13 February 2013 | By: Writing Buddha

Don't Flush the SHIT But Generate BIOGAS out of it :-)

794th BLOG POST -->>

             You have to realize the potential that you have in yourself. Either today or tomorrow but some day you will surely realize that you have not done what you could do. And that moment should be it. The last when you were the same. You have to be different then. You at least have to start thinking about how to be different. Being different here does not mean wearing yellow underwear over your red trouser with vest as the only garment hiding your black-dotted nipples. Being different here means being recognized as someone who is extra-ordinary every time you walk with your friends to someone who does not know any of you. Let yourself get introduced as someone who has certainly done something that none of them has. Scoring highest marks in class is not somewhere your potential can be judged. You have to get known about the market value of all the talent and skills that you possess. You will have to consider yourself as the best part in this exclusive life of Earth. And only then you will achieve what others don't even dream of. 

               If I love dancing and I think that this is what I can do best, I am doing fine with my life. The next step from here should be to analyze as to what my life would be after 5 years if I'll continue with this work or do something bigger with it. If you realize that with this, you will be able to maintain your inner peace but you will have to struggle with all that you have in your life, minus it. No other option. It will be hard. But now you will have to evoke more that is in you. And everyone of us have almost every thing in us except one or two. It is just that we under-estimate ourselves to a level at which bouncing back becomes difficult. We just sink and sink and sink. This should not happen. As soon as you find a work by doing which you can build your inner soul peaceful and life eventful, go for it. Then wait for none. Criticism is all that you will have to bear if the thing goes wrong. What more? Nothing. At least you will be satisfied that you did what you thought of. 

               And if you are trying something for 10 times to make your life bigger, you will fail for 9 times but the probability is always of 1/10 when you try for 10 times with the extensive passion. And if you fight for 9 times and finally get that 10th chance as a strike, you have made something in your goal towards doing something big. Isn't it? Now again make another goal and start working towards it. Fail for 9 times and you will finally hit the dick at 10th attempt. Sorry, dick is the one that hits. Haha! The day people start criticizing your work, concentrate not you but your work, be assured that you are on the right path. And then hear none. Even parents will not know more than you when you want to achieve something that's your passion. Everyone has rough idea about everything in this world but there is no whole and sole information holder who knows almost every shit that's happening in the world. So the shit that you have selected to utilize as bio gas will surely give energy. Let others ask you to flush the same but you will have to believe in the shit. I am calling your passion "shit" because that's what these so called intellectuals will think it to be. Because they are not attached with it. It's you who is living for it, with it and from it. 

                It's the time to convert all the negativity into positivism. If something does not work, make it sure that there would be some valid reason behind it rather than qualifying your final statement that the thing needs to be shelved down as it does not deserve more precious time of your life. Let the precious time of your life get wasted over this. It is later you will realize that it wasn't the time wasted but time utilized. Nothing comes with the climax done. If at Interval, you'll know what's going to be the end of the movie, will you ever enjoy the movie? Then why do you need to know the climax of every thing that you decide to do? Let the time pass. Let the struggle begin. Everything has struggle. All of us have studied and thus everyone of us knows that every exam that we have cleared by scoring more than 70% marks made us struggle. But the result is always fruitful. The number of nuts that you will break with your teeth will surely ache your teeth but later on, your teeth will be able to break anyone's skull with it. Realize the power. Realize your skills. Realize the patience involved. Realize the struggle needed. And then you will get the fruitful results. Start trying. 



2 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:

Dowdy gal said...

Well said, but it is also necessary to weigh in the pros and cons before setting out to do what you want to pursue, without being a people pleaser.

Writing Buddha said...


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