168TH BLOG -->>
After many months, FInally today on 5th April, I have changed the view of my blog..I kept the previous view for the longest time and I did it because I love consistency..I love people to be permanent on the net rather than changing their profile pictures, their social account's name and blah blah..And so as I have a blog and I'm on internet purposely for my blogs, I felt like keeping my blog's page a single one rather than changing them every week..Ultimately, this week I felt like I should change my blog's view after visiting many blogs..I saw people having lovely blog pages..Attractive and something which made me keep floating on their blog's page here and there rather than moving on to any other site..And finally now at night 2 AM , I have changed my template and done a lot of editing work on HTML..Its very hard to work on HTML..but HTML is a powerful coding platform..Those who know working on it can understand easily how Orkut and Facebook change their homepages..From now, You will not see my image above welcoming you all with my hands joined..You will have to miss that..For gaining something you will have to miss something..That was the element on my page which made people connect with me and now as it is not here..I know many of you will criticize but friends wait for many months to have it back again..Till now, My blogs had only two columns..One had my posts and another one had the elements..Now I have three columns..The biggest change on my blog page..Now you can read my latest tweet of my Twitter Account at the righthand side of my blog page..My blog page had the worst background up till today but now my blog page has wooden background..I am super excited for this new page..A new journey towards blog..I have also added an element where I have given the link of Wilshire's twitter account..Anyone of you who wants to have their page's link on my blogpage just provide me the link, if I'll like it I'll add up there..So friends, go through my blog page and revert back about your experience on my new blog page..
Today I completed all the assignments of this semester..From tomorrow, my prelim exams are starting..I haven't read even a single word for it because all the time passed in completing assignments..Tomorrow is the exam of the subject which is the weakest to me..Digital Computer Organization..I don't know for what am I going to college tomorrow but still a hope is alive..To Copy..We students are best at this..I remember my school time when everyone of my friends and classmates used to copy and I used to watch them..learn how they do it because I didn't had guts to copy even a single Fill in the blanks from someone's paper..I used to leave the questions but never ever tried to copy them..Say it my Innocence,Fear or Erradicates..But I did the biggest crime at that time..It is said that sometimes a weak person does activities for which the whole nation claps and sometimes the strongest person does something for which the whole nation has to repay..The same happened then..My friend-Ketan leaked the papers from the computer laboratory..He was my best friend then in the class 8th..First exam approached..We thought of doing something unbelievable..We augmented our relationship with the computer teacher..Then as soon as he got chance..He searched all the files in the drawers and got the copy of question papers of all the subjects..He took and ran from there..I was sitting in teh canteen..Just intimated me that he has done something which can help us score better marks and show the teachers that we aren't so fool to fail in the subjects..After I reached home, he called me,dictated every question to me..I took 5 mins and gave him the pages of the text which had the answers of that questions..Finally , gave the exams and I scored 75%..Everyone was shocked..
Then one morning , Our principal- Dias Sir-who is also the father of Wilshire after the assembly called me in his office..I went up there..Every teacher was preparing to go to their respective classes for the first period..Sir did some usual talks with me and finally came on the topic.."Abhilash, I heard an exclusive report that paper has been leaked and is supplied to one of the bright student Abhilash..and the questions papers he got are as follows-English, History, Geography and Maths." I had no words..I just saw the naughty eyes of the Sir who was to kill me in some minutes..After I understood that I had no other way to exit from this lovely controversy, I shared the whole process of paper leaking to him..Then he said,"Abhilash, Do you know what have you done? I know you are not the direct one to do this..but even indirectly you got a chance and you encashed it..But do you have an idea about what have you done? What this act is called?" I replied innocently,"Crime"..and suddenly Sir moved from his chair..banged his table hardly and shouted loudly,"And you the Criminal.".. Rather than showing fearful expression, I checked out with my two little eyes in all the possible directions that how many of the people have heard this insult of mine...And when I turned around and saw..My eyes got brighten to see this 3D experience..There were more than 10 teachers behind...Sir scolded me a lot and warned me for the future and also gave me the powerful notice that if I'll hear about your complain in this academic year, I'll give you the biggest and severe punishment nobody would have got in this school..I touched the feet of the Sir and moved out from there thanking god that nothing big happened with my career...
So, I hope that this exam can also help me in leaking papers..I know this is impossible right now but whats wrong in hoping for this? Nothing..Uff lets stop dreaming and move out to sleep..otherwise It will not look good if I'll sleep in the exam hall tomorrow..I hope that other student of my class too will not be prepared for the exams..But Im only hoping..Reality can differ from my dreams.."Your chances of success are directly proportional to the degree of pleasure you derive from what you do."...So I'm feeling pleasurous in not preparing for the prelim exam and I'm sure I'll gain success in failing in this prelim exams..Hoping for the worst this time..
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7 CoMMenTs !!! - U CaN aLSo CoMMenT !!!:
its pakao
First off, its not pakao!
And secondly, you never told me that you leaked the papers! Oh my! Ketan is in for a surprise when he'll know that you've blown the lid off!
I understand my dad very well. He'll never do anything that will hamper the progress of a student. I know my dad as a very calm person. It was a shock to know that he pushed the chair and banged the desk! I find it very hard to believe! But even after all that you touched his feet and asked forgiveness. You really are a brave boy!
I know this kid who was in Rathi. And every teacher said he should be expelled from the school. Being the son of the principal I overheard this conversation. I persuaded my dad to tell me what it was all about. So dad told me very briefly what the situation was. And I wondered why he didn't expel such a disgraceful student. Then he explained: "If I remove him from the school. No other school will take him. His life will be ruined. I cant let this happen. There is hope, he will become better."
And guess what, after all these years that student is now working with Pepsico India holdings, Roha. I wonder what would have happened to him otherwise.
By the way, didn't my dad call your parents then? I bet he did! Your parents must have given you a nasty firing.
And if you really think you can leak out the papers, go ahead! But keep in mind not every teacher is like my dad. God knows what will happen to you! Be prepared for the worst then! hehe!
Yes, I did notice the changes here on your page! Sorry I forgot to tell you about it! It will take me some time to get used to it.
hey....ur blog looks gd..anyway u looked more of a politician in ur photo on the blog..best of luck for ur exams..
Hey anonymous...First write your name and then give me the justification why u felt it pakaau..I never accept teh comments by anonymous name but then too accepted u...
Hey page is not so hard that u need to learn sumthing in this...But yaa a drastic change..I can say this..I just wanted to give sumthing very exciting to my readers..and hope u liked it as u r the one who visits the most..did u saw your twitter link at the right side?
Hey...U never knew it bcoz there was an unooficial agreement between your dad and me that this thing will not go out of the office....So it ended then and there and it was a serious issue so I didnt shared it with any1..not even with my best friends..and ur father too didnt shared it even with you...so u can decipher how serious the matter would be..and yaa..I really will say that your father was a very clam person otherwise he would have killed me.but he even slapped me infront of every1...uff...I just loved Dias sir..and the day he was gone and that Joshi came..was the day when Rathi losed its essence...And yaa..That was not the only time when i touched your father's feet...I would have touched it for 25 times more giving me the next chance..hahaha....
And man...No your father didnt told anything in my house...This matter is only between me ketan tejas and your father..actually my parents knew that I had papers...actually they knew ki more than half of the class have..so didnt said anything to me..hahaha....and man keep commenting...my friends do read ur comments...
chal fir...
Hey Angie,
hahaha...u said right..actually wo foto was snapped only because I was trying to imitate raj thackeray..many elders told me to change it bcoz it doesnt look like a boy doing IIT..It looked like a kaaryakarrta of MNS or Shivsena..And finally I removed it....and thanks for loving my blog page now..It really took a lot of efforts to change it...
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