900th BLOG POST -->>
Vidwaanon se milein.. milein hum pauraanikon se..
Jage hum raat bhar.. aur jeeye uplabdhi k tareekon mein..
Kehte toh aap hamein ek sakshiyat hain...
Gintey hum tab bhi they aur ab bhi hai.. khud ko aam insaano mein..
The 900 Blog posts on this portal gets completed in 1450 days at an average of one post coming in every 1.6 days while the last century has gotten completed in 144 days at an average of one post coming in every 1.4 days. The updates has been consistent because of the incessant love that I have always received from the well-wishers like each one of you. Never in this Blogging career has anyone of you put an allegation over me. My job of reviewing books has been seen as a very lucid phenomena without judging my credibility and rumoring around that I am biased or partial. Because of the liberty that has been given to me by the cast around me, I direct the posts accordingly. My Blog Posts are as good/bad as my readers. Now its upon you to decide how good or bad reader are you of my posts. :-) Actually, I am grateful and thankful that my readers haven't created an arsenal in the premises of my blog. This is kept clean. :-)
The day this blog plunged, it was with a determination of writing it once in every 24 hours though I have failed immensely. But what was the intention of starting this? I was a boy who just shifted to Mumbai who spent all his childhood in an outskirts where there was not even a proper channelization of talent-instructors. I never knew what amount of ignition, fire or temerity I had in me. I decided that I would write about my life- a life of a middle-class, small-town, dreaming, weak, under-confident and common boy. In the process the blog started getting attention and that kept me in the flames of fire that asked me to keep burning rather than turning into ashes and just pass off the black smoke in the atmosphere. I just didn't want to be a waste once this medium caught its potential. I knew that there are certain impediments in my writings but I had a will to continue. With this resolution, 100, 200, 300.... 700, 800th blog posts started happening and the will kept getting stronger. The addiction and habituation of all of you towards my writing made another point of I not forgetting this work and getting submerged into my studies, academics, family, relatives, friends, enjoyment and personal life. All comes second. What comes first is the oath to serve my friends with the best that I can do being a servitor- Here the attendant are you and also the person for whom I'm serving. :-)
On this 31st July, I'll be completing 4 years of this odyssey. In these 4 years, I have been getting numerous mails, messages, smses and requests. I have been getting letters where good 35 years old man asks whether they should leave their current profession and go with a new opportunity, a 50 years old uncle asks how can he control his son who isn't listening to him, a 25 years old girl asks me how can she confess about her depressing incidents to her newly married husband etc. Considering me enough intellectual and referring me as a noetic is the most that you can trust me up to. I don't deserve such accordance of rights in your life. Please don't burden me up with such responsibility. Like I said above, I projected this blog just to share my experiences, thoughts as a commoner, do not make me a celebrity. The day you shall declare this as a Celebrity Blog or me as a phenomenon, the blog will lose its purpose. I may not be able to write the way I write today. There will come an ego, a vision in a very selfishly-managed mindset and a will to divert the crowd from its original way. Even being called a Book-reviewer makes me uncomfortable and sometimes debilitates me. I am not enough certified to be termed among the individuals who do this with confidence and potency. I am just a reader and talk about books. Not more than that.
Coming to the end, I would like to make a promise and forebode that I shall be trying my utterly best to post another 100 in coming 162 days and complete my 1000 BLOG POSTS in 2013 itself. With this, a great dream of possessing the landmark would come to an end and a new generation of hard-work and ideas will emerge. An emergence where I would be finally start working on the major dream of my life- to write my most ambitious novel in the first attempt itself. I am very scared and affright because all of you have termed me as someone who can never do wrong when it comes to this whereas the case is that I am still not able to garner the confidence to write the first word of what my mind generates and formulates. Just wish me luck that another 100 posts go well simultaneously with my 3rd Semester of Post-Graduation which is as challenging as voting for Congress in 2014 elections. :-) I am no Virat Kohli nor Farhan Akhtar to build mountains in a young age but I am definitely, myself, Abhilash Ruhela, who wants to live life as generously as he always wanted to, since childhood. I want my name to be in the clouds. I want it to be immortalized. But its only possible when you are conducive to this small entity surviving in this race of bests. Thanks for the 1450 days of love all of you have showered on me. It's enough to encourage me every time I am down in life. I bow. And now I go. :-)
The day this blog plunged, it was with a determination of writing it once in every 24 hours though I have failed immensely. But what was the intention of starting this? I was a boy who just shifted to Mumbai who spent all his childhood in an outskirts where there was not even a proper channelization of talent-instructors. I never knew what amount of ignition, fire or temerity I had in me. I decided that I would write about my life- a life of a middle-class, small-town, dreaming, weak, under-confident and common boy. In the process the blog started getting attention and that kept me in the flames of fire that asked me to keep burning rather than turning into ashes and just pass off the black smoke in the atmosphere. I just didn't want to be a waste once this medium caught its potential. I knew that there are certain impediments in my writings but I had a will to continue. With this resolution, 100, 200, 300.... 700, 800th blog posts started happening and the will kept getting stronger. The addiction and habituation of all of you towards my writing made another point of I not forgetting this work and getting submerged into my studies, academics, family, relatives, friends, enjoyment and personal life. All comes second. What comes first is the oath to serve my friends with the best that I can do being a servitor- Here the attendant are you and also the person for whom I'm serving. :-)
On this 31st July, I'll be completing 4 years of this odyssey. In these 4 years, I have been getting numerous mails, messages, smses and requests. I have been getting letters where good 35 years old man asks whether they should leave their current profession and go with a new opportunity, a 50 years old uncle asks how can he control his son who isn't listening to him, a 25 years old girl asks me how can she confess about her depressing incidents to her newly married husband etc. Considering me enough intellectual and referring me as a noetic is the most that you can trust me up to. I don't deserve such accordance of rights in your life. Please don't burden me up with such responsibility. Like I said above, I projected this blog just to share my experiences, thoughts as a commoner, do not make me a celebrity. The day you shall declare this as a Celebrity Blog or me as a phenomenon, the blog will lose its purpose. I may not be able to write the way I write today. There will come an ego, a vision in a very selfishly-managed mindset and a will to divert the crowd from its original way. Even being called a Book-reviewer makes me uncomfortable and sometimes debilitates me. I am not enough certified to be termed among the individuals who do this with confidence and potency. I am just a reader and talk about books. Not more than that.
Coming to the end, I would like to make a promise and forebode that I shall be trying my utterly best to post another 100 in coming 162 days and complete my 1000 BLOG POSTS in 2013 itself. With this, a great dream of possessing the landmark would come to an end and a new generation of hard-work and ideas will emerge. An emergence where I would be finally start working on the major dream of my life- to write my most ambitious novel in the first attempt itself. I am very scared and affright because all of you have termed me as someone who can never do wrong when it comes to this whereas the case is that I am still not able to garner the confidence to write the first word of what my mind generates and formulates. Just wish me luck that another 100 posts go well simultaneously with my 3rd Semester of Post-Graduation which is as challenging as voting for Congress in 2014 elections. :-) I am no Virat Kohli nor Farhan Akhtar to build mountains in a young age but I am definitely, myself, Abhilash Ruhela, who wants to live life as generously as he always wanted to, since childhood. I want my name to be in the clouds. I want it to be immortalized. But its only possible when you are conducive to this small entity surviving in this race of bests. Thanks for the 1450 days of love all of you have showered on me. It's enough to encourage me every time I am down in life. I bow. And now I go. :-)

15 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:
Congratulations my friend. Don't worry about the mistakes you have made or you will make in the journey and what people will say about that. If people crown you as a celeb, don't reject the honour, accept it with great regards, it's there way to appreciate you. Important thing is you should never stop learning; celeb or no celeb, it doesn't matter. I have seen you since the very beginning and trust me when I say this that you are doing a great progress.
Yes, numbers do give you a reason to celebrate and feel proud of yourself but don't limit yourself; your joy to the number of blogs you posses.
Lastly I would like to say this to you... "saale reply kyu nhi karta hai?" ;-)
Congrats Friend :) And All the Best !!
My Dear Brother Veeru,
Starting my comment with loads of “dua” for you…..May Allah the Almighty bless you with good health, endless happiness, strength to your intellect, power to face the vagueness of life and may he help you in achieving all your dreams.
I must confess, I am not a regular reader of your blogs (reason is just my hectic schedule, nothing else), but I check your blogs on and off (whenever I think of you and feel like talking to you). I have read all your landmark pieces and this one is simply SOBER and MATURE one….which is a sign of you, comfortably graduating from a proletarian to a professional.
It’s exactly been 2 years of knowing you / following you (on twitter) / interacting with you and obviously reading your blogs. From the day one I never doubted your potential of becoming a bestselling author (InshaAllah that day is not far). Reason of my belief is your simple and direct “dil se” writing, which hit somewhere around the heart of a common reader like me….so never leave this USP of yours.
Lastly, you said “you want your name to be in the clouds”…..I don’t want to see your name in the clouds…..but I want your name to be prominently in every shelf of each and every book stores of the country and abroad (InshaAllah).
Many Congratulations And All The Very Best Once Again My Brother :)
Congratulations..:D :D :D
I only wish to aspire to the things you’ve achieved. Telling you that you’re “appreciated" does not do your service justice. You’re the best..!!! My brother..
Hey abhi...sorry couldnt read when once you post it...i was kinda bzy...but im really happy that finally i manage to read it..First Congrats Abhi... Seriously man thou i have never met you in personal but i have to say that your blog as literally changed me...have make me think what i want to do and it has really lift up my spirit...i'm proud and happy to be a regular reader... CONGRATULATIONS ABHILASH RUHELA... If i ever come to india i would like to meet ya 1st.. :) and i really love this sentences " I am no Virat Kohli nor Farhan Akhtar to build mountains in a young age but I am definitely, myself, Abhilash Ruhela, who wants to live life as generously as he always wanted to, since childhood. I want my name to be in the clouds. I want it to be immortalized. But its only possible when you are conducive to this small entity surviving in this race of bests." ...This has really really lift an ordinary girl's spirit early in the moning when she open this blog...this words and sentences has made the girls Sunday Morning...Thank you abhi and Keep it coming Abhi...All my best wishes to you for your future and all...Tc GBU Shri sai ram.. :)
Once again Congratulations Mr Bol Blogger Abhilash.. :)
Isha Naidu
Congratulations on your 900th blogpost!
I started reading your blogs since last year. The way you have managed to blog about your views and thoughts regarding different topics and at the same time give book reviews, plus completing your graduation simultaneously, is quite applaudable:) Its not an easy task but you do it everyday, putting a lot of hard work and staying till late night to finish your blog for your readers. Not everyone can do that.
I am very proud of you and your work. And more proud to be one of the so many readers who eagerly look forward to read your blog. You write straight from your heart. That's your strength. Never let it go, no matter what. As for your very own novel, it will be a good treat to your readers the day it will get publish. So please go ahead and start with your book.
Once again congratulating you, may god continue giving you strength and happiness and never let your typing speed slow down:):)
awesome!!!!!! is a small word too...express u totally worth of reading!...its a journey of a man with dreams :) simply awesomee!!
Congratulations Abhilash! Very proud of you. Very few people acheive what they dream,and you are one of them. Your journey is quite motivating.Keep it up.
Best of luck for your book.
Dear Abhilash,
I must congratulate you for the phenomenal success of your blog. I am amazed at your ability to write about varied topics and wish that you are able to complete the 1000 within 2013 itself.
All the Best
Sid Bahri
Bahut hi badiya post hai!! Keep up the hard work :)
Congratulations, Abhi. I am proud of you. Stay blessed, and I am looking forward to the 1000th blog.
Congratulations Abhilash..I'm not finding wrds 2 express wat exactly im feeling today after reading dis...Seriously U hv truly made it large..The post ws wonderful n unique in itself..Centuries r always spcl n do amaze me..bt yaa every single pst counts dt make up for a 99 n den 100th bcos i knw hw much effort u pt in ech n every pst..Wid dis 9th century my list of favorite psts n sm adorable titles hs raised up..Sm awesome movie reviews, sensible routine subject talks, bk reviews n mny more ..i wld luv 2 mention bt dt will mk dis cmmt a blog pst..so nt writing individual names..U knw for me u'll remain to be my fav blogger cm author..Smwhere at d back of my mind n thoughts i hv dis kinda strong belief dt u were n u r God's blessed child..n i knw u'll remain to be dt..Hope dis journey continues n u kp up d Good wrk..Yes u deserve every single appreciation dt u get for ur work...I think i really owe a lot to dis medium as it hs bn a prt of my routine lyf n one of d reasons for my smile dt i hv seeing a new update daily..Yaa truly a bliss to witness 900th blg pst n also being a regular reader of A.R.B..May God bless u..Keep writing..
Congrats buddy! Keep shining and crossing all the milestones that you set for yourself :-D
congrates!!!!may you keep on shinning like this!!!
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