837th BLOG POST -->>
Movies are an internal part of our lives. I get surprised when I hear from anyone that they are not a movie liker and they never go to theater or bring CDs at home for viewing their favorite movie genre. Whenever we feel down, the first thing that comes into our mind is to play beautiful songs. They are part of our movies. Then we also feel like watching movies when we are too stressed because of too many ups and down in our life. The most romantic counterpart for girls and boys these days is to go to theater for a movie. They find extreme secrecy plus they get to see themselves among the characters of a romantic movie. In our India, basically all the movies rotate around a boy and a girl and their complicated relationship. We have been enjoying this since ages and we still go to see such movies. It has been 100 years of our Indian Cinema and it seems as if there has been contribution for over than 1000 years.
The most respected personalities in our lives are the actors. The greatest Indian whom the majority of Indians rate is none other than an actor i.e. Amitabh Bachchan. Though Cricket remains to be a religion in India but its conditional. The moment our team starts losing continuously, we end up being a movie buff again. Let it be any season, watching movie remains to be our first love. And its so happening for us that we get to watch a new movie every Friday. Though some times, shits in the name of movies but still. These days Torrent plays it part differently. We get to watch uncountable movies because of it. There's no limit. Though movies are meant for entertainment but there are some movies that stays in our heart or sends out such a strong message that it sets a totally new mindset in our traditional ideologies.
The best example: The traditional mindset was to love a girl by holding her hands but Emraan Hashmi taught us how exactly a girl is to be loved. Haha. Just kidding. But seriously, movies have power to change our lives. The only reason why people liked 3 Idiots extremely is because it spoke what all youngsters wanted their parents to understand. We want to pursue what we are very good in but our parents want us to gain a job related to what we have academically learned. The reason why Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara never bores me is because it taught me many things about life. It showed how fear has to be exempted from life even when it seems as an impossibility to us. It taught me that the current moment of life is eternity while what comes in future is over to God and we shouldn't worry about it. Taare Zameen Par has given an outlook as to why shouldn't I judge a child over his academic performances. He always has an X-factor which gets submerged deep inside him because of lack of confidence and fear that people will scold him again for being an under performer.
Stanley Ka Dabba tells how there are several people who are seeing worst that we can't even imagine but yet whenever they meet us, they only state the positive sides of life and never let us know what they are going through. Kai Po Che is yet another movie that tells how we youngsters have an enthusiasm and courage to excel in whatever we feel we are good in. Udaan tells how hard it becomes to suffer the pain that comes from the source that is full of sin but we never take a step because of the respect that relationship carries. And later, in the climax, it tells how even a parent deserves slap when they don't understand the amount of torture they are affecting their child with. Movies like Lakshya has taught how even a nerdy becomes a responsible citizen of India with sheer determination and hard un-ending efforts. Rockstar shows how arrogance takes away all that we earn with our talent and conviction for dream.
Several movies have affected my life and its hard to list all of them here. But I can not thank more to these 100 years of Indian Cinema which grew up with every Friday and gave us some evergreen movies that shall always keep asking us to change ourselves for good. There are many movies that create an urge in ourselves to work day and night. Then there are other section of movies that explains why we should also take life easily and enjoy other beautiful aspects of it. I am not a great movie buff. I don't watch every movie in theater. I don't even buy DVDs every month. I am not even having unlimited data Internet plan that I get to download movies 24*7 and see them all one after another. But whatever selective movies I watch, I do enjoy them with heart which keeps me intrigued for many weeks in to it. To all the units that helps in creating a movie- Director, Producer, Actor, Singer, Music Director, Editor, Writer etc, thanks for working day and night to entertain us, the audience which has no better option than to switch to a Movie Channel on television and spend rest of the day with a smiling face and horizontal spine; when in tension. :-) I hope that one day I would be a part of Indian Cinema by contributing in any section of it. Let's see.

2 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:
Movies create an unbreakable bond between actors and viewers.
Being a movie lover, I have watched movies of different genre and languages.
Definitely there are movies which have changed my way of thinking about life.
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