6 March 2011 | By: Writing Buddha

Indians, Stop Being Animal to Poor And Needy !!!

            374TH BLOG -->>

        I remember the era of Mother Teresa. Every poor knew her. Every rich knew her. Why? Because she was a lady who sacrificed all the pleasures of life and dedicated herself towards serving the poor and needy. Many people insulted and snubbed her when she used to clean the bodies of decayed patient. Many used to spit on her hand when she used to ask for some help on the door of people. Many used to abuse her when she used to show her concern for such people. Mother Teresa set an example in the world about how deep and far a person can go if he/she thinks and decide to owe his/her full life in the service of the poor people and needy people. Now-a-days, even in the country like India we have many NGOs and association working for the benefit of poor people. But the question which arises is that are all these people immaculate and clean in their thoughts and propensity like her? 

             Recently, four girls who were dumb and deaf were raped in the premises of the building in which they were kept and nourished. After the incident, all the 19 girls who were living in the same building in Panvel under that NGO were sent away from the place. This act is an awkward news for all the Indians and for all the humans. The girl who aren't capable of enjoying the freedom of shouting and listening are sent into a comatose. They were already living a short part of insuperable life and after the incident they would be thinking of killing their lives and go to hell. This is a shameful act and government should punish all the four people accused in this case. They shouldn't be entertained and its my humble request to the President of India that its not necessary to show the powerful law of India in every case filed in the Indian Government. You should hang some people without much delay and break the rule of your bloody law which allows the culprit to enjoy the life in jail with some fellow jailer who came behind the bars for a same kind of reason.

              2 months ago, we also heard about the beggar girl who was raped in East India. No severe action was implied on the culprits and everything is still normal. Yesterday, fire broke down in the slums of Bandra after which government announced 1000 Rs compensation to everyone who incurred the loss in this incident. But will this money reach the hands of this people without any ill activities? Its impossible in India for a middleman in any task to complete the same without thinking of his profit or his share. The same happened with the Adarsh Society case where the flats were allotted to the wives and relatives of the soldiers who lost their life while saving our Mother India from the weapons of Pakistan. All the flats assigned for these people went into the custody of ministers. Ashok Chavan is still safe and has full hope that he will be safe till the end. 

              In India, people have proved that even animal can be faithful but not an Indian. Even for the poor and disable, people are damn selfish. I'm not trying to be querulous but still I want people to act little responsibly. Now, the rape of 4 girls in an NGO is a big big slap on the character of Indians. If this will be the case of all the NGOs, just imagine that how many girls will be raped. If Mother Teresa is the example, let her be alive in our thoughts and our activities. Lets not think of our profit, lets not think of our pleasure with Sex, lets not think of our house when you are in a service to poor and needy people. Lets be genuine and lets be clear-conscious and clean-character. Keep your values and morals high or if you face difficulty in following any of the two mentioned above, you can stop thinking of poor people and needy and do your work and try to earn on your basis rather than calculating the profit share from the fund provided.

              Let's pray for all the people who have lost their property in the Bandra fire and for the girls who are fighting with their soul and trying to recover. Let's also hope that we Indians never do any such activity again.



10 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:

hamaarethoughts.com said...

very sad!!..very very sad!..its pathetic!!
shame on the Indian government and citizens..taking all this cruelty!...
I dont understand why there are so many molestation cases...
other day I was hearing a news on Indian channel here in US ..a minor girl has been ..R..by four men ..
and the poor girl was in pathetic state...
its like hell!
then this case of dumb and deaf girls...people are mad..jus insane...>>Assholes!!
need to put some hard laws in practice and no bail in-case of molestation jus to be hanged till death!

Dibakar Sarkar said...

The essay shows the nude gluttony of our society. I wish you write more on this sort of thread. A brilliant blog experience this morning...

Anu Lal said...

My prayers

Sarah malik said...

indeed a sorry state of affairs. the trouble is that a handful or morons spoil the name of a complete nation!
these psychologically disabled people can actually never be changed..i know i mite be sounding lke a pessimist but its somehow that way! maybe life's like that. and yes, v can only pray and do our bit.


Maya said...

what else can be expected from humans,, we are actually a very mean creature from inside.. and mother teresa she just liked watching people sick and dieing,, its said that she took great pleasure in that.. even after receive loads of money in donation she choose to keep her instutions in pathetic conditions...

Writing Buddha said...

@Harman mam - there was a period when so many videos were leaked of the ministers having fun with struggling models.. so how can they take action against molestation and such cases?

Writing Buddha said...

@Dibakar I am humbled to read ur comment. thanks.

Writing Buddha said...

@Anulal for wat?

Writing Buddha said...

@Sarah u r right, girl.

Writing Buddha said...

@Uncommon Sense ... I am shocked about ur views on Mother Teresa..

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