898th BLOG POST -->>
Narendra Modi- this one name is ruling almost all the newspapers, news channels, politics lovers' discussions etc as 2014 Elections are coming close. What's so special about this man who once used to sell chai and is now the most preferred candidate for the post of Prime Minister? I don't have much knowledge about politics but I know the effect that this man has brought in the state he's ruling. I recently went to Gujarat and within 3 days I heard so much about him that I wanted to shift to Gujarat to actually see what he has done. But what I like about him is the way he has handled the whole scenario in which he was being caught. Everyone started seeing Modi as a rioter, terrorist and the worst man in the game called politics some 11 years ago. Anyone, in place of Modi, would have gone out of race or could have never built his name the way Modi has made. Modi just changed his whole agenda in the eyes of people from Hindutva to development, education, industrialization, youth power etc. This helped him move out from the image of Muslim-haters and build one of the developer of our nation.
This is the best example for me whenever I find myself complicated and stuck in a situation where I feel that I am being dishonored in public or a group of people whom I consider to be deserving does not see me as contender as a person. I immediately get the power of facing them again with new parameters and ideologies. Though I don't leave my take because of which I got eliminated from their list of favorites but I make it sure that my new ideas will make them like me. I remember a time when I had to attend Mr. Fresher competition in Graduation and I had no friends because all left me due to a major misunderstanding. I didn't beg anyone to be with me. But when I left home for college, throughout the journey of half an hour, I kept thinking of how to change the whole scenario in the evening itself. Even then I had this man in my mind as an example. That evening I performed and let everyone know that I am not what they think me as, but I am someone whom they like to be with. And since then I only got friends in Graduation.
The example of this man shows that even if the whole world neglects us and even if there's proof that we have been a criminal, betrayal or not a nice person, we have a chance to be in the public again. I am saying this not in regards of your relation with a person or two but when the whole society boycotts you. It is then that life turns nothing less than hell. I have seen many bloggers who always asked me about what tips should they follow to be in this game of blogging, quitting the hobby and going back to live their previous life. The biggest problem with them has been the defame that they went through which made them feel that they can never again stand back on their legs and write a new post. They just stopped writing their thoughts and left the person like me to lead without any colleagues. This is bad. I know a writer who wrote a gay love story. He was of a very small town and hence his village didn't accept the book. Because of fear of not getting accepted again, he quit writing and is back to his job. So sad! Even I am being thrashed 1000 of times but I have always been able to stand up again because I have the courage to face the dissatisfied and irritated crowd.
I am not saying that Modi is an innocent person nor am I showing support for him and his party. I just wanted to tell the amount of modification he bought in his conduct that even at the national level, he has been able to manipulate the mind of people who clearly remembers the whole crisis in which Gujarat went through after all that happened in Godhra riots. This is how even we can stand up again on stage and face the same crowd which threw rotten eggs and tomatoes on us for speaking something that they didn't believe in. It's just the talent that we will have to skill ourselves in. And once when we become perfect in this game of Modi-ism, there will never come a moment when we will be scared in facing the crowd, public or audience. We will always have the confidence that even if we end up doing something wrong today, we have the chance to build our image tomorrow. For this, Narendra Modi will always be my example and this is the only reason why I watch him speaking in rallies and meetings. :-) Do try to know the whole issue from your father, he'll tell you and then you will also pass on his example in your circle. :-)

3 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:
It's one of the best blog posts you ever wrote on your blog, Abhilash! Loved it.. :)
The post is simply awesome...I really loved these lines "Even I am being thrashed 1000 of times but I have always been able to stand up again because I have the courage to face the dissatisfied and irritated crowd"
its my fst cmnt on ur blog n i jst wants to say good going bro..even i watch narendra modi nt bcuz i lyk him personaly bt jst bcuz of his that capability to stand alone in front of the whole crowd n deliver his best!!
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