would appreciate if you would share it. Would be great if people around get to watch it as well. Thanks. Cheers!!!

How‘s married life with Amrita? We would like to know how you met her and tied up together?

It’s been a wonderful six and a half years with Amrita. I met her through her sister. I’m sure it’s not easy to have a husband who is so nomadic professionally. She unconditionally supports and believes in anything and everything I do. She claims to be my biggest fan. I feel very fortunate and blessed to have her in my life.

Thanks Sumeet for talking with us. Just last few words for your fans who want to see you more on TV. 

As I mentioned earlier, I am really touched by their response to the ‘Yeh hai Aashiqui’ episode. The youtube link online reached 100,000 views in two weeks that equates to nearly 5 views per minute, which I think is great. When I shot for the episode I didn't feel away for 4 years and after this kind of a response, I definitely don’t feel I’ve been away. I appreciate all the love and respect they have showered on me, it just makes me feel so very refreshed. Thank you. God bless you!



11 May 2014 | By: Writing Buddha

Ignore Friends Little More For Your MOTHER!!!

1085th BLOG POST -->>

        All of us are busy celebrating Mother's Day in our own way. For me, the day I make my mother feel special is her birthday. Birthday is one day when everyone wants to be treated special. Everyone wants his/her birthday to be the best day of the year for him/her. Hence, I make it sure that my mother never feel that her birthday has been just another day of her life. But coming to Mother's Day, I don't generally do something above ordinary. But because ladies in the society sits together and talks what their respective kids did for them on Mother's Day, I didn't want my mother to feel left out. Hence, I always treat her with some delicious snacks from the food chain near my house. That's all I do on the Mother's Day because I don't feel she deserves to be treated so well today that she might start feeling on other days I don't do anything for her. So let's remain normal so that she would feel why child is always at his best let it be any day. Haha!

            Mothers are so selfless that we, the children, feel guilty about it 1000 times in our life. Let us try as much as we want but we can never surpass the amount of love our mothers bestow over us. Even if anyone of us will make something like Taj Mahal for our mother, still that would not be enough to show how much mothers do for us. Their love is immortal. Even when a man turns 70 years old, when he remembers his mother's sacrifices for him, he sheds tears without feeling shy. For me, my mother is a role model considering all the non-celebrities I look forward to. :-)

         I love working almost every time. It is said that a man is defined by what he does when he has nothing to do. And therefore I make sure I am always into act of productivity even when I am done with my examinations, blogging and reviewing works. Whenever I feel that I am feeling down, I see at my mother. She is still working. She works right from the moment she opens her eye in the dawn till the time she is not back to sleep. Seeing her energetic and workaholic at this age of hers, I start feeling sick about myself. I get up and start doing some other work with the same intensity as I finished the previous one to be in the league of my mother. She is 47 years old and still does all the household chores. We still don't have maid for any work in our house. While other ladies of her age are busy sleeping in afternoon while their maid works, my mother is always at toes. How much is there to learn from my mother and how much less I am adapting it in my life. 

          2 weeks ago, I gave my practical examinations. I was feeling very low during the exam days because of less preparation and alien programming languages in the semester. My mother kept giving me strength all the week to make sure that I don't quit even before trying. I was sure I'll flunk but my mother was there to tell me that I will return back home smiling. It happened the way she had planned my fate to play. I came home and hugged her tightly and thanked her with my gestures. I promised her a treat before going to examination if I perform well. Following, I took her for a long ride over 3 fly-overs, gave her treat in the biggest McDonald's store she had ever visited and returned home happily after the calm moments there. My mother was so happy to see me smiling that she kept on requesting to start studying for theory examinations if I don't want to be scared the same way I was before practicals. That's how every mothers are. 

          I feel bad when I see my friends not thinking about their parents and wasting all their money with their friends itself. It's good to travel and hang out with your friend circle but don't forget, it's your mother who makes your tiffin every morning before you leave and wait to ask you for your choice before making dinner. How can you forget her and enjoy with your friends every moment of life? Why not avoid friends little more and give time to your mother. Realize that as you are stepping into adulthood, your mother is also stepping into her old age. Once she is old, she might not be able to enjoy every luxury of life. She may not be able to see, walk or even talk. Don't miss this precious time with her that you have. Your life is easy because you have mother, go and ask the ones who sleep daily after crying wishing to have a mother like others. Your mother can teach you every thing except how to love her back with the same warmth and selflessness. 

         Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers of this world.


10 May 2014 | By: Writing Buddha

Introduction to Java Programming by K. Somasundaram (Book Review)!!!

1084th BLOG POST -->>

 I had my practical examination some days ago for which I picked up Dr. K. Somasundaram's "Introduction to Java Programming" along with Programming in Java 2 by the same author(published by Jaico Publication House). Book has very attractive cover page which makes you feel that you are picking up an interesting book rather than one based upon boring codes and syntax. Author makes it sure that you get adept in basic coding of Core Java. He does not make tough topics tougher by explaining them in humongous words. In spite, he uses language that can be understood even by a laymen. All the definitions that are described in the book are apt and does not direct you towards Google to find simpler version of it. If Balagurusamy has been one writer to be followed while the initial stages of a programming language, with him, I will also recommend Dr. K. Somasundaram to all. 

            This book is intended for a one-semester, beginner’s level course on Java programming. It includes the new features included in JDK1.7. Each of its 16 chapters provide review questions for the readers to self-test their learning. “Try It Out” programs that enable the readers to develop programs for real life problems have also been included. Introduction to Java Programming will help budding programmers solidify their foundation on Java and move on to higher level topics like Swing, JDBC, Servlets etc. 

Key Features
• Simple presentation with an in-depth explanation of concepts up to the required level
• Complete programs provided for each concept
• New features included in JDK1.7
• Updated to J2SE7
• Uses the recently introduced printf() method defined in Console class instead of the classical statement System.out.println(). 

1. Introduction
2. Literals, Data Types and Variables
3. The Structure of a Java Program
4. Operators
5. Control Statements
6. Arrays
7. Classes
8. Inheritance
9. Packages and Interfaces
10. Wrapper Classes
11. Exceptions
12. Input and Output Classes
13. Strings
14. Threads
15. Applets

16. Graphics

             Dr. K. Somasundaram is a Professor & Head of Dept. of Computer Science & Applications at Gandhigram Rural Institute. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computational Physics from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and M.Sc. degree in Physics with specialisation in Electronics from the University of Madras. His teaching experience spans over two decades to undergraduate and postgraduate courses. He has developed several software for scientific and commercial applications. He has contributed to various major journals and is a member of the Indian Society for Technical Education.

            I appreciate the way each and every concept is taught through examples and real-life illustrations which makes it easy for you to understand jargon and difficult terms. Also, all the programs that are given under the topics makes you come closer to the programming language. All the programs are appropriate and understandable in terms of the explanation given. The topics such as Data types, structure, operators, Arrays, classes, inheritance, packages, interfaces, Exceptions are wonderfully explained. Later topics are little hard to understand because of their natural difficulty levels but still author has tried his best to convey the elaborations. Book ends with JDBC connectivity which makes you almost expert in the Core Java section of the specific programming language. I would recommend it to all who have not even seen java but wishes to build career in it. This book is going to be very helpful.
 Thanks a lot.


Programming in Java 2 by Dr. K. Somasundaram (Book Review)!!!

1083rd BLOG POST -->>

     I had my practical examination some days ago for which I picked up Dr. K. Somasundaram's Programming in Java 2 (published by Jaico Publication House). Book has very attractive cover page which makes you feel that you are picking up an interesting book rather than one based upon boring codes and syntax. Author makes it sure that you get adept in basic coding of Core Java. He does not make tough topics tougher by explaining them in humongous words. In spite, he uses language that can be understood even by a laymen. All the definitions that are described in the book are apt and does not direct you towards Google to find simpler version of it. If Balagurusamy has been one writer to be followed while the initial stages of a programming language, with him, I will also recommend Dr. K. Somasundaram to all. 

             The book starts with the basic concepts of object oriented programming and a concise introduction to Java language and Java architecture. The classes, inheritance and abstract classes are explained with the help of programs. All chapters contain complete programs with outputs. In addition real life problems are stated and complete programs are given. Important points are highlighted and all chapters contain objective type review questions.

Key Features
— Clean and crisp description and explanation
— Hard to understand concepts are explained through appropriate conceptual diagrams
— Review questions and exercises for each chapter
— 204 complete programs
— 35 programs for real life problems
— 149 figures and 47 tables 

             Dr. K. Somasundaram is a Professor & Head of Dept. of Computer Science 
& Applications at Gandhigram Rural Institute. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computational Physics from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and M.Sc. degree in Physics with specialisation in Electronics from the University of Madras. His teaching experience spans over two decades to undergraduate and postgraduate courses. He has developed several software for scientific and commercial applications. He has contributed to various major journals and is a member of the Indian Society for Technical Education.

            I appreciate the way each and every concept is taught through examples and real-life illustrations which makes it easy for you to understand jargon and difficult terms. Also, all the programs that are given under the topics makes you come closer to the programming language. All the programs are appropriate and understandable in terms of the explanation given. The topics such as Data types, structure, operators, Arrays, classes, inheritance, packages, interfaces, Exceptions are wonderfully explained. Later topics are little hard to understand because of their natural difficulty levels but still author has tried his best to convey the elaborations. Book ends with JDBC connectivity which makes you almost expert in the Core Java section of the specific programming language. I would recommend it to all who have not even seen java but wishes to build career in it. This book is going to be very helpful.

 Thanks a lot.


Review: Nokia Lumia 525: Best Offer at Rs. 9000!!!

1082nd BLOG POST -->>

Windows Phone is quite struggling in the market because of its confinement when it comes to application, speed and independence that the interface provides. Still Lumia models by Nokia are doing pretty fare in the market. With the arrival of Windows 8.1, it is expected that the system will open its horizon in all the directions. Nokia Lumia 520 has been one of the most selling phones in a year or so. Out of all the Windows phone, it has sold 45%. Just think of its large customer base. Hence, Nokia Lumia 525, that released as its successor had big shoes to fill. I am holding this phone from last 2 weeks and now I feel that it is doing pretty same as Lumia 520. It's 1 GM RAM as compared to 512 MB RAM of Lumia 520 definitely gives this model a boom. 
     Lumia 525 has wonderful design which is easy to hold, make a call or type. It's touch screen is sensitive which also allows you to use wearing gloves. Andrioid phones do not provide this facility. If you keep Lumia 520 and 525 asides, it would be hard to differentiate them from each other. On the right side, it has lock/unlock button, volume up/down button and a camera shutter button which helps you to take images properly. The charging port is at the bottom while earphone's port is given on the top. It has 3 buttons on the top- 1 to go back while navigation, middle one for coming back to Menu and 3rd one for directly going to Search app powered by Bing. The speaker is given at the backside which is fine for ringtones and alarm tones but if you would like to hear sound from songs and videos, it will start screeching if you try to increase the volume after 65-70%. 
      The best feature of this phone is its tiling menu. You can tile your favorite app on the home screen and save your time from searching them from large list of installed applications. Internet is powered by HTML 5 and it works smoothly on this handset. Camera feature is perfect. 5 MP camera gives you more than expected images in daylight as it does not have flash to work in low lights, indoor and nights. Camera has many pre-installed and available applications that allow you to take image normally and edit it later on in leisure. You will be astonished to witness magic these applications does with your clicked images. Video is taken in HD and MP4 format. It's clear and smooth when played on some other device or laptop. You will love this cell phone when it comes to Camera quality.
     Pre-installed Office is also a great boon. You can easily view your documents of any format. You can also edit them easily. You get free space in OneDrive(previously known as SkyDrive). Even if you do not want to fill your phone memory with files, you can add them in OneDrive. It's very easy to access the Cloud function in this phone. The 8 GB internal memory and 64 GB external memory option makes this phone very flexible while choosing from the phone lying under budget of Rs. 10,000. While making calls, I was delighted to hear a very good quality of sound from the other side. Also when I tried to speak from 2 meters away, the person was able to make out what I was speaking. You will not be disappointed even by it. Phone's battery back up is also favorable as it can easily work up to 2 days and on stand by mode, it can stay for longer.
  Coming to few drawbacks, high-end games, though, works on it because of 1 GB RAM but still you will find some interruptions while playing Temple Run. Speaker isn't ideal when it comes to listening music at high volume. Some application work very slowly and hence, might irritate you. The Windows Application Store does not have much options to give. Obviously, against Play Store, it's tiny. You can not mail files to anyone. Only images are allowed. Leaving the drawbacks aside, you will love the feature of mail push-up. It's very frequent and smooth. Similarly, it lets all your FB updates and Twitter updates fall at one integrated interface through which you can reply and react to each one of them. I had to pay Rs. 8883 to Flipkart to get this phone. At this pricing, Nokia Lumia 525 is a sure-shot winner. It's here to stay. 

2 May 2014 | By: Writing Buddha

Rise of the Sun Prince by Shubha Vilas (Book Review:4.25*/5)

1081st BLOG POST -->>

        After reading lots of epic fiction, I finally picked up this book based on pure mythology. "Rise of the Sun Prince" written by Shubha Vilas. It's first book in the series of "Ramayana: The Game Of Life" (whole series is going to be of 6 books). Jaico Books known for publishing similar stuffs once again gives us a book which has a soul of Ramayana and character of Rama right from its cover page to the words written to describe this beautiful tale. Book 1 is wholly dedicated to the life of Lord Rama from his birth to his marriage. Another specialty is its protagonist. Most of us would think peeping into cover page and synopsis that it would be Rama but the real protagonist of this book is Vishwamitra and then Dasaratha. That's what Book 1 gives you as a surprise. :-)

           When we talk about Ramayana, we talk only about the incidents that plays big part in the epic. But how did the hatred and origin of that particular incident occur, Shubha Vilas concentrates upon that in this book. E.g. How Rama(in his childhood) once plays a small prank with Manthra because of which she starts hating him more than before and that hatred results Rama going to exile for 14 years two decades later.

       Even the fight between Vishwamitra and Vasishtha is something new and exciting to read. How does Ramayana lands into Valmiki's responsibility to write is with what this book starts with. The story of Ahilya turning into stone, the formation of Srilanka, the competition between Vayu and snake etc. are also given the main preferences in the book along with main occurrences in Ramayana. 
   The usage of capital H in "He" and "His" even when the words arrived in the middle of a sentence to describe Lord Rama shows the amount of respect author has for Him. I read a book "The Exiled Prince" few days ago. You can call this book an improved version of it. The small notes and messages in the footer of pages are as beautiful as the story. I want to only read it once again specially because for most of the time, they acted as interruption to the story(drawback). Also, the "Laws" of few things that author has noted in between of chapters are inspirational. 

            The chapter from the Book 2 introduced in the end of this book didn't worked well with me. I felt it took away the excitement of climax from Book 1. Also, the cover page of this book though beautiful, serene and attractive makes it look as if the book is for school children. That's the only reason why adults won't pick up the book misinterpreting animation as children's muse. But read this book to know about Vishwamitra's elegance, Dasaratha's simplicity and Lord Rama's rise. In all, I would give this book 4.25* out of 5. It's definitely readable. Go For It!

1 May 2014 | By: Writing Buddha

Review: Samrat & Co: Every Minute is Painful!!!

1080th BLOG POST -->>

 Since Kahaani has released and done wonderfully in the genre of thriller, no other film has emerged out to be victorious since then. The announcement of Samrat And Co. was a hope that it would give us some surprising element never seen before considering Rajeev Khandelwal in the movie as he always tries to explore a new corner in his movies. Alas! This movie seems to be a daily soap made over 100 episodes with the only target of finding a murderer. The funniest part is that at one point of time, everyone in the movie believes a ghost is doing all of it and no human is involved. Actually, its obvious noting that the director is someone who has ben famous for his TV serials. 

          A young, beautiful and rich girl, Dimpy Singh (Madalasa Sharma), approaches Samrat Tilakdhari (Rajeev Khandelwal), a private investigator, with a strange case. Their garden got ruined for reasons that appear natural but are not known; leading horticulturists have examined the fading plants but they have not been able to identify the probable reason. Further, her father's favorite horse died; once again the reason for the pre-mature death remains a mystery. That's not the end; Dimpy’s father Mahendra Pratap Singh (Girish Karnad), otherwise a very strong and balanced man, has been experiencing deteriorating health. All these aspects when combined makes the case sound weird and that grabs the attention of Samrat.

Samrat along with his assistant friend, Chakradhar Pandey (Gopal Datt), visits the huge estate of Mahendra Pratap Singh. As he starts investigating, he discovers lots of mysterious facts. The story progresses when a murder takes place in the house, which leads to a series of events, complicating things for Samrat. Every character around seems to be hiding something. How will Samrat unfold the mysteries? Will there be more mysteries while he is investigating? Will the case be solved?

         The movie is less about mysteries but more about Samrat's useless interventions in the lives of people who don't have anything to do with this murder. Background music tries to gain some brownie points but loses as soon as the scene starts because you realize it is yet another scene that has nothing to do with the plot. What would you say when you find the actress of the movie getting closer to the detective she have hired to find out the secret behind her father's condition/murder? That's like a typical and mediocre Bollywood stuff. 

           Usually, we find that the second lead with the detective in the movie speaks too much while the main lead is always silent and on work. Here, Chakradhar Pandey keeps on speaking but.... but with him, Rajeev Khandelwal himself speaks non-stop and incessantly right from his first cut to the last cut. We know him for his silent roles but in this movie, when he has no one around him to talk with, he talks with his own self. E.g. "Come on, Samrat". :| The actress of the movie, Madalasa Sharma, plays dumb in almost all her part. Priyanshu Sharma seems to be doing Abhishek Bachchan in the movie in every scene. Rest, everyone's role is a cameo and as useless as watching this movie. Thank God it ended by that time otherwise I would have left it in between. I hope Mr. Kaushik Ghatak works upon his limitations in next movie that he directs. This is not a TV daily soap, sir. 

 Thanks a lot.