896th BLOG POST -->>
Many of you have been happy while some of you irritated because of numerous book reviews that came back to back in last 2 months. Even I don't want to make this platform monotonous but sometimes, it is what time demands. I wasn't reading books due to college from a long time and as soon as my vacation started from 21st May, 2013, I promised myself that I would be reading 50 books and posting 75 Blog Posts at least. I have failed tremendously. I have been able to update just 58 Blog Posts in 56 Days and have been able to read/review just 30 books in all. But I am sure that in next vacation, I will achieve what I aimed this time. And coming to the fiction post that I recently wrote, many of you didn't like its climax because you feel that its totally opposite to what I normally speak. Don't worry, it was just a fiction. Take it easy. :-)
Coming to the day.... I am back after my First day of college of 2nd year of MCA. As I was scared that I would get bored or feel tired because of keeping my spine straight for straight 8 hours after 2 months, there was nothing that happened of this sort. In fact, the day was very bright and I enjoyed it thoroughly. At a point of time when I came to know that we are going to be left after Lunch break as its just the first day, I felt bad. Oh Yes! I didn't say this to any of my batch-mates otherwise I would have been abused and beaten like anything. :-) Some expressions are meant only to be shared with my readers on this platform. There are some newcomers and I have liked 1 or 2 of them. I was quite silent for the whole day because of some personal trauma but still the day wasn't that bad for me. But every classmate of mine looked beautiful as I was seeing them after a long time. That's what vacations do to us. :-)
Co-incidentally, on 16th July itself, last year I took admission in this college for Master's and I can't believe that one year has passed so soon. I didn't even realize and time has flown like a UFO which comes to spy on Earth. Many times in books, I have read that we shouldn't take time lightly as once it passes away, we keep regretting for not respecting it when it was in our hands. I feel that I have not done much in last one year in terms of my experience in college. I have just passed my time. Even the moments with friends have not been very good. Yes, last semester was indeed a very beautiful and positive days of my life but the effect that its bringing now is quite questionable. If one has to pay for the good times, then, I think that getting burnt in hell should be the first priority. But still, I have 2 years in my hands. I hope that I get support of all the people I want in the journey so that I can always call it the best moments for all my life.
Last year, when I was back home after getting admission, I remember how much I cried. I cried because I realized that I will have no friends with me now and the journey will again start from 0. I, in fact, was messaging to my 3 friends continuously about how unhappy I am with this whole process of life that I had to leave them even when I consider them a part of my life. I got the college I dreamed about, I got the infrastructure that I loved- I actually got my dream turn into reality but still there was a void in heart. But later on when my best friend also got admission in my college, it was then that the smile came back on my face. New classmates kept seeing us and speculated that there's something between us but we never paid heed to what people were talking about us. What mattered the most then was the company of each other. And with her, the moments have been very wonderful and epic till now. Period!
Two more years are left of this amazing college life. A moment will come once again when everyone will have to leave each other for upcoming events of life that are going to be as effective as these degrees in the journey. I am continuously begging God to keep all the facts as intact as they have been till now, I hope he believes and trusts in me and give me what I am demanding for. Till now, my result has been very satisfying. I admit that I may not get a fruitful result for the 2nd Semester that I gave in May but still, I am sure that I will keep standing and running ahead. There are some emotional stuffs that are blocking the way but I think they will also be resolved soon. Hey Sai Baba, all in your hands, do bless me. It's quite a traumatic days now but I hope you will handle everything.

1 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:
Hey abhi...happy and nice to hear that you have made yourself to masters...And yeah you not what you are like wow ! 56 days-58 posts and 30 out of 50 book isn't that bad thou...its a good one..i dont no whether i could do that but im happy,surprise and proud that you atleast did 70% of it...hey man dont worry bout your new thinggy feeling in college..it happens evrytime on your 1st day..trust me you will make more friends..Btw Sai Baba never leave anyone who comes to him..im sure he is allready blessing you and he will keep blessing..Tc Abhi..God Bless you..Shri Sai Ram
Congrats and All The Best.. :)
Isha Naidu
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