107TH BLOG -->>
Hope you all would have erudited something from yesterday's blog..Today I woke up at 7 o clock in morning and marked my presence at the queue which was standing for Tatkal tickets @ Pavel station..I stood finally I got the ticket for my native place of 3rd..Thats tomorrow...I also booked my return ticket for 8th January,2010..So friends, I'm sadly , announcing that I will not be here to blog and share my heart and soul with all of you right from tomorrow..I'll be back after 36 days..Hope all of you will co-operate and will not fragile..I dont want to solace and dissappointment anyone..Exuding this information infront of all of you is really a hard task for me to do but still Im doing it because I dont want all of you to wait for my next blog post every 24 hours..because I'm not here..Am marching towards my native place where there's no COMPUTER, no NETWORK CONNECTION except BSNL..no ELECTRICITY except 2 hours a day..city is 10 kilometres away from the village where my Nana and Nani lives...I haven't seen my grandparents from last 3 and a half years..So its really a craze and excitement to meet them..But again there is a fear of being getting frustrated there without theres no source of my addicts..in which Im runnig now a days..
Writing blogs has been a routine...Now even I do t know that what will I do there..How will I sleep without writing blogs out there? How will I live there without watching the face of Computer and Laptop and Keyboard?...Mind will be bifurcated ...One will be with the family out there...and the second will run about what comments I would have received on my blogs..What mails I would have received in my Mailbox..Who would have scrapped me?..These thoughts will never escapade from the brain as its now the colossal part of my mind...and my life...I'm also so much addicted and touched with Mumbai that now living this city and directly going to such a rural area is indicating me the future where I will be over - reacting to the situations..Hope that I dont turn into Anger, Retaliation and fury because It will insecure the feelings and livings of my family out there...Dont want to cause woe to anyone..Dont want to dither anyone..I'm looking forward for this trip as there has been a long time when I havent travelled continuously for such a long continuous hours..Approximately The journey will be of 33 Hours..I'll enjoy the nature and the earth as after watching 2012..I'm in great love with my Earth and respect it very much but One fear is still nudging the mind that North India is running into the extreme winter...So I will have to cover all my body with 4 to 5 sweaters..Monkey cap..Socks...Gloves...and many more exuberance practices will be done to avoid the coldness...Human body is very delight and cant combat with the seasonal change..So without being aggressive with it..We should lay down...and let it win...rather than claiming our presence over it...
As I'll return to my online activities and blogging on 8th January-2010, This is the last blog of this year 2009...Feeling very emotional at this point to write the last blog of the year..and that too when I want to write more..Share more..tell more..but the conditions are not amicable and friendly..Hope you all will not miss the blogs and will continue reading my blogs which I wrote previously..So the first season of blogging ends here...Hope all of you have enjoyed the first season of Blogging...Thanks for making the blog exoteric..There are few who are emotionally attached with my blogs..For them..I'm really feeling sad...But there's no other alternative rather than cancelling the program of meeting my Nana-Nani..But this can't be scheduled now coz meeting them right now is the biggest short-term goal...And for publishing everyone's comment on the blog..I have removed Moderation and Approval from me...So now your comments will be directly published on the blog..So dont wait to comment till 8th January....Leaving you all now with the heart sunk into sorrow..and throat filled with feel of cries and weeps...Will meet you all after 36 days on 8th January 2010...At this very place..Till Then...Muaah...Take care.....Live the last month of the year..and blast a good launch of new year 2010... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU....
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Beginning Of The End-December !!!
106TH BLOG -->>
Today is the 1st day of December..And Im still in the world of the movie-2012..So when in the morning I woked up..and saw my mobile to check out the time..I saw the date and it was 01-12-2009..After watching 01-12 I was so much thrilled and shocked that without giving emphasis to the digits of years...I frighted up thinking that its the last month of 2012..Heart beat again proliferated and ameliorated..I dont know why I watched this film with all my hearts in it...and not thinking that the movie can be danger and I should be alert that it is just a movie and nothing else..But I dont know How I got emotionally attached with it..I'm so graphic-savvy person then too I didn't deciphered this out whilewatching movie that all of this scenario and screenshots are just the graphic works and nothing more then that...Albeit having so much of cerebration in my brains..after being so modish and being the congener of the people with this thought..Why I got manipulated with the movie's disastrous scenes and why my heart sank watching the world coming to an end..Before entering the theatre, I promised my consciousness that I'll not watch the film being over-smart and thinking every shot as computer's hand in it..That promise and words which I gave to myself drowned me into the river of sorrowness and the trauma with which I'm suffering right now.
As the last month of this year 2009 has arrived...I would like to intimate all of you the promises and the frame of works which you had strategized and planned at the 1st day of the year..I dont know what your modus operandi would have been like all over the year...I dont know how much have you all succeeded in attaining your motive of this year and how much are you happy with your work this year..but I would like to suggest you all that now the countdown is on and there's just 30 days to make your year happy or worst...If you all had fun all over the 11 months of this year..Then its very happy ..and I would like all of you to enjoy this month too so that you can happily say that your 2009 was the most dearest year of your life and you would go ineffable and unutterable while speaking of the year....and for the category of people who haven't enjoyed their 11 months...Please dont ruin and stink your last month of the year...Try to complete your short term goals which you planned for the year 2009...Enjoy each and every moment of this month so that you can say ki 2009 mobilized you and you got a new life and new horizons which you didn't had idea..Even you will get that extinct in your mind and soul that even after wasting your 11 months..You can complete your goals in a month and can combat the ratio with the win of your modus operandi's ratio 1:12...
So Friends dont worry about the months which has past...Just look forward to these 30 days..and just live to your fullest and to the high - end level of your life to enlighten and establish the wonderful year for yourself..If you love someone..Go approach..So that 2009 gets lucky for you..If you have parted ways from your parents..Go approach..Tell your parents how much you love them...If you had a fight with your friend..Go approach..SHow him your slam book and say that the page containing his desire and feelings is the best page of the slam-book..and you love him like your bro..If there's misunderstanding with any person of your relation..Go approach..solve it..hug..and nexus with the partner...Ultimate motive of saying so much is that Do something in this 30 days to make your 2009 the best year of your life....And share it with me in the comment section...
Thanks for reading this blog friends....Happy December-2009 to all of you...Go Ahead... for 30 Days To A Perfect Life !!!
Today is the 1st day of December..And Im still in the world of the movie-2012..So when in the morning I woked up..and saw my mobile to check out the time..I saw the date and it was 01-12-2009..After watching 01-12 I was so much thrilled and shocked that without giving emphasis to the digits of years...I frighted up thinking that its the last month of 2012..Heart beat again proliferated and ameliorated..I dont know why I watched this film with all my hearts in it...and not thinking that the movie can be danger and I should be alert that it is just a movie and nothing else..But I dont know How I got emotionally attached with it..I'm so graphic-savvy person then too I didn't deciphered this out whilewatching movie that all of this scenario and screenshots are just the graphic works and nothing more then that...Albeit having so much of cerebration in my brains..after being so modish and being the congener of the people with this thought..Why I got manipulated with the movie's disastrous scenes and why my heart sank watching the world coming to an end..Before entering the theatre, I promised my consciousness that I'll not watch the film being over-smart and thinking every shot as computer's hand in it..That promise and words which I gave to myself drowned me into the river of sorrowness and the trauma with which I'm suffering right now.
As the last month of this year 2009 has arrived...I would like to intimate all of you the promises and the frame of works which you had strategized and planned at the 1st day of the year..I dont know what your modus operandi would have been like all over the year...I dont know how much have you all succeeded in attaining your motive of this year and how much are you happy with your work this year..but I would like to suggest you all that now the countdown is on and there's just 30 days to make your year happy or worst...If you all had fun all over the 11 months of this year..Then its very happy ..and I would like all of you to enjoy this month too so that you can happily say that your 2009 was the most dearest year of your life and you would go ineffable and unutterable while speaking of the year....and for the category of people who haven't enjoyed their 11 months...Please dont ruin and stink your last month of the year...Try to complete your short term goals which you planned for the year 2009...Enjoy each and every moment of this month so that you can say ki 2009 mobilized you and you got a new life and new horizons which you didn't had idea..Even you will get that extinct in your mind and soul that even after wasting your 11 months..You can complete your goals in a month and can combat the ratio with the win of your modus operandi's ratio 1:12...
So Friends dont worry about the months which has past...Just look forward to these 30 days..and just live to your fullest and to the high - end level of your life to enlighten and establish the wonderful year for yourself..If you love someone..Go approach..So that 2009 gets lucky for you..If you have parted ways from your parents..Go approach..Tell your parents how much you love them...If you had a fight with your friend..Go approach..SHow him your slam book and say that the page containing his desire and feelings is the best page of the slam-book..and you love him like your bro..If there's misunderstanding with any person of your relation..Go approach..solve it..hug..and nexus with the partner...Ultimate motive of saying so much is that Do something in this 30 days to make your 2009 the best year of your life....And share it with me in the comment section...
2012 - I'm Touched And Mentally Affected !!!
105TH BLOG -->>
I got a nice response on the yesterday's blog of my three muslim girls of my life..Only Wilshire commented on the blog post but there were many who personally said that they enjoyed reading the blog..Friends, I want to apologize to you all that it will not be possible for me to respond to your comments as there is a Virus attack on my laptop because of which Its not possible for me to surf and open my Blog page..But I promise to everyone out there that I'll reply to every comments of yours as soon as this problem dissappears..Today The 4 months of blogging has been over..Great Great Great Experience...
2012- The film released on 13th November got a huge applause and remarkable welcome from every movie-lovers across every nation..Film is Super-Hit..After many days of excitement , Finally today I went to the movie at Big Cinemas In Kharghar..There was no one to accompany me so I was all alone to watch the film..I have no problem in watching movies @ theatres alone because I'm there to watch the movie and not to chit-chat with the friend..The first shot of the film showcases our country INDIA..and I was very happy to see that such a big and hit film for which the world was excited starts with the flick of India..Indian was the first person in the movie to claim that the world will end after three years in 2012..Actually I'm saying wrong..He wasn't Indian..The man who said this was American but he migrated to India permanently as he married an Indian women..I was very much gratified with the director's screenplay tendency to come to the main subject of the film in the 10 minutes after the film began..And the first very disaster touched California..The earth crust began isolating and the huge buildings and every innovations and constructions by human got submerged in the crust and one by one all the Western countries suffered this..Then the mishaps turned towards other countries and there were volcanoes which burnt the whole countries out there...and then at last they again show India...India and the other countries in Asia were victim of the Tsunami..and the whole land went into the world of Water..Water started flowing towards western countries and the whole world gets filled up with water..But Director showed the sequence where Americans had a huge ship..So a little mass of people there..It may be some 1000 people approximately..who were made to enter the ship and the Ship like Vehicle was closed from all of its 4 sides...But then there was a Tsunami and the way director has executed that part of struggle on the screen really moved me..I started crying when I saw the actor of the film not returning back after solving a Hydraulic problem beneath the water .. But then as soon as he returned ..The faces of every actor and artists on which camera focused had such a sentimental and emotional and the hearty face that It made me cry very much..I was already scared watching the Earth coming to an end in such a jeopardised way..and the emotional and suspenseful scene in the last made my heart tilt towards Emotions..After the Film was over I came out of the theatre..and was so much scared as the path on which I was walking will break and I will be beneath the Earth's crust in few seconds..I came home ..Mummy asked How was the film..I said SUPERB EXCELLENT...She said then why are you so sad and theres no smile on your face..I said her that Im scared..I know that this is not going to happen in 2012 but It will happen either now or then...Not in 2012 but it can be in 3012..4012..5012..What will Human of that time will do?? I was just thinking this..And still thinking..Im really scared of the movie..Everyone would have seen this movie with a craze to watch this movie but I saw this movie heartily..which has affected me mentally..Its not making me even smile on the great jokes...Hey GOD..Please do something so that I can smile again and I can understand that This is going to happen and I should not worry..as there is time for this to come...I would like to recommend all of you to watch this movie in Theatre as its really one of the best movie..and the way director has executed and implemented his Idea It doesnt gets more than what should be there..It is exactly what will happen...Theres no Drama out there...
I'm scared....Hey God....Save us from this disaster..Im confident that this is not going to touch our Earth in 2012...but whenever It will be..Please dont let it destroy the efforts of Human which has resulted in this Beautiful World...filled with Aesthetical values..
Abhilash Ruhela - VeeRu
I got a nice response on the yesterday's blog of my three muslim girls of my life..Only Wilshire commented on the blog post but there were many who personally said that they enjoyed reading the blog..Friends, I want to apologize to you all that it will not be possible for me to respond to your comments as there is a Virus attack on my laptop because of which Its not possible for me to surf and open my Blog page..But I promise to everyone out there that I'll reply to every comments of yours as soon as this problem dissappears..Today The 4 months of blogging has been over..Great Great Great Experience...
2012- The film released on 13th November got a huge applause and remarkable welcome from every movie-lovers across every nation..Film is Super-Hit..After many days of excitement , Finally today I went to the movie at Big Cinemas In Kharghar..There was no one to accompany me so I was all alone to watch the film..I have no problem in watching movies @ theatres alone because I'm there to watch the movie and not to chit-chat with the friend..The first shot of the film showcases our country INDIA..and I was very happy to see that such a big and hit film for which the world was excited starts with the flick of India..Indian was the first person in the movie to claim that the world will end after three years in 2012..Actually I'm saying wrong..He wasn't Indian..The man who said this was American but he migrated to India permanently as he married an Indian women..I was very much gratified with the director's screenplay tendency to come to the main subject of the film in the 10 minutes after the film began..And the first very disaster touched California..The earth crust began isolating and the huge buildings and every innovations and constructions by human got submerged in the crust and one by one all the Western countries suffered this..Then the mishaps turned towards other countries and there were volcanoes which burnt the whole countries out there...and then at last they again show India...India and the other countries in Asia were victim of the Tsunami..and the whole land went into the world of Water..Water started flowing towards western countries and the whole world gets filled up with water..But Director showed the sequence where Americans had a huge ship..So a little mass of people there..It may be some 1000 people approximately..who were made to enter the ship and the Ship like Vehicle was closed from all of its 4 sides...But then there was a Tsunami and the way director has executed that part of struggle on the screen really moved me..I started crying when I saw the actor of the film not returning back after solving a Hydraulic problem beneath the water .. But then as soon as he returned ..The faces of every actor and artists on which camera focused had such a sentimental and emotional and the hearty face that It made me cry very much..I was already scared watching the Earth coming to an end in such a jeopardised way..and the emotional and suspenseful scene in the last made my heart tilt towards Emotions..After the Film was over I came out of the theatre..and was so much scared as the path on which I was walking will break and I will be beneath the Earth's crust in few seconds..I came home ..Mummy asked How was the film..I said SUPERB EXCELLENT...She said then why are you so sad and theres no smile on your face..I said her that Im scared..I know that this is not going to happen in 2012 but It will happen either now or then...Not in 2012 but it can be in 3012..4012..5012..What will Human of that time will do?? I was just thinking this..And still thinking..Im really scared of the movie..Everyone would have seen this movie with a craze to watch this movie but I saw this movie heartily..which has affected me mentally..Its not making me even smile on the great jokes...Hey GOD..Please do something so that I can smile again and I can understand that This is going to happen and I should not worry..as there is time for this to come...I would like to recommend all of you to watch this movie in Theatre as its really one of the best movie..and the way director has executed and implemented his Idea It doesnt gets more than what should be there..It is exactly what will happen...Theres no Drama out there...
I'm scared....Hey God....Save us from this disaster..Im confident that this is not going to touch our Earth in 2012...but whenever It will be..Please dont let it destroy the efforts of Human which has resulted in this Beautiful World...filled with Aesthetical values..
Abhilash Ruhela - VeeRu
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