240th BLOG -->>
As I promised, I am going to talk about the Bharat Bandh in this blog. Day before yesterday, I came to know that Maharashtra will be bandh on 5th July. I was confused that is Maharashtra Day changed and will it be celebrated on 5th of July in future and this is the 1st start. I was also confident that it is Maharashtra Day as I heard something about the parties like MNS and SHIVSENA participating in it but when I went into details and explored what really is on 5th of July, I came to know that it's again an act by Indian citizens which are said to have objectives of proliferating the society but it will result in the loss of the nation. I was so shocked to hear this that when Pakistan is quiet and they aren't troubling us like they did on 26/11 and many a times before that with their talents of spreading terror, we, the Indians are ourselves hitting us. The main party which launched this idea of Bharat Bandh was BJP and other alliances and Left parties with these MNS and Shivsena. The objective of this historical Bharat Bandh was to spread their voice and let it reach the government to stop rising the price of household communities which is making a life of a common man difficult.
If you are reading this blog, I know you are an educated person, so please tell me whether this way of making your voice reach government's ears a right way or a disastrous way? Now don't reply me with a sign of stupidity that what I have to do with this? I am getting holiday and that is what I want. Please. If your answer is this, don't read this blog ahead because this is for the true citizens of India who love their country and don't want it to be ruined by some people who aren't co-operating with our Indian government. Everyone of us know that its getting difficult day by day as the cost of everything is rising up. Even I had said the same in my previous 5 blogs but protesting it in such a way isn't a solid way of showing your aggression. Throwing stones on people, puncturing the tire of buses, not letting the train move, warning the taxi-drivers and auto-drivers to remain absent on the day, not letting any shopkeeper to open their shops. Is this the way to let the government know that we all are bearing the pains of high costs? I don't know how such craps enters a normal human being's mind. Rather than this, all the parties should have sat together, planned how to deal with this, ask people and youth to give their ideas and suggestions on the official websites of government. But No, they just want to show their physical strength and not mental strength. Actually, the people doing so don't have brains.
Yesterday, it was Bharat bandh, the married women who were pregnant and wanted to reach hospitals as soon as possible can't go because of this Bharat Bandh, the earning children who got the news of their old age parent's demise or illness can't go to see them as the mode of transport was stopped, the students who came to Mumbai or MH for their exams couldn't attend it, the workers who lives in slum and eat their dinner after working for the whole day earned nothing and hence slept with empty stomachs. These are the few examples I have mentioned here. How much have we suffered, the victims can speak clearly than what I am doing here. 175 buses were damaged yesterday and 10 drivers were injured. Stones were pelted at 155 buses in Mumbai. 122 trucks arrived in the fruit market, but 56 of them left. The tires of 8 buses were deflated. Out of 4000 BEST buses in Mumbai, only 865 were on the road. The highway crossing Marine Drive had no vehicles running on it which normally is always into a big traffic daily. These are few damages I know which were the part of Bharat Bandh.
Bharat Bandh was meant for drowning the costs of household commodities and Petrol, diesel etc. But Mumbai itself has suffered the loss of 1000 crore economically, the Maharashtra has suffered 3000 crore while the whole nation has suffered the loss of 10,000 crores (These figures can differ). Now, the government will again rise the taxes to gain all these losses. What was the use of this BHARAT BANDH? I have nothing to say now after all this. I just want to request our corrupt politicians to stop hurting people just for the sake of their political gimmicks. And I would also ask some brainless Indian citizens to stop flowing in the words of these political parties and others those who don't participate but are happy just because they gained a holiday. A very bad feeling. VERY VERY BAD.
This is all I wanted to say. The useful informations are sourced from Hindustan Times.
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Certainly this whole Bharat Bandh fiasco was a political stunt to gain political mileage since the opposition had been lying dormant for quite some time.
Its amazing how after 60 years of being a Republican Sovereign country, people still fall prey to the disturbing, illogical, senseless views of a few. Certainly the Indian Constitution has granted every citizen of India a right to make his or her voice heard and the hoodlums responsible have certainly exploited this right amazingly well!
Certainly bringing the country down to a standstill is in no way a solution to any problem. The government is not directly responsible for the fuel price rise! The rise in prices are a direct reflection of the turmoil in global fuel markets. And this trend won't change no matter what government is in power! Don't they realize that the fuel being made available to us comes at a highly subsidized rate directly from this very own government!
I don't think if the BJP alliance was in power and if they would have happened to pass this order, the other parties including the Congress would have reacted in any different manner. What made the bandh hugely 'successful' was that most of the working unions are either affiliated to Shiv Sena or MNS; hence their direct involvement in the strike. What amazes me is the power of these politicians to influence the innocent mass to such a level of disgraceful behavior. The only motive of the parties behind this bandh was to affirm their position in the political circus and sadly, because of fear or just pure innocence of the masses, they have been quite successful.
At least they had the brains to let the hospitals and chemists remain open! The success of the strike yesterday is a reflection of the collective failure of all our so called 'leaders'. As long as this continues, forget the dream of one day seeing India as a leading economic power. Democracy cannot attend its true glory until the enemies of democracy are nipped in the bud.
And as far as the blog goes Abhilash, the thought behind the blog is very good but needs a lot of refinement as far as the language. At this stage of your blogging journey, you cant afford to make silly grammatical mistakes. Please take care of it. Just takes the pleasure out of reading the blog..
Certainly this whole Bharat Bandh fiasco was a political stunt to gain political mileage since the opposition had been lying dormant for quite some time.
Its amazing how after 60 years of being a Republican Sovereign country, people still fall prey to the disturbing, illogical, senseless views of a few. Certainly the Indian Constitution has granted every citizen of India a right to make his or her voice heard and the hoodlums responsible have certainly exploited this right amazingly well!
Certainly bringing the country down to a standstill is in no way a solution to any problem. The government is not directly responsible for the fuel price rise! The rise in prices are a direct reflection of the turmoil in global fuel markets. And this trend won't change no matter what government is in power! Don't they realize that the fuel being made available to us comes at a highly subsidized rate directly from this very own government!
I don't think if the BJP alliance was in power and if they would have happened to pass this order, the other parties including the Congress would have reacted in any different manner. What made the bandh hugely 'successful' was that most of the working unions are either affiliated to Shiv Sena or MNS; hence their direct involvement in the strike. What amazes me is the power of these politicians to influence the innocent mass to such a level of disgraceful behavior. The only motive of the parties behind this bandh was to affirm their position in the political circus and sadly, because of fear or just pure innocence of the masses, they have been quite successful.
At least they had the brains to let the hospitals and chemists remain open! The success of the strike yesterday is a reflection of the collective failure of all our so called 'leaders'. As long as this continues, forget the dream of one day seeing India as a leading economic power. Democracy cannot attend its true glory until the enemies of democracy are nipped in the bud.
Abhilah, while reading your blog I was wondering if u work for some new agency [almost all are on the payroll of congress] till u mention HT. Anyway, something for ur home work.
So much cry abt ppl inconvenience due to 1 day BJP's Bharat Bandh, what abt non stop life screwing by UPA: 365days/yr.
Regarding violent approach [wherever it happened] it was really sad & bad, no excuse.
Price rise of essential commodities are due to mishandling of stocks in godowns & not due to any other damn reason.
If Price rise in petroleum products r due to International rates, why it was so low when rate was ~150/barrel compared to ~80/barrel today.
Central govt. is going to gain EXTRA ~30,000 Carores as dividend from Oil Companies. Can u explain if Govt. is for making profit?
U given selective examples of inconvenience due to Bharat Bandh, but did u thought abt ppl who are starving everyday due to sky rocketing prices. Damn I purchase Dal @90/kg.. what the hell happening here...
Do u know there was a Cut motion on the issue of Price rise but murky politics won again the pathetic plight of congress fav Aam Aadmi. What else as a opposition any party should do? Shall they stand & start shouting All is Well??
What u have done at a personal capacity to oppose price rise, what effect u noticed for that???
My dear frnd I would love to listen to ur answers, ping me once u ready with @navrang.
Twitter : @navrang
And as far as the blog goes Abhilash, the thought behind the blog is very good but needs a lot of refinement as far as the language. At this stage of your blogging journey, you cant afford to make silly grammatical mistakes. Please take care of it. Just takes the pleasure out of reading the blog..
And as far as the blog goes Abhilash, the thought behind the blog is very good but needs a lot of refinement as far as the language. At this stage of your blogging journey, you cant afford to make silly grammatical mistakes. Please take care of it. Just takes the pleasure out of reading the blog..
Navrang, I have nothing to say after what u have said.. I can only ask you that then is this the way to protest if u r buying dal at 90 rs? u will damage your own country for this? Just answer this..
I am so happy to read your comment above....bcoz I was sad after reading what Navrang has written above.... And Mayuresh, I am referring Wren and Martin daily,,,readings its one topic daily so that I can improve my English...even I know u all dont expect mistakes from me after writing so many blogs...I am working hard Mayuresh...I will improve in coming days and thanks for the honest comment..
@whoever dis navrang guy is
firstly i would lyk 2 kno ur clr opinion about whether u support d bandh or no
if u do then hw do u propose the losses in d tunes of 1000s or 'Carores' can b recovered and hw dese losses wud help in curbing the price rises.
fuel price rise depends on various govt policies and d fact dat d govt decided 2 de-regularize petrol and diesel is one of the major factors affecting it (answers ur 80$/150$ per barrel q)
Check out the subsidy that d govt has been offering over these commodities and mebbe u'l undrsntd y its a back breaking task 4 d govt 2..
don 4get dat dese policies are charted keeping the whole economy in mind by people much more qualified than u and me (heard of former governer of rbi, former fm and current pm Dr. Manmohan Singh, 2 tym fm Mr. Jyoti Basu and a few odrs?)
yes the policies havnt been successful 2 emancipate the condition of the poor and hungry bt is onli d UPA 2 blame? r der no poor n hungry in states ruled by BJP+??
oso i will b pleased if u happen 2 state d source/links 2 d stats dat u hv mentioned above..
@whoever dis navrang guy is
firstly i would lyk 2 kno ur clr opinion about whether u support d bandh or no
if u do then hw do u propose the losses in d tunes of 1000s or 'Carores' can b recovered and hw dese losses wud help in curbing the price rises.
fuel price rise depends on various govt policies and d fact dat d govt decided 2 de-regularize petrol and diesel is one of the major factors affecting it (answers ur 80$/150$ per barrel q)
Check out the subsidy that d govt has been offering over these commodities and mebbe u'l undrsntd y its a back breaking task 4 d govt 2..
don 4get dat dese policies are charted keeping the whole economy in mind by people much more qualified than u and me (heard of former governer of rbi, former fm and current pm Dr. Manmohan Singh, 2 tym fm Mr. Jyoti Basu and a few odrs?)
yes the policies havnt been successful 2 emancipate the condition of the poor and hungry bt is onli d UPA 2 blame? r der no poor n hungry in states ruled by BJP+??
oso i will b pleased if u happen 2 state d source/links 2 d stats dat u hv mentioned above..
Why is my comment not getting published on my blog itself?
@mayuresh- way to go dude..... :)
@navrang- listen dude.. u aint d only 1 purchasin dal at 90 bucks/kg.... every1 s sufferin that but der r proper channels of passin on ur demands n suggestions... n hw exactly do u think d govt is gonna recover d expenses n losses incurred?? they r gonna hike d prices, interest rates n all that shit again n finlly evry1 wll b affected unnecessarily due to d stupidity of a few shitheads !!! think bout it man... coz every action has an equal n opposite reaction -Isaac Shithead Newton :)
@navrang- nas fr askin what veeru did frm his side to prevent it lemme ask u what exactly did u do to prevent such a fiasco?????
Navrang...Tujhya maaila...ye ikde...kuthey palaale re .....gaandu..
if u think u hv done sumthin 2 help ebb d rising tide of prices, think abt d nxt tym u go 2 ne store.. do u ask d shopkeeper 4 a bill? do u make sure dat he gives u a proper bill wid sales tax n vat registration n make sure dat u pay dese taxes? wenever u buy ne service, do u pay d service tax? m sure d ans is no! n since u don do all dese things u hv no ryt 2 question ne1 else bout d steps dey hv taken! u n i r parts of dis problem. v cnt question ne1 else 4 d soln! 'Charity begins at home'. Go give it a thot.
@navrang agen
nt 2 4get ur credentials in commenting on d blog r highly doubtable since u hvnt participated in d discussion after ur 1st reply and d fact dat u actly want ppl 2 visit ur blog n comment on it n ur tweets as a challenge 2 d article put up here speaks volumes about hw u rnt much different in wanting 2 gain sum mileage by sum lean stunt/controversy... HEY! r u a part of d BJP alliance 2?!
protest.. bt protest in d way its meant 2.. nt lyk savage hooligans.
i once agen go on 2 state my political neutrality towards any party or person. oh n m nt on nebody's payroll either!
btw do get sum lessons in english mate.. u need em bad!
This is a sign of falling mandate, and the government should resign ... even then they will work till the elections, and it will help them. They will quote that they resigned and the President ran the country
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