834th BLOG POST -->>
Very few people can inspire you by not being around you. They can give you energy and a reason to live by just doing their work correctly with perfection and positive attitude. We see these people and get inspired. We want to be like them. We dream of living a life of theirs. We start learning from them. For some, just praying such people is enough. This itself makes them feel good about their life. Some are just fans who wants to see their idol working and achieving things rather than following them and being one of their kinds in their field of work. There's no problem in being in this group either as loving someone unconditionally even when you know that they belong to a totally different world which is almost in-achievable for us to be in. One such person is SACHIN TENDULKAR. People love him unconditionally. Though we blamed him a lot for not scoring much Centuries in these last days of his Cricket but yet the love and respect remained for him for what he has given us in almost 2.5 decades since he is in this game of Cricket. I don't think that there's anyone who can blame Sachin Tendulkar for being arrogant and egoistic. He has always served us with passion. He has taken our nation to a very different level and made us recognizable in World through his contribution in the game that he selected as his career. Today, the man turns 40 and through this medium that we have, I wish him and from the behalf of all my readers A Very Happy Birthday.
I still remember the month of December and the day 23rd. I was studying with my friends when suddenly I got a message from my childhood friend telling me on Whatsapp about the tragic news of Sachin's retirement from ODIs. Never did I expect that the great man will leave this famous format of Cricket without even giving a proper speech. He just announced his retirement from his home and seemed to be very frustrated with every thing around him. It seemed as if he wanted to play more but he was not been allowed as team always wants the best 11 to serve it and Sachin Tendulkar was not performing anymore. With age, with time, there comes an age or phase when you still have the skills and technicalities but luck does not favour you. Every time the ball comes towards you, you become conscious of all the media, news, people's opinion and pressure and end up getting lost. Ball gets into wicket and you are back to pavilion. And this streak continues. Sachin got victim to this unusual and displeasing phenomena. And he left the ODIs without even letting us, his fans, give him a final farewell with all the emotions choking us throughout the match that would have been his last. :-(
This career of Sachin Tendulkar itself shows that nothing stays for longer. Every thing that you have has to go some day away from you. You can't chase it as the time period for which it was allocated to you has been over. Now you can only wish to lead your life in future with smile on your face and passion for something else. Life does not end at any stage. Rahul Dravid retired from all forms of Cricket. Seeing his performances in IPL, it is sure that he still has the charm in him. But still he sits at home rather than playing anymore. But is his life depressing after this? No. He is enjoying the new phase of commentary and writing columns. Life never stops. The same is seen in Sachin's attitude. Every time that people have raised fingers at him, he has made it sure that he is making them all realize soon that he is the same Tendlya for whom they took half-days at their offices to witness his innings.
I don't know whether Sachin Tendulkar is going to play Tests for any longer or IPL but I know that his Cricketing era will always motivate and help us a lot for all our lives. Every time we would be falling down, some or the other person will give us an example having him in it and we will get our strength back. For me, his name itself works. I don't even need to see his videos or pictures to realize what he has done in last 2.5 decades. He has been a very great teacher to me. I have learnt so much from him. Controlling anger to having patience to bearing criticisms to carry accusations to almost being victimized for something that we have not been even a part of still appreciating the unwanted happening. He tells how the work itself does not define a person but also his character and its outlook does. He has maintained a good character throughout and hence, we love him more. Otherwise, there has been many better innings by others too. But why Sachin Tendulkar stands out to be different for us does not have just one reason i.e. Cricket but many other human aspects that we have to learn from him.
On his 40th Birthday, I wish to see him doing something greater in life if he leaves Cricket by joining some other interest. :-) A Very Happy Birthday to this institution-in-himself Super Human Being- Mr. Sachin Tendulkar. You will always remain in our hearts. :-)