800th BLOG POST -->>
Ek baar khol de khidki.. mujhko bhi hawa ka jhoka lene de..
Ek baar khol de mutthi.. mujhko bhi kismat ka paimana chakhne de..
Na jaane kitni zindagi aur bachi hai.. par hai jitni bhi..
Mujhko bhi udaan bhar lene de.. Aur aasmaan se bhi upar udd lene de..
I don't realize but I hope all of you do. Time for me is slack but it runs. Achievement for me is upshot yet it excites you. Living life for me is normal but it inspires you. The tribulation is not to be a legend or a celebrity but prostration has been retained to keep the steadiness wielded. It has been seriously a long time since I have been active on this medium to keep delivering whatever I have in my potentials and confinements. There might be a day when I'll have to close this medium and go back to the life I started with. But the time that the presence has been kept for, this medium is the one that you and I shall remember ever and ever. Learned are you and so am I through this medium. I taught you some deliverance while you taught me some. The degree of "some" cannot be spoken of but can be felt. It's huge. It's vast. It's dynamically big. The Universe is conspired together to crusade this space to a zenith through which I may turn a wanted being in this world which care of none. But then, I have all of you who take my care. Thanks!!!
This is my 1300th Day on this BLOG. Planning has not been done but yet the 800TH comes on the respective day. An event over an event. 20th FEBRUARY becomes the day when 8th Century has been achieved with 800% Success. This is the day when my Late Chachaji and Chachiji used to celebrate their marriage anniversary. I don't have much to say over his death and her survival but what I need to say is that life can be tough for some who are ambitious while it is easy for some who do not even care about their lives. I do. I love my life. I remember the seconds that used to seem as if a birth has been lived. Then, it used to be in pain but now it's by choice. I have turned workaholic. I need to be an example of someone who kept on carving the statue till his death only to give the founded Diamond in the middle of the statue to the people of the village. I want to leave my presence after I die on this Earth. For that, I will do no matter what. I want to change lives and go. I want all of us to meet in heaven. For the final event, I am preparing right from now. :-)
Over all, the blog has been updated at a rate of 1 Post per 1.6 days while the last century has been posted at a rate of 1 post per 1.4 days. This has no vainglorious element in it. There's a bit of chagrin in me for failing to give this particular post some 2-3 weeks ago to all of you. But then life does not end on this medium itself. Life is fighting its own cataclysms which I have to support every time when its in ring. :-) I can sprawl over here and there and can be termed as a neophyte but I don't. I want to let the Book stores smile more with my presence in their shelves. I will surely work a lot on what I have been promising all of you. I will not let the disconcerting moment arise in your heart when its emotions are been talked of in respective to this portal.
I would like to thank all the people I have in life. They are crazy. Recently, when I let them know about one of my achievements, some of them didn't show the excitement because they believed that I am capable of. This belief which people have in me that I am made for something bigger makes me strive day and night to crave for perfection and be something of Amitabh Bachchan-kind that people would look at me as an example and inspiration. Even if my country is not changing because of any of my Blog Posts, I can see a part of it changing. Even if it may have not brought any effect in the life of any of the readers, at least my life is changed. I was someone who discouraged life. Today, I am been revitalized. This medium has grown to a large extent where one cannot ignore it. I am being published because this medium has been continued with proper deliverance. Tomorrow is yet another achievement, you never know what may come in the path.
I never promoted this medium because I always wanted to keep the purity intact. I don't care if the number of my readers is proliferating or not. What I demand from this medium is to remain the best. If today it's 800 Blog Posts and 125 Book Reviews, I want it to get bigger by one bit tomorrow. Hence, I try my best to post an update almost every day. Sometimes the dice stops rolling when I want it to but sometimes it rolls a little more and delays the process of up-gradation. I have never done anything to let this space have an identity of its own except abbreviating it for "ARB". But this time I have gone a step further to display the heights of this medium. At least that's what I consider. Now, we have a logo for this BLOG. And it's the first time that something of this kind has been tried. This LOGO shall be the identity of this medium henceforth. It will be identified through it. I am sharing the Logo for the first time with all of you. Do tell me how it is -->>
I never have much to say at every landmark or achievement of this medium except thanking everyone to be a part of this journey. A journey that has become my life. A journey that has taught me that life is more than just sleeping and resting. I totally trust this journey of mine and I hope it will help me attain what I need to in life. I started this medium with a badly designed page, the worst grammar usage and a very bad segmentation of almost every division of this medium. With time I learned. After almost 400 Blog Posts, I got the recognition I was craving for. And since I got the hold that I needed, I have never played with any of my posts. Every post has a sound amount of truthfulness, innocence and subject. I never post a blog just to increase the number of my posts. I don't need to do it anymore. 800 is not a small number. Hence, I love the way all of you respect the medium than raising questions over its integrity. That would be something which'll break me. Hope the time never comes. And I expect that I won't get distracted by other sorts of benefits that can be made out of this medium.
This time I am not offering only this Centurion Post to all of you but also another offering that might interest you. I have been published in a book named "Uff Ye Emotions" which is being liked by everyone who has reviewed it till now. I am happy that my story which is the collaboration of two stories already written on this medium is been liked by people. The posts have been removed from here as the Copyrights have been owned by the Publication House now. Wow!!! When had I ever thought that I would be talking such things in future. :-) A common boy from a small town. But God equalizes the position of all. :-) Let's come back to the end of this post and the topic. Every time a Centurion Post comes I get many comments. This time the best two comments would be getting a copy of "Uff Ye Emotions" each including a Music Album CD by Roouth- The Eternal band. I sincerely thank Mr. Sunill Kaushik for creating this Logo for my Blog which has added aesthetic values to it. And my hearty thanks to all of you for staying with me for the last 1300 Days. No girlfriend has ever stayed with me for more than 13 days. Now you can imagine what all of you have given me. Happiness * 100. Haha! With this let's expect this medium to be an inspiration to many.

I never promoted this medium because I always wanted to keep the purity intact. I don't care if the number of my readers is proliferating or not. What I demand from this medium is to remain the best. If today it's 800 Blog Posts and 125 Book Reviews, I want it to get bigger by one bit tomorrow. Hence, I try my best to post an update almost every day. Sometimes the dice stops rolling when I want it to but sometimes it rolls a little more and delays the process of up-gradation. I have never done anything to let this space have an identity of its own except abbreviating it for "ARB". But this time I have gone a step further to display the heights of this medium. At least that's what I consider. Now, we have a logo for this BLOG. And it's the first time that something of this kind has been tried. This LOGO shall be the identity of this medium henceforth. It will be identified through it. I am sharing the Logo for the first time with all of you. Do tell me how it is -->>
I never have much to say at every landmark or achievement of this medium except thanking everyone to be a part of this journey. A journey that has become my life. A journey that has taught me that life is more than just sleeping and resting. I totally trust this journey of mine and I hope it will help me attain what I need to in life. I started this medium with a badly designed page, the worst grammar usage and a very bad segmentation of almost every division of this medium. With time I learned. After almost 400 Blog Posts, I got the recognition I was craving for. And since I got the hold that I needed, I have never played with any of my posts. Every post has a sound amount of truthfulness, innocence and subject. I never post a blog just to increase the number of my posts. I don't need to do it anymore. 800 is not a small number. Hence, I love the way all of you respect the medium than raising questions over its integrity. That would be something which'll break me. Hope the time never comes. And I expect that I won't get distracted by other sorts of benefits that can be made out of this medium.
This time I am not offering only this Centurion Post to all of you but also another offering that might interest you. I have been published in a book named "Uff Ye Emotions" which is being liked by everyone who has reviewed it till now. I am happy that my story which is the collaboration of two stories already written on this medium is been liked by people. The posts have been removed from here as the Copyrights have been owned by the Publication House now. Wow!!! When had I ever thought that I would be talking such things in future. :-) A common boy from a small town. But God equalizes the position of all. :-) Let's come back to the end of this post and the topic. Every time a Centurion Post comes I get many comments. This time the best two comments would be getting a copy of "Uff Ye Emotions" each including a Music Album CD by Roouth- The Eternal band. I sincerely thank Mr. Sunill Kaushik for creating this Logo for my Blog which has added aesthetic values to it. And my hearty thanks to all of you for staying with me for the last 1300 Days. No girlfriend has ever stayed with me for more than 13 days. Now you can imagine what all of you have given me. Happiness * 100. Haha! With this let's expect this medium to be an inspiration to many.

22 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:
Many many Congratulations Abhilash,
You are one of the most versatile and dedicated blogger I've ever seen.
Logo is looking great! And I wish you a very best of luck for your writing career. :)
Congratulation Abhilash...
we all know, you have that capability, to reach another milestone...
we can wish for your hardwork , and dedication of Writing. All the best for your future bro.
Opportunities are Endless, and i know, you will not let them go easily. :D
congratulations brother :) very happy for u :D keep up d hard nd d gur wrk :) -kashyap
Congozzz buddy.....Keep it up!! :) :)
Nice & much inspiring.
Keep it up ur writing. Our best wishes r with u. If I could read ur book "UFF YE EMOTIONS" it will be my great pleasure. but I know I m not ur best of 2 commentors. THANKS!
It's such an awesome post Abhilash....u really swept my feet off...i still dnt have words to explain...only a person who can play wid words..who can make out a wonderful magic out of wrds will have a great respect....n u deserve the most respect....i dnt knw abt all...but to me ur posts are really really inspiring...i salute you abhilash....to tell exactly i have dis 'Dejavu' feeling....something i love to read or listen came out from ur post....i love it...:)
i'll get ur book soon...."uff ye emotions".....i seriously have to say dis...'uff ye excitement' to read ur book...i cnt stp myself....bt i cnt help as i was struck wid sum stuff here...hope i'll read it soon....
Congratulations Sir…Hats off to u..Seriously What an incredible feeling it is to witness n read 800th blogpst..Logo design for ARB is superb n even new pic..A gud choice dis tym..Luking gud..Else wat shld I say nw..I guess I’ve said a lot regarding ur psts n work..Yes Ur words hv brought a life to my internet world n apart frm all d stuffs I do wrk n all I jst feel so gud abt dis half an hour reading routine I have..Its bn a grt start to a yr wid ur published wrk n all regular updates on blog dt I’m following..A grt surprise in 2013 itself ..Jst can’t Thank u enough for ur writings dat hv brought a gud change in life n Yes dis is yet another achievement which surely brings a smile on my face..Book stores already a bit smiling wid ur presence n dey will in d yrs to come..Looking frwd 2 read 800 more frm u n all dat u’ll writing on any other medium…Will read..Thank u ..Stay blessed n pls keep writing ..
800 posts in 1300 days..............
Youth (as we call ourselves)......being big wannabeeees want to have every thing in their lives-a glossy samsung galaxy smartphone,a shiny pulsar or FZ, a great laptop to accompany us to college(even if we're doing BA and have absolutely no use of that laptop) and all kind of similar stuff.
And above all :-) :-)
a super sexy hotshot girlfriend is a must have(what is life without our facebook profile's status showing IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH........).
Not to forget we all want to be FAMOUS, build lackhs of fans so they'll follow us on twitter.
When people see Salman Khan do the HUD HUD dabang step :-) and make the hell out of those villains, people want to be like him......that roobdaar,dominating personality....confident and feared by all.
Same is our case we THE CHETAN BHAGAT fans.....we've all read Hari in the IIT campus, with Ryan and Alok, having vodka just before giving their viva(and vooing professor Cherian's daughter Neha). WE've read Shyaam or SAM MERCY'S story in the call centre, struggles of Govind to establish himself as a business man and commit some mistakes, Krish wanting to marry Ananya and vitnessing a MODERN INdian MARRIAGE, latest being GOpal's story as his life shifts gears in a rollercoaster of love corruption and ambition....
We all loved every moment of those five super best sellers and above all we envy and adore THE CHETAN BHAGAT. People dream themselves for being TIME list of most influencial people....media running behind them....proud parents, jealous peers and best of all REGrettin, mourning ex girlfriends :-) and singing yo yo Honey Singh-break up party with beer in hands.
Yes all of us guys want to live that dream.....just imagine :O (o la la).
Now just close your eyes (after readin it though) and think.....if Mr. THE CHETAN BHAGAT never took out his pen or laptop or such thing....where'd he be today? Maybe in some international bank at a huge post......but from where did all those five goddamn great books came?????
That happenned not because he was dreaming whole day.....its because of Mr. BHAGAT'S hard work. Without that none of us might be reading this 800th post.Its because of his hard hard work i got to read such splendid works and that too written in so goddamn simple way.
Now the reason i am boring you guyz (apart from trying to get a book :-) which would cost me 1/3rd of my month's pocket money ofcourse) is just in Mr. Ruhela's work itself. I mean 800 posts in about just 3-4 years which consist of some excusite work like-
please note that these are my personal favs and shows only a speck of Mr. Ruhela's work.
If you are a good reader, you guyz must have definetely observed in what a lousy english did i post this comment.....well that is just a result of that day dreaming factor mentioned above.
If you guyz care what hard work is and what's it necessisity(meri spellin g galat h shayad :-) )
scroll down to any post in 2009 read it, then return back to this 800th post - if you are good reader you'll know the difference.
HARD WORK PAYs GUYS, it really does.
Ab to muje b hard work karne jana h(padhne i mean:-) )
or ab to angutha b thak gaya yaar, mera paanchvi shataabdi wala phone b marne wala h, to chalo ab or ni pakana mujhe, bina wapas padhe cmmnt post kar ra hu(kuch spelling galat hui hogi, angreji to ghatiya h hi).....any ways best of luck Mr. ABHILASH RUHELA i truly envy your hard work..........
bye bye
vidit mehrotra
Congratulations Bhai..:D :D
First of all congrats for 800 post.
From the pic i m guessing that u r a raju rastogi fan ( due to rings :p ), u beleive in god and thats good , i too beleive. Logo is awsm
A - aap
R - rocking
B - bande ho.
And abt gfs i wil say - Love should be happen twice, thrice and so on if the person left u alone with endless sad memories :).
Usually small town yougsters hv the spark which glow as Venus, so be proud :)
Keep writing .
( i was continuosly stick with that contest but the only thng i get was disappointment but i beleve in try try until u suceed. )
Brilliant work Abhi....
Congrats for ur achievement..
I see you got a lot of girl fans here...uhh...hope that also reaches 800*800 as it is happiness*800 :P
Keep ON..
congrets Bro!!
stay blessed and keep writing..
hey! >>><<<< Congratulations! the awesome & rocking Abhilash (ARB)......!!!
its ur 800 sucess..... means....800 posts in only 1300 days Plus..!& now a book author too! which m waiting to read it!! its a sucess which very few people archive in there life that too..!!! in very less time ! a cricketer like kumble & muttiah muralitharan...got years to reach 600 & 800 & old wicket in cricket but in blog posting ur the best in ever 1.6 days u post a new blog with new energy & with it also many interesting points ! which i egarly wait to read it....
I m with u from the 400th blog...its been a wile m with u around 400 blog post & its a wounderfull jounel to with u i also remember ur 700th blog on ur birthday!! it was a return gift for me ...!! u mention me as "Mahesh who is 17 years age who also reads my bolgs" as i was reading ur blogs form wayback from 2011 april...when i saw ur 600th blog i was new to blog world .....i learned & learning many things from u ( as a stundent (me) & a teacher as U ) like searching for new words & many more !! its an endless list of thing which i have learned & i m learning from u ! thank u for that & wish you on ur 800TH blog ....our reader *** Mahesh Kulkarni (FB & twitter follower) :)
Congratz bro.
Really so proud of u, U'r the glOry of the literature, whO alwyz inspires me
Congratulation bro great work ...keep it up ...
Well.. What should i say..? Its all done in the post itself..
Starting with The Great Abhilash Baba then moisting it with Chacha's description..then friendly..then proffessional.. all bits of Writing style included & that makes me read every single word of it..Seriously i'm the one who has read almost evry post since we met but i skipped 50% of each :-P
Best post till date Veeru & Congss...
& yeah finally we got to see something beyond JUST FACE of Abhi Baba on Blog :-P
I have said this time and again, "I connect your blog very well because I can see my life and my surrounding in your blogs. It's more realistic in nature. I think the most obvious reason for your mammoth fan-following is your immaculate ability to relate with your readers and come up with interesting topics regularly.
I am a writer, so I know that there are times when we have to go through a phase popularly known as, "Writer's block". Frankly speaking, since I have been following you, I haven't experienced any such thing in your case.
All I can say is that you're already an inspiration for many writers and individuals who religiously follow your blog, and if you're able to live your remaining life with same energy and punctuality, then people will start branding you as a legend. Most of the legends are born this way only. They start with small things, but what differentiates them with layman is there determination to stick with their goal till the end and come up with the most unexpected results. In life, often you're valued on the basis of how far you go rather how fast you go. And, you're maintaining both these things, so ALL THE BEST for your future. Keep Writing.
Abhisek Rai Akrant
Hi Abhilash!
I know as soon as you see my name on this comment, you will have a smile on your face. Yeah, I am the same guy who sometimes talks funny and is too excited whenever there is a free book giveaway. You know how much I die for a free copy. May be that was the reason when I logged into your blog few minutes back. But, as I read your blog post words after words, my respect for you is increasing. You know, everyone of us has few dreams. Few work hard to achieve them, few sit taking hands on hands for fortune to make a decision for them. But, the one who work hard to achieve his dream is the one who deserves respect and honor. And, I believe you are the one who deserve that. Congrats on reaching 800 blog posts with a tremendous speed of 1.6 blog posts per day. We know that everyone of us has plenty of work and most importantly being a student, exam and other college activities hinders us to work on our hobbies or dreams. But, even after all this you tackled all your difficulties to achieve your love for writing. Incredible! Hats off too you. Your short story published in Uff Ye Emotions act as a gem to your writing. I wish you all success for all your future endeavors and dreams. :)
Hi Abhilash,
To begin with, a big big big time congratulations to you for this milestone. You’ve indeed let the flower bloom. You’ve set a benchmark. But before I grease you with words of appreciations and blow you with thunders of applauds (which you must be used to by now), I believe I want to do something else first. I want you to realize your position. What you have achieved hasn’t just brought you laurels, applauds, fame, respect, it has brought you one big thing. Word is ‘responsibility’.
Yes, you’re not an actor; your work is not totally fictitious. You’re not a male escort either, for you don’t sell yourself to people ‘just for money’. And I believe you’re not a politician who calls himself a leader either for people don’t visit your blog because you feed them with ‘daal bhaat’ and beg for their votes.
They read your critique because they want to know what YOU think about it. They take out time everyday to scroll across your pages because they believe you edify them. I believe people visit your blog because they trust you.
Now what I mean to say is, you have one big responsibility to keep up with. You have one big trust of people like me and many more to uphold. Don’t let it go. Don’t let the gloomy days make your fingers fatigued when they wish they could dance on the keyboard. And for the holy cow’s sake, let your words be everything but corrupt while they travel across the minds of thousands because your opinions count; they speak for themselves. People believe you when you tell them that they should read a book. They do ‘try’ to agree with you when you tell them someone is bad (quoting your article in DNA). They do try to walk in tandem with your words which direct them upon focusing their eyeballs on a piece of truth. Let that thrive, let the willful agents not carry you away, let the throng of people not believe upon something you know is ‘wrong’.
I hope you understand the crap I’m trying to convey to you, this responsibility thing. You have a long way to go, you know this. Yeah I know it feels great when you have people like Amitabh Bachchan and Chetan Bhagat to showcase on your blog. It is a great feeling when you don’t mind a petite drop of tear trip down your eyes while you look at the house you’d built from your own hands, collecting the logs each day, shredding them into not frail but strong platters and nailing them hard. I know the feeling. At least I can breathe it through your lungs: 800 posts. Marvelous! But don’t let the greenery blag your eyes which must see not only the difference you’ve brought about, but also must be able to appreciate your position, one which you’ve gained for yourself before the masses.
I know it’s like ‘chhota muh badi baat’ for I’m much younger than you. And I as well know that you didn't need that boring lecture. Just thought I should let my heart do the speaking for me at this august moment.
To pull the seek away from the fire, I would like to once again congratulate you. After all, 800 posts. Man, don’t let it go, never!!
Best of luck. Hope this place always be the favorite stroll for we authors and the readers as well :-)
Love and respect.
Thank you for sharing this very nice post, please keep continue the sharing of this types of information. Here we are waiting for more
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