84TH BLOG -->>
Finally, Maths internal test was held today...from 10 AM to 11:30 AM..I wasn't prepared as I told you yesterday itself. I wantedto sit today near Yusuf or Prema as I know that both of them are expertized in this subject and I would have got help from them but Sameer said me on the way to college that He knows everything in Maths and He isn't afraid of the subject..As soon as we entered the Hall , He said Abhilash come and sit infront of me..I sat with a huge expectations and Hope..But after all the sittng arrangement was over, I saw that everyone near to my bench were of the same category of which I was the master..Behind me Sameer, Infront of me Sohail, besides Arya and Tushar..All the expectations ruined up and after we got paper..We all were talking to each other and there was the series of jokes passing over again and again..Finally I came into the conclusion that I'm failed in the internals and as per my image infront of madam, she came and stood just infront of my bench and made me more hopeless...Finally I copied a Two-Marks answer and that was enough for my performance in Maths..This subject has always blowed off my confidence and a will to study and the same happened today..Its good and well that My Maths exam is at the last day..otherwise if it would have been at the earliest , I would have repeated the same gaff in all the upcoming papers after this..After the paper we all went to madam and sir for a request of re-exam and Yes we got the positive reply..Now we will have to give the exam again on this Wednesday..But I know that Im not going to do any felicitating job even the next time..I just have a question in my mind to ask GOD..You have blessed me with so much talents and beautiful character and personality..Why have you taken the power of logic which I have to apply in Maths..It is stipulate and indispensable in every course..I cannot run from this subject..and nor this subject going to leave me..Hey GOD.. I dont want to get ATKT in this very first exam..My will and power will break if I fail in this first exam..Bcoz Right now the Image which Im possessing doesnt suit ATKT..So just please keep this term away from my whole career..
On the day of 31st October,1984 Our very first Female Prime Minister-Indira Gandhiji was assassinated..Her death brought ruffleness all over the nation..She was the first one in the series of Ministers who thought of Youths and their development and augmentation and proliferation..She needed no Solidarity..Because this is needed to the people who aren't right in their heart..The person who is right in his heart is exposed infront of the people in the right attitude only and not the one which decreaments his or her personality..After Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi continued the same thing and then Now-a-days Rahul Gandhi is lifting the youths higher and higher...He is growing up the IT sector of India..Congress is successful today just because of Nehru family's dedication and succession..There was a time when Mughal ruled Britishers Ruled, But now is the time when Nehru Family is ruling and their way of ruling is loved by everyone...thus they are winning incessantly from 2 years in the elections..and I have a faith in this party that they will be there in the authority for a long time..decades +++++........
Sherlyn got voted out of BIGG BOSS and the reason her roommates gave her was really disgusting and appal..How can be they so insensible to say that We didn't got nobody to nominate so We nominated you..The girl kept weeping when she was hearing the reasons...She was reallysnubbed in today's episode..Now as she is out...Bigg Boss will take a turn right from the next nominations because according to my predictions Vindu is going to be voted again and the other name will really carry of the frustrations of the celebrities...Waiting for a good show to come out of all this politics and game..Watching Bigg Boss doesn't means only Entertainment..It means Learning , getting educated..It teaches us the values and ideas which we never get to learn and understand..Here everything goes practical and we lean them watching everyday how people react, retaliate and how they get trapped into repercussions...
Thanx for reading my worst performance in my Internal exam , Some information about Gandhi Family and Latest news of Bigg Boss..
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Ex-Girlfriend Tried To Augment Good Relationship With Me !!!
83RD BLOG-->>
Today I gave my EVS VIVA where I was asked 6 questions out of which I answered 4 of them..It wasn't so good but it is OK..Its impossible to give an incredible performances in the exam but It should not be Worst..So today's practical wasn't worst..It was Ok...But Tomorrow I'll be having Maths Internal exam where Me and My Failure will nexus. I'm very bad in Mathematics..and augmentng to this My impression on my Maths Teacher is worst..Except her If you will ask to any teacher about me, They will reply positively and they will add many good remarks to it but if you will ask this Madam about me , She will show her worst expression..To her , the name ABHILASH is the other name for Gobarr and Shitt!! And I think that she is gonna shit while giving me marks and tomorrow she will be behaving strictly towards me..and going to peer me..I'll try playing conundrums with her but may be I'll end with many woes during Exam..I hope that my tomorrow's performance will be good..It can't be best as I dont know anything in this subject and Hope that the circumstances will be such where I'll get a chance to copy the whole paper from any of my friend..
Yesterday night I slept at 2:30 AM after peeping into my EVS book and thus slept after 42 hours of waking up...It is really very hard to fight with natural and invertebrates things which aren't in our hand and is being decided my GOD..God had made a time to work and a time to sleep..If you miss any one of them..Your physique starts punitiveness towards you and give you punishments..The same happened with me when I tried to roam yesterday evening..I was feeling like I'll collapse on the road right now..However No mishaps took place but it took my heart when I was going to struck a vehicle because of my dull eye sight coz of lack of sleep..Today After the VIVA, we were sitting together and completing our Assignment of Mathematics when My ex-gf shared some words with me after that controversial day when her life changed all over..and it was my prediction I shared with my Panvel dude's gand-Yusuf and Arya..that she is going to approach me and talk to me and will try to revamp..and she is here with the same..Today Arya suggested me as he has always suggested-Patch up with her and atleast start talking..How can I?? No..A girl who came forst with the Idea of Break-up and I agreed to it after many questions and arguments..You all know if you have read my previous blogs..But then the way in which she started exploiting me and my image was really hilarious and I wanted to some retaliations to it and I did it on the day of controversy on BLOG..I didn't wanted to spoil my Blog and its address..bcoz this blog is really very special to me..How can I take it so easily...the wrods againt my blog and my views...It wasn't my views It was Veracious..It was truth...which she didn't wanted me to open it infront of everyone...which I wanted...and finally we got into an argument that day..After that, I promised to myself that I'll never talk to this girl in the upcoming three years...and today the way she tried to talk politely and sweetly was really unbelievable..I dont know how she managed to do this..But Yes she was very sweet but Now as Im handling the team of friends who are not with her this time...and comtemporary to this If I'll talk to her, It may lead to my Failure in the friendship in the class and in future I may be alone all over...So better is to keep far distances from her...
Thanks for reading my predictions about tomorrow's exam and my interaction and views about conversing with my ex-gf..
Today I gave my EVS VIVA where I was asked 6 questions out of which I answered 4 of them..It wasn't so good but it is OK..Its impossible to give an incredible performances in the exam but It should not be Worst..So today's practical wasn't worst..It was Ok...But Tomorrow I'll be having Maths Internal exam where Me and My Failure will nexus. I'm very bad in Mathematics..and augmentng to this My impression on my Maths Teacher is worst..Except her If you will ask to any teacher about me, They will reply positively and they will add many good remarks to it but if you will ask this Madam about me , She will show her worst expression..To her , the name ABHILASH is the other name for Gobarr and Shitt!! And I think that she is gonna shit while giving me marks and tomorrow she will be behaving strictly towards me..and going to peer me..I'll try playing conundrums with her but may be I'll end with many woes during Exam..I hope that my tomorrow's performance will be good..It can't be best as I dont know anything in this subject and Hope that the circumstances will be such where I'll get a chance to copy the whole paper from any of my friend..
Yesterday night I slept at 2:30 AM after peeping into my EVS book and thus slept after 42 hours of waking up...It is really very hard to fight with natural and invertebrates things which aren't in our hand and is being decided my GOD..God had made a time to work and a time to sleep..If you miss any one of them..Your physique starts punitiveness towards you and give you punishments..The same happened with me when I tried to roam yesterday evening..I was feeling like I'll collapse on the road right now..However No mishaps took place but it took my heart when I was going to struck a vehicle because of my dull eye sight coz of lack of sleep..Today After the VIVA, we were sitting together and completing our Assignment of Mathematics when My ex-gf shared some words with me after that controversial day when her life changed all over..and it was my prediction I shared with my Panvel dude's gand-Yusuf and Arya..that she is going to approach me and talk to me and will try to revamp..and she is here with the same..Today Arya suggested me as he has always suggested-Patch up with her and atleast start talking..How can I?? No..A girl who came forst with the Idea of Break-up and I agreed to it after many questions and arguments..You all know if you have read my previous blogs..But then the way in which she started exploiting me and my image was really hilarious and I wanted to some retaliations to it and I did it on the day of controversy on BLOG..I didn't wanted to spoil my Blog and its address..bcoz this blog is really very special to me..How can I take it so easily...the wrods againt my blog and my views...It wasn't my views It was Veracious..It was truth...which she didn't wanted me to open it infront of everyone...which I wanted...and finally we got into an argument that day..After that, I promised to myself that I'll never talk to this girl in the upcoming three years...and today the way she tried to talk politely and sweetly was really unbelievable..I dont know how she managed to do this..But Yes she was very sweet but Now as Im handling the team of friends who are not with her this time...and comtemporary to this If I'll talk to her, It may lead to my Failure in the friendship in the class and in future I may be alone all over...So better is to keep far distances from her...
Thanks for reading my predictions about tomorrow's exam and my interaction and views about conversing with my ex-gf..
Funny Incidents At The Practical Exam !!!
82ND BLOG -->>
You would be thinking that Why Im repeating the mistake by writing BLOG again above as the header..actually this word BLOG looks nice but the word POST seems like something Stale. Yesterday after writing the blog I got engaged in preparation of my practical exam and with the blessing of Sai Baba I didn't felt to sleep and the whole night I kept reading programs and following their conceptuals.Without sleeping even for a single minute I went to the college and saw the first glance of the external teacher who came for interacting with us in VIVA.She was smart and the very first look dithered my feelings to perform well in VIVA. But watching the blank faces of my classmates was so bizarre that I felt like lying on the floor and laugh so much that my stomach should start paining.Before the Practical, Prema was very happy because at her right side Saquib was sitting who is also an expert in C and on the left side It was Me- who does very well in practicals and my concepts of C are more evident in the class but as soon as the practical started she got a program which weren't complied by any one of us..and her face dumped as the dirtiest dustbin of the dirtiest village. I laughed so much on her that she went mad. Arya vociferated and said I have got GCD and LCM andeven his look was so interesting to watch that again I felt like trumbling with the laughter..The confidence of all the students got fragile in a flick. Everyone dithered.
Then there came the most awaited event of our exam- THE VIVA..VIVA was going on in different classroom..each roll number were called and were interrogated..After the exam when I conversed with my friends and came to know their interaction with the madam in VIVA..I just felt like It wasn't Exam today, It was some jolly moment for which I was waiting from so many days..
Finally, when we came out of the lab , I felt like our college succeeded in their malaise as they were successful in fragiling every student..But it really made my day as I laughed a lot..Everything went fine from my side..I executed both the programs and I also worked with Paysheet in MS-EXCEL applying FORMULA to the cells and thus That went successful but VIVA ruffled everything..Hahaha...Last morning I woke up at 8..from then I havent slept ...I have incessantly woken up for 41 hours as its 1 AM now..and as its EVS's VIVA tomorrow Im going through its Chapters..Because of lack of sleep..Mujhe khadey hone pe chakkar bhi aa rahe hain..Very tough situation..But I cant sleep...
You would be thinking that Why Im repeating the mistake by writing BLOG again above as the header..actually this word BLOG looks nice but the word POST seems like something Stale. Yesterday after writing the blog I got engaged in preparation of my practical exam and with the blessing of Sai Baba I didn't felt to sleep and the whole night I kept reading programs and following their conceptuals.Without sleeping even for a single minute I went to the college and saw the first glance of the external teacher who came for interacting with us in VIVA.She was smart and the very first look dithered my feelings to perform well in VIVA. But watching the blank faces of my classmates was so bizarre that I felt like lying on the floor and laugh so much that my stomach should start paining.Before the Practical, Prema was very happy because at her right side Saquib was sitting who is also an expert in C and on the left side It was Me- who does very well in practicals and my concepts of C are more evident in the class but as soon as the practical started she got a program which weren't complied by any one of us..and her face dumped as the dirtiest dustbin of the dirtiest village. I laughed so much on her that she went mad. Arya vociferated and said I have got GCD and LCM andeven his look was so interesting to watch that again I felt like trumbling with the laughter..The confidence of all the students got fragile in a flick. Everyone dithered.
Then there came the most awaited event of our exam- THE VIVA..VIVA was going on in different classroom..each roll number were called and were interrogated..After the exam when I conversed with my friends and came to know their interaction with the madam in VIVA..I just felt like It wasn't Exam today, It was some jolly moment for which I was waiting from so many days..
Arya was asked a program that how will you perform it in the other way...and Arya answered "Good Logical Question mam, we will think about this" Hahaha..Am just thinking the expression of supervisor who would have heard this answer..
Yusuf was asked and he didn't knew the matter..He was told " You dont know anything crook, just go.." Hahaha
Manoj was asked 5 questions and he didn't replied to anyone of them and kept looking on the table. Mam said to him "Tum aise kyu ho?" He replied "Madam main bhi yahi soch rha hu ki main aisa kyu hu" Hahaha
Sulokshna was asked " What is Fibonacci series?" and she wrote all the odd numbers on the paper and when madam told that this is wrong she said Sir have taught us the same..Madam replied " You idiot Stupid girl , dont know anthing..get out from here..get lost and you are failed...get lost"
Madam asked me "What is Pointers" I didnt knew anything and I startes answering definition of Function as I didn't knew anything about Pointers..Madam replied "You are trying to fool me?" I said "NO" and she said then "What are you thinking then ki I dont know what is pointers" and it came to my knowledge that I cant embroil madam..
Finally, when we came out of the lab , I felt like our college succeeded in their malaise as they were successful in fragiling every student..But it really made my day as I laughed a lot..Everything went fine from my side..I executed both the programs and I also worked with Paysheet in MS-EXCEL applying FORMULA to the cells and thus That went successful but VIVA ruffled everything..Hahaha...Last morning I woke up at 8..from then I havent slept ...I have incessantly woken up for 41 hours as its 1 AM now..and as its EVS's VIVA tomorrow Im going through its Chapters..Because of lack of sleep..Mujhe khadey hone pe chakkar bhi aa rahe hain..Very tough situation..But I cant sleep...
First Exam To Check My Dedication Towards Studies !!!
81TH POST -->>
Atcha Toh aap log aaj firr shamil huye hain hamari daaastaan sunne ke liye..Swaagat hai aap subka..Tehh dil se..Yahaan aaney ke liye na koi darwaaza hai naa hi koi bandishsh...Bas jab jee chahey chaley aayiye..Humse miliye..hamare naa hone pe bhi hum kuch chchod ke jaate hain jisse aapko laagey ki aap humi se vaartalaap kar rahe hain..Chahein kuchch bhi ho jaaye hum yahaan aatey jaroor hai roz kyuki hamein ye poora vishwas hai ki aap bhi aaye honge hamaare intzaar mein...Hamare aaaney ka samay kuch raat mein hota hai..jab jahaan so jaati hain...tab aadhi raat ko hum yahaan aaakey hamari mehfill jamaatey hain..ab ye toh hamein bhi nahi pata chal paata ki kitney log hamarey is mehfil mein shaamil hain..par vishwas jaroor rehta hai ki aap aaye jaroor honge....Ab pata nahi aap sachchey hain ya jhoothey..par hamari umeed yahi rehti hai ki aap aayein..hum jo kehtey hain wo suney aur apna bhi kuch kahaa yahaan likh chchod jayiye..taki hum firse aapke sawaal ka jawaab de sakein...
Atcha toh ab Internet ki bhaasha mein aa jaaatey hain..I have read today that now Internet will be available in all the major 22 languages of our nation right from the first click.It is already available in many German and Europian languages..This is the time for the Indians to be happy as they have been considered in this..Our India's Hindi's domain name is BHARAT..and the sites will be used respectively..Illustration - www.google.co.in will be www.google.co.bharat , www.yahoo.in will be www.yahoo.bharat. Isn't this interesting? Im very excited for this change but it will be in action from mid-2010 so little months more to wait for and then we will have our India as the main domain on the international sites. The foreigners who will be coming to India will see the bharat written in the address bar..And we will proudly staring at their face..Coz We Are Indians..This thought came as Internet completed its 40th Birthday yesterday.
Tomorrow is my first university exam- Practical of C-PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE AND WORKING WITH MICROSOFT WORD AND EXCEL. You all would be hearing me saying again and again that I'm the best in my practical periods..Tomorrow is the day to prove this..And I'm really very tensed about this..If even a single child does better then me even with the difference of 1 marks, It'll be really shameful for me..Actually nobody will say anything to me but theres Self-respect within which will not allow me to be Normal..It will pinch me again and again..and if tomorrow when I'll be given the name of programs which I'll have to compile..and If I'll not be knowing how to start with them..I'll really will start crying then and there..Because I'm very possessive for C Programming..Waise toh Im Program-savvy but if Nervousness will meddle then there will be a destruction in my mind..There's even a VIVA tomorrow where supervisors from Pune will be coming to check our knowledge about the subject..Arya and me today worked on programs from 3.30 PM to 8:45 PM incessantly..Hope this effort brings fruitful result..Its 12:15 now and I'll be working on the programs for the whole night..Even yesterday I was waking till 5:30 in the morning..Hey SAI BABA...please help me..Im working very passionately..
All of you please do a little praying for me for my first exam..
Atcha Toh aap log aaj firr shamil huye hain hamari daaastaan sunne ke liye..Swaagat hai aap subka..Tehh dil se..Yahaan aaney ke liye na koi darwaaza hai naa hi koi bandishsh...Bas jab jee chahey chaley aayiye..Humse miliye..hamare naa hone pe bhi hum kuch chchod ke jaate hain jisse aapko laagey ki aap humi se vaartalaap kar rahe hain..Chahein kuchch bhi ho jaaye hum yahaan aatey jaroor hai roz kyuki hamein ye poora vishwas hai ki aap bhi aaye honge hamaare intzaar mein...Hamare aaaney ka samay kuch raat mein hota hai..jab jahaan so jaati hain...tab aadhi raat ko hum yahaan aaakey hamari mehfill jamaatey hain..ab ye toh hamein bhi nahi pata chal paata ki kitney log hamarey is mehfil mein shaamil hain..par vishwas jaroor rehta hai ki aap aaye jaroor honge....Ab pata nahi aap sachchey hain ya jhoothey..par hamari umeed yahi rehti hai ki aap aayein..hum jo kehtey hain wo suney aur apna bhi kuch kahaa yahaan likh chchod jayiye..taki hum firse aapke sawaal ka jawaab de sakein...
Atcha toh ab Internet ki bhaasha mein aa jaaatey hain..I have read today that now Internet will be available in all the major 22 languages of our nation right from the first click.It is already available in many German and Europian languages..This is the time for the Indians to be happy as they have been considered in this..Our India's Hindi's domain name is BHARAT..and the sites will be used respectively..Illustration - www.google.co.in will be www.google.co.bharat , www.yahoo.in will be www.yahoo.bharat. Isn't this interesting? Im very excited for this change but it will be in action from mid-2010 so little months more to wait for and then we will have our India as the main domain on the international sites. The foreigners who will be coming to India will see the bharat written in the address bar..And we will proudly staring at their face..Coz We Are Indians..This thought came as Internet completed its 40th Birthday yesterday.
Tomorrow is my first university exam- Practical of C-PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE AND WORKING WITH MICROSOFT WORD AND EXCEL. You all would be hearing me saying again and again that I'm the best in my practical periods..Tomorrow is the day to prove this..And I'm really very tensed about this..If even a single child does better then me even with the difference of 1 marks, It'll be really shameful for me..Actually nobody will say anything to me but theres Self-respect within which will not allow me to be Normal..It will pinch me again and again..and if tomorrow when I'll be given the name of programs which I'll have to compile..and If I'll not be knowing how to start with them..I'll really will start crying then and there..Because I'm very possessive for C Programming..Waise toh Im Program-savvy but if Nervousness will meddle then there will be a destruction in my mind..There's even a VIVA tomorrow where supervisors from Pune will be coming to check our knowledge about the subject..Arya and me today worked on programs from 3.30 PM to 8:45 PM incessantly..Hope this effort brings fruitful result..Its 12:15 now and I'll be working on the programs for the whole night..Even yesterday I was waking till 5:30 in the morning..Hey SAI BABA...please help me..Im working very passionately..
All of you please do a little praying for me for my first exam..
Internet Celebrated Its 40th Birthday Today !!!
Today Internet has completed its 40th Birthday.40 years back a team worked on the fundamental of information technology - DATABASE. Database can be said as developing a platform where everyone can share files and datas..and things can be bought up at a particular platform..So because of this database, today we can work on orkut and facebook...and other social networking sites where you meet up with your friends at a platform.Internet when was started was having a single target to transfer message from one place to another and first invention in it was of E-mail. E-mail at that decade was something which was unbelievable to everyone.They said that how can a mail or message can pass on to another person in a single second. But at that time the team who created this huge success story- Internet didn't knew that Internet will grow so wide and broad that it will help people in many way..
One of the software engineer of that team - Leonard Kleinrock says that he never imagined Facebook and Twitter and even Youtube which are taken as granted today.. Many new applications are available today and the children from age 8 starts using Internet..The youth when were asked in the Show MTV WASS UP that what do they mostly do on the internet..They themselves said that they surf Orkut, Facebook, Twitter, chat rooms and download videos and other certain stuffs..And hence they showed that they use internet erratically..Internet has completed 40 years and it is being exploited now..In the recent remand cases it was found that more than half of the teenagers were arrested for the crime they committed through Internet...I hope that this will not continue in future as it corrupts the situation we are handling..
Azhar and Rubina of Slumdog Millionaire fame were blessed with Rs. 25 lakhs to search a new flat to live in from the Jai Ho trust..This slumdogs says that this 25 Lakh isn't abundant to buy a flat..I hope that they have wiped out what they were before the film..Inko yaaad karaana padega..Jyaada hi jhaad pe cadhh gaye hain..My Final Practical Exam of C Language and Office Automation is on 28th Oct..Just One day left more to study and feed the logics and concepts in my mind. Nobody is robust in my class and this is making me uncomfortable and who are robust are creating hell with their this kind of attitude..I hope that their this attitude will help me in the practical exam..You would be thinking that What Im speaking and What does I mean..Hosiyaar aadmi samajh gaya hoga..But I'll tell you what I meant once My prediction goes veracious..Still little symptoms of unwellness travelling in my veins...Hope they will be cleared off till tomorrow's morning....
Thanx for reading..Little about Internet and little about me..Apologize to them whom I didnt replied..They pained so much to comment on my blog and I didn't replied...Hope I'll get well soon and reply to all of you..It will take a time but you dont leave my hand..Because I need your support...
Today Internet has completed its 40th Birthday.40 years back a team worked on the fundamental of information technology - DATABASE. Database can be said as developing a platform where everyone can share files and datas..and things can be bought up at a particular platform..So because of this database, today we can work on orkut and facebook...and other social networking sites where you meet up with your friends at a platform.Internet when was started was having a single target to transfer message from one place to another and first invention in it was of E-mail. E-mail at that decade was something which was unbelievable to everyone.They said that how can a mail or message can pass on to another person in a single second. But at that time the team who created this huge success story- Internet didn't knew that Internet will grow so wide and broad that it will help people in many way..
One of the software engineer of that team - Leonard Kleinrock says that he never imagined Facebook and Twitter and even Youtube which are taken as granted today.. Many new applications are available today and the children from age 8 starts using Internet..The youth when were asked in the Show MTV WASS UP that what do they mostly do on the internet..They themselves said that they surf Orkut, Facebook, Twitter, chat rooms and download videos and other certain stuffs..And hence they showed that they use internet erratically..Internet has completed 40 years and it is being exploited now..In the recent remand cases it was found that more than half of the teenagers were arrested for the crime they committed through Internet...I hope that this will not continue in future as it corrupts the situation we are handling..
Azhar and Rubina of Slumdog Millionaire fame were blessed with Rs. 25 lakhs to search a new flat to live in from the Jai Ho trust..This slumdogs says that this 25 Lakh isn't abundant to buy a flat..I hope that they have wiped out what they were before the film..Inko yaaad karaana padega..Jyaada hi jhaad pe cadhh gaye hain..My Final Practical Exam of C Language and Office Automation is on 28th Oct..Just One day left more to study and feed the logics and concepts in my mind. Nobody is robust in my class and this is making me uncomfortable and who are robust are creating hell with their this kind of attitude..I hope that their this attitude will help me in the practical exam..You would be thinking that What Im speaking and What does I mean..Hosiyaar aadmi samajh gaya hoga..But I'll tell you what I meant once My prediction goes veracious..Still little symptoms of unwellness travelling in my veins...Hope they will be cleared off till tomorrow's morning....
Thanx for reading..Little about Internet and little about me..Apologize to them whom I didnt replied..They pained so much to comment on my blog and I didn't replied...Hope I'll get well soon and reply to all of you..It will take a time but you dont leave my hand..Because I need your support...
College Sucked - Partnership With Yusuf !!!
79TH BLOG --->>>
Friends , I'll like to apologize to all of you that today Im not continuing with the part of my past as Im not in the condition to write about it right now..Im under a trauma and I feel like if people will ask me again and again about that incident , It will consequence some hurdles in my path of success..My holidays are beginning from 23rd November , So the day when I'll feel relaxed , I'll write the whole thing in the single post itself..And again I would like to apologize for the heading which I give daily to my posts..I write the xth BLOG...BLOG is the wrong word to say ..Its POST..So I'll be correcting this mistake from tomorrow..
I'm still sick but I'm not letting myself to dissappear from my useful activities like Studying, Colleges, Newspapers, Communications and Blogs.. I'm in the friendship with Diseases and that to of various types..Im never under a single disease..I have experienced every one of them..Stil not affected with any Gupt Rog and all but else I have tangles with many diseases..Today we were called at the college for the practical session and while we were in the lab, A non-teaching staff person came and announced that we have to give final exam of EVS...We all were shocked with this declaration..I and Yusuf stood to protest this ruffle and wanted the whole class to participate us in our rebel..Recently you University people have added two subjects without any intimation to our syllabus and tensed all of us and then after this you all are conducting final exam without any call and intimation...Till when should we keep quiet and suffer all this lose in our studies and marks..But it is said naa...Ki BHAUKNEY WAALEY KUTTEY KABHI KAATNE NAHI HAI..Same thing happened here..The boys and girls who open their mouth in the useless talks and vociferate incessantly that I'll leave the college if this things will go on..and I'll take the action..I'm waiting for the next mistake college will do..All this sentence were dumped today in the dirtiest dustbin of this world..When Me and Yusuf were protesting..One by one everyone went up to the examination hall and started attempting their questions sweetly..This really mooted abuses in my mind for that bloody useless fellows of my class who didn't even spoke a word agains the teacher...But Im really dissappointed from my college..This is really a Hell for me..but now as I have entered this Bizarre and whim which was for a short term of time ..I'll have to manage myself in this careless place...
But today I also felt something much emphasis then this bloddy whole activity..Yusuf bought his Car today and we enjoyed the whole journey in the car today...It was really a big pleasure travelling in a car with one of my friends and Nobody else..because mostly parents dont allow their children to drive vehicles on highway but Yusuf have won this confidence over his parents is really a Felicitating moment..I saw a big change in this man after he read the Chetan Bhagat's novel - FIVE POINT SOMEONE..He has described the whole story orally to me but then too I would like to read this book as Yusuf has turned fancy after reading it..Not wholly but most of his part has changed into an acceptable way..Good..Awesome..Im thinking that Peer Yusuf changed and went fancy after reading this novel...What will happen to me..Ufff!!! WAISEY HI KAMM KAMINEY NAHI HAI..TAB ISS DUNIYA KA KYA HOGA JAB YE KITAAB HUM APNE ZINDAGI MEIN GRAHAN KAR LENGE...PASHCHYAAT ABHI SAMAY HAI..ISKEY BAARE MEIN ABHI NAHI SOCHNA CHAHENGE..
Thanx for reading..Today's day was over all Happy and Gay with some bloody spots on it...
Friends , I'll like to apologize to all of you that today Im not continuing with the part of my past as Im not in the condition to write about it right now..Im under a trauma and I feel like if people will ask me again and again about that incident , It will consequence some hurdles in my path of success..My holidays are beginning from 23rd November , So the day when I'll feel relaxed , I'll write the whole thing in the single post itself..And again I would like to apologize for the heading which I give daily to my posts..I write the xth BLOG...BLOG is the wrong word to say ..Its POST..So I'll be correcting this mistake from tomorrow..
I'm still sick but I'm not letting myself to dissappear from my useful activities like Studying, Colleges, Newspapers, Communications and Blogs.. I'm in the friendship with Diseases and that to of various types..Im never under a single disease..I have experienced every one of them..Stil not affected with any Gupt Rog and all but else I have tangles with many diseases..Today we were called at the college for the practical session and while we were in the lab, A non-teaching staff person came and announced that we have to give final exam of EVS...We all were shocked with this declaration..I and Yusuf stood to protest this ruffle and wanted the whole class to participate us in our rebel..Recently you University people have added two subjects without any intimation to our syllabus and tensed all of us and then after this you all are conducting final exam without any call and intimation...Till when should we keep quiet and suffer all this lose in our studies and marks..But it is said naa...Ki BHAUKNEY WAALEY KUTTEY KABHI KAATNE NAHI HAI..Same thing happened here..The boys and girls who open their mouth in the useless talks and vociferate incessantly that I'll leave the college if this things will go on..and I'll take the action..I'm waiting for the next mistake college will do..All this sentence were dumped today in the dirtiest dustbin of this world..When Me and Yusuf were protesting..One by one everyone went up to the examination hall and started attempting their questions sweetly..This really mooted abuses in my mind for that bloody useless fellows of my class who didn't even spoke a word agains the teacher...But Im really dissappointed from my college..This is really a Hell for me..but now as I have entered this Bizarre and whim which was for a short term of time ..I'll have to manage myself in this careless place...
But today I also felt something much emphasis then this bloddy whole activity..Yusuf bought his Car today and we enjoyed the whole journey in the car today...It was really a big pleasure travelling in a car with one of my friends and Nobody else..because mostly parents dont allow their children to drive vehicles on highway but Yusuf have won this confidence over his parents is really a Felicitating moment..I saw a big change in this man after he read the Chetan Bhagat's novel - FIVE POINT SOMEONE..He has described the whole story orally to me but then too I would like to read this book as Yusuf has turned fancy after reading it..Not wholly but most of his part has changed into an acceptable way..Good..Awesome..Im thinking that Peer Yusuf changed and went fancy after reading this novel...What will happen to me..Ufff!!! WAISEY HI KAMM KAMINEY NAHI HAI..TAB ISS DUNIYA KA KYA HOGA JAB YE KITAAB HUM APNE ZINDAGI MEIN GRAHAN KAR LENGE...PASHCHYAAT ABHI SAMAY HAI..ISKEY BAARE MEIN ABHI NAHI SOCHNA CHAHENGE..
Thanx for reading..Today's day was over all Happy and Gay with some bloody spots on it...
My Past- Part 1 - Must Read If You Love Me
78TH BLOG--->>>
Everyone here in this world loves the noun- FAME.. even I love this..When I was in my pre-primary sections I used to score 1st rank in my class..I received the prize of ALL-ROUNDER in my class..My parents were very happy then..Then after 1st std I was transferred to the school where there were many students..Actually at that time I wasnt capable of living my life without my mother..I was Maa Ka Laadla..even today the condition is the same..I cant do many things without my mumma...Im responsible now..But I need mummy..So when I was shifted to that school My performance got little weaker and the 1st rank turned into a dream for my parents which they had for their single child..I then was among top 10 rankers in my class till the class 6th..but as soon as I marched towards 7th std..My atittude and my sincerety my sweetness Everything went into vain..I became a gunda..I was known as the bad boy all over the school..You will be thinking how come whole school knew him..Because I used to do many useless acts which defamed my character..I crossed every limit and never confined myself..I just wanted to be DON..I dont know how my passion changed towards this dream..but my parents were very tensed then that what will he do in his life if he will keep doing this useless acitivites as they knew each of them because of the colony's students who were in the same school..I was a funny boy then..I used to make every1 laugh so every1 loved me..I was a defamed character but every1 all over the school were among my friends..Every1 used to enjoy with me..then in my 10th std I did most of the useless activities..I'll share all of them with you in the coming posts...I passed my 10th Board with just 61%. Expectations were above 80%. So my whole house were frustrated on me..I knew that what I have got is directly proportional to my efforts I have made in to study for my board..
Then with the God's blessings I was admitted in Pune for 11th and 12th. I wanted to migrate to Pune after 10th but didn't wanted this particular college..Then this was the first time I experienced the Hostel Life..and being a Maa Ka Laadla, I didn't augmented my self..didn't proliferated myself but kept sabotaging myself day by day...ruined my life...owned many new diseases...many blood infections..psychological problem..and much much more...Life of a funny boy turned into a life of a Psycho..
My papa picked me up from there and threw me in my bedroom..I went into a depression that now my life is ceased..My friends, my roommates, my way of living is changed..and the furious nature of my Papa at that time made this thing sure in my mind that he will not let me continue with my studies anymore..I kept crying in one corner..Everytime..Every minute..Every second...I never unbosomed my feelings with any1...I just kept dying into myself..and I became a Psycho..Every1 started showing sympathy towards me..all the people around me became a solidarity material..Now my aim in my life was just to Suicide..I tried it many a times....But it is said naa..Bhagwaan ka bulawa aata hai tabhi wahaan jaana hota hai...I survived...My parents broked when they saw me like this...Then we shifted to Nashik and again I was alone here..again everything started pinching me..I went more mad..I started dashing up my head to the walls...cutting my wrist with a blade...taking a compass and pointing its sharped neeedle towards my eyes and trying to see how will it look after it enters into my eyes..I dont know what was happening with me at that time..I was just suffering with a psychological problem...
For today...I'll stop this Appal story here and will continue with this tomorrow....as Im sick and my back bone is paining..but would like all of you to read this deadly part of my life...I'll go in detail the next time I write next part of this story..Today I wrote in short coz I thought that blog will be short but then too it crossed its limit which i have put in..So better then talking in short..I'll tell you the whole thing clearly and evidently..
Thanks for reading this very post....
With all the love- Your lovingly Abhilash
Everyone here in this world loves the noun- FAME.. even I love this..When I was in my pre-primary sections I used to score 1st rank in my class..I received the prize of ALL-ROUNDER in my class..My parents were very happy then..Then after 1st std I was transferred to the school where there were many students..Actually at that time I wasnt capable of living my life without my mother..I was Maa Ka Laadla..even today the condition is the same..I cant do many things without my mumma...Im responsible now..But I need mummy..So when I was shifted to that school My performance got little weaker and the 1st rank turned into a dream for my parents which they had for their single child..I then was among top 10 rankers in my class till the class 6th..but as soon as I marched towards 7th std..My atittude and my sincerety my sweetness Everything went into vain..I became a gunda..I was known as the bad boy all over the school..You will be thinking how come whole school knew him..Because I used to do many useless acts which defamed my character..I crossed every limit and never confined myself..I just wanted to be DON..I dont know how my passion changed towards this dream..but my parents were very tensed then that what will he do in his life if he will keep doing this useless acitivites as they knew each of them because of the colony's students who were in the same school..I was a funny boy then..I used to make every1 laugh so every1 loved me..I was a defamed character but every1 all over the school were among my friends..Every1 used to enjoy with me..then in my 10th std I did most of the useless activities..I'll share all of them with you in the coming posts...I passed my 10th Board with just 61%. Expectations were above 80%. So my whole house were frustrated on me..I knew that what I have got is directly proportional to my efforts I have made in to study for my board..
Then with the God's blessings I was admitted in Pune for 11th and 12th. I wanted to migrate to Pune after 10th but didn't wanted this particular college..Then this was the first time I experienced the Hostel Life..and being a Maa Ka Laadla, I didn't augmented my self..didn't proliferated myself but kept sabotaging myself day by day...ruined my life...owned many new diseases...many blood infections..psychological problem..and much much more...Life of a funny boy turned into a life of a Psycho..
My papa picked me up from there and threw me in my bedroom..I went into a depression that now my life is ceased..My friends, my roommates, my way of living is changed..and the furious nature of my Papa at that time made this thing sure in my mind that he will not let me continue with my studies anymore..I kept crying in one corner..Everytime..Every minute..Every second...I never unbosomed my feelings with any1...I just kept dying into myself..and I became a Psycho..Every1 started showing sympathy towards me..all the people around me became a solidarity material..Now my aim in my life was just to Suicide..I tried it many a times....But it is said naa..Bhagwaan ka bulawa aata hai tabhi wahaan jaana hota hai...I survived...My parents broked when they saw me like this...Then we shifted to Nashik and again I was alone here..again everything started pinching me..I went more mad..I started dashing up my head to the walls...cutting my wrist with a blade...taking a compass and pointing its sharped neeedle towards my eyes and trying to see how will it look after it enters into my eyes..I dont know what was happening with me at that time..I was just suffering with a psychological problem...
For today...I'll stop this Appal story here and will continue with this tomorrow....as Im sick and my back bone is paining..but would like all of you to read this deadly part of my life...I'll go in detail the next time I write next part of this story..Today I wrote in short coz I thought that blog will be short but then too it crossed its limit which i have put in..So better then talking in short..I'll tell you the whole thing clearly and evidently..
Thanks for reading this very post....
With all the love- Your lovingly Abhilash
Wilshire's Comment Better Then The Blog I Wrote !!!
This whole thing is written by Wilshire as a comment to my yesterday's blog and I really liked it so please go through this...
First of all, I'd like to say is that the quality of your blogs is getting better. I don't mean to say that your previous blogs were not good! You're getting the hang of it. You are not just speaking about your day to day life, like a diary, but also you're putting down your own thoughts. This is another good change. Your previous amendment to reply to every comment also was a very nice decision. Keep up the positive trend! and remember, there's always room for improvement.
Well, I'm not sure whether the Windows 7 is an official release in India or not. My friend told me that he's got Windows 7 operating system on his PC. So maybe he's got a pirated version. I've not tried Windows 7 yet but I hope it'll be better than Windows Vista. I've kept hearing from many sources that Windows Vista was a terrible flop. But whatever happens, I'll always love Windows XP! I've been using computers since 1997. Computers were just introduced in you school. At that time the PCs used to run on a Pentium II processor with Windows 95. I was quite accustomed to Windows 95. I also used to run the PC on DOS. The only thing I used to PC for was games. Then later on I could handle Windows 98 quite well too. I did not want to move to Windows XP from Windows 98. But later on I had to. At this time I feel very comfortable with Windows XP and I'd not want to change. Speaking of computers, I'd like to let you know that I'm keen on starting up a computer business here in Pune. I've already started to spread the word that I'm dealing in assembling PCs and computer parts and accessories. I hope I succeed. And yes, I'm very much aware that Indians are behind the success of Microsoft and many other technology giants. Infact I read somewhere that 1/3rd of Microsoft is run by Indians. It feels good to know that Indians are behind the success of such a successful company. But this is not going down very well with the Americans. But neither are they ready to put in more effort than us Indians nor are they trying to. We all know that Indians don't hate Americans but I can tell you that Americans don't like the Indians there. Not all of the Americans but a few. They think that the Indians there are stealing their jobs.
Well, I'm not sure whether the Windows 7 is an official release in India or not. My friend told me that he's got Windows 7 operating system on his PC. So maybe he's got a pirated version. I've not tried Windows 7 yet but I hope it'll be better than Windows Vista. I've kept hearing from many sources that Windows Vista was a terrible flop. But whatever happens, I'll always love Windows XP! I've been using computers since 1997. Computers were just introduced in you school. At that time the PCs used to run on a Pentium II processor with Windows 95. I was quite accustomed to Windows 95. I also used to run the PC on DOS. The only thing I used to PC for was games. Then later on I could handle Windows 98 quite well too. I did not want to move to Windows XP from Windows 98. But later on I had to. At this time I feel very comfortable with Windows XP and I'd not want to change. Speaking of computers, I'd like to let you know that I'm keen on starting up a computer business here in Pune. I've already started to spread the word that I'm dealing in assembling PCs and computer parts and accessories. I hope I succeed. And yes, I'm very much aware that Indians are behind the success of Microsoft and many other technology giants. Infact I read somewhere that 1/3rd of Microsoft is run by Indians. It feels good to know that Indians are behind the success of such a successful company. But this is not going down very well with the Americans. But neither are they ready to put in more effort than us Indians nor are they trying to. We all know that Indians don't hate Americans but I can tell you that Americans don't like the Indians there. Not all of the Americans but a few. They think that the Indians there are stealing their jobs.
I searched everywhere on Google for any news of the expiry of the CMD of SAP but I didn't find anything. I'm very happy that I was a part of our democracy by voting. Speaking of Raj Thackeray, I really don't like that person. He's the person who was behind the attack against North Indians, a.k.a. "bhaiyya's". In J. M. Rathi, daddy told all the teachers not to punish the students by beating them. But here Raj Thackeray is urging the people to mercilessly bash up any North Indians. The definition of the word "bhaiyya" is 'brother'. How can a person instigate other people against your own brothers? Afterall all Indians are our brothers and sisters. Not only do we say it but we also mean it. I can proudly say that India is a country where all Indians treat each other like brothers and sisters. No other country does this. But if such a person tries to divide us, I will definitely not be happy. I have quite a few friends who are North Indians. Some are from Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Himachal and even Kashmir! And I regard all of them as brothers. I will not like it if any of them are harmed here. Infact, I've noticed that I mix much better with people from North India, especially U.P. UPites are very down-to-earth people. They are very frank and straight-forward.
I don't follow any of the TV serials. Nowadays all you get on TV is just cry-babies, stupid problems, etc. As if the problems in my life aren't enough! But Bigg Boss is a different type of programme though.
I too had a Aircel mobile connection but I dumped it due to bad network coverage in my building. But a very sad thing has happened with me. I had given my Aircel mobile number to a very old school friend whom I came across on Orkut. And that school classmate is a friend who was with me since 1st standard, that is, before we shifted to Roha. And to make things worse, she has deleted her Orkut profile. Another shocking thing is that she lives in a hostel in Pune itself and that place is hardly 8-10 kilometers from my house. We had even decided to meet up. Right now she lives just a few kilometers away but I wonder if I'll ever get to meet her again. Well, these are one of the harsh games that life plays with us.
I'm really sorry for the huge comnent. I don't know why I felt like talking so much today. The comment did not fit in so I had to break it up into 2 parts.
I don't follow any of the TV serials. Nowadays all you get on TV is just cry-babies, stupid problems, etc. As if the problems in my life aren't enough! But Bigg Boss is a different type of programme though.
I too had a Aircel mobile connection but I dumped it due to bad network coverage in my building. But a very sad thing has happened with me. I had given my Aircel mobile number to a very old school friend whom I came across on Orkut. And that school classmate is a friend who was with me since 1st standard, that is, before we shifted to Roha. And to make things worse, she has deleted her Orkut profile. Another shocking thing is that she lives in a hostel in Pune itself and that place is hardly 8-10 kilometers from my house. We had even decided to meet up. Right now she lives just a few kilometers away but I wonder if I'll ever get to meet her again. Well, these are one of the harsh games that life plays with us.
I'm really sorry for the huge comnent. I don't know why I felt like talking so much today. The comment did not fit in so I had to break it up into 2 parts.
Written by -
Funny- First Experience Of Loo In College !!!
77TH BLOG --->>>>
In the morning, I noticed that Im again sick..Im suffering again with Cold Cough Throat Pain..Spinal cord's Pain...And got worried about my health..Actually I'm not irresponsible and neither I'm compromising with my health..but the sickness penetrates into my body..and make me weak..My biggest weakness which I have noticed in my life which interrupts me while Im on the path of success is my nexus with Sickness and Illness..How many times I pray God not to confine my life in this sickness itself as I have already suffered many losses in the two years when I was enjoying my friendship with sickness..The worst two years of my life..which still make tears roll of my eyes...I'm not spurious that Im sick, Its a truth that Im sick again so soon..Even I can't help this...This is something which is not leaving me since I was a little kid..When everyone used to play Holi, I used to be sitting in the house and watching them from that window from where I can catch the whole view because I used to be Ill contemporarily..
Apologizes to Rohan..The one who recently ccommented on my blog..with the anonymous Identity and I went rude because I thought it was somebody else..Im not saying that I can vie the anonymous commenters but I'm saying that I hate the one who dont want to disclose their identity...Rohan is not from them..He did it mistakenly..and I went rude..So , SORRY my dear friend...if you felt bad about the reply I hurled on to your comment..Please forgive me...I respect you and your view...
Even after cold and cough sabotaged my body...I went to the college because I love to be regular..Bunking is a natural calamity in colleges which happens without our approval..Hahaha...but I try to regular so I attended the 4 hours practical..and after that we were to be left but there was a declaration that Sir will be taking more 3 hours for us..There will be a lecture...and unexpectedly, us hi samay mujhe loose motion start ho gaya..Mujhe beech me ye ehsaas hua ki Veeru Bhaiiya...bahut bura pressure aa raha hai neechey aur bilkul control hone waala hai nahi..aur agar ye bhadak gaya toh seedhey cheete ke roop me ye bahaar aayega naaa ki solid ke roop me ki ek ek part kar ke geerega...phoos kar ke awaaz aayegi..You will Feel as you are going to phart...lekin wo paad nahi hogi wo andar ka maaal hoga jo ek saath kayi boondo ke roop mein aakey tumhe behaal kar jaayega..Meri haalat ho rahi thi khraab...ghar jaaa nahi sakta tha is condition me kyuki local train itna hillti hai ki wo bhi besabra ho ke turant exit le leta aur mere underwear pe apne zakhmi nishaan chchod jaata..Itna samaz gaya ki ab kahiin na kahiin baith ke apne pett ko shaant karna hi padega..Ab gaya washroom mein..Wahaan saaabun ddhoondhna chaalu kiya..nahi mila..fir socha chalo khareedta hu...aur kismat itni khoti nikli ki college ke aas-paas ki saari dukaanein bund thi aur jo ek khuli thi hamarey classmates aur seniors wahaan hi khadey they to jaise hi main saabun maangta wo samaz jaatey ki aaj ye kuch naya karne jaa rha hai..aur Mr.Fresher banne ke baad ye cheez personality ko sobha nahi de rahi thi..firr andarr gaya...Yusuf ke saath discuss kiya ki kya karna hai..usne kahaa Mitti se haath dho lena abhi jaao hagg ke aao...par agar main iss tarah haath dho ke bahaar nikalta toh mujhe khud se nafrat ho jaati..toh maine chaan-been shuru kiye toilet mein..aur kismat se mujhe wash basin ke neechey ek pudiya mili jismein Surf Excel tha...bhagwaan ka shukriya kar ke ek sandaas grah mein ghus gaya..aur jaise hi saara maal bhadd bhadd kar ke bahaar aa gaya...aur maine apna private part dho liya..fir jaise hi darwaja kholne ko tha tabhi awaaz sunaai di mere class ke boys ki aur seniors ki jo mujhe atchi tarah se jaantey they...Badnaaami ki bhay ke saath main andar hi khada raha intzaar mein ki ye log jaaye..jaise hi kuch 10 minute baad sub shant huaa..Hum bahar niklein...haatho mein surf excel atchi tarah ragad ke sudhdhta ka saath nibhaaya..aur bahaar aaye jaise ki kuch ho hi nahi raha tha hamein kuch palon pehle...ab hum taiyyaar they kitna bhi lamba lecture attend karne k liye aur kisi bhi local train mein cadhne k liye....Hey bhagwaan fir kabhi is tarah college mein mujhe ye durgati mat dikhaaana...Ye life me pehli baar tha ki maine apne school ya college mein hagaa hai....Im sad..I broke this record...
Thanx for reading....Uff.....Dont laugh....It was a serious issue...Hahaha...
In the morning, I noticed that Im again sick..Im suffering again with Cold Cough Throat Pain..Spinal cord's Pain...And got worried about my health..Actually I'm not irresponsible and neither I'm compromising with my health..but the sickness penetrates into my body..and make me weak..My biggest weakness which I have noticed in my life which interrupts me while Im on the path of success is my nexus with Sickness and Illness..How many times I pray God not to confine my life in this sickness itself as I have already suffered many losses in the two years when I was enjoying my friendship with sickness..The worst two years of my life..which still make tears roll of my eyes...I'm not spurious that Im sick, Its a truth that Im sick again so soon..Even I can't help this...This is something which is not leaving me since I was a little kid..When everyone used to play Holi, I used to be sitting in the house and watching them from that window from where I can catch the whole view because I used to be Ill contemporarily..
Apologizes to Rohan..The one who recently ccommented on my blog..with the anonymous Identity and I went rude because I thought it was somebody else..Im not saying that I can vie the anonymous commenters but I'm saying that I hate the one who dont want to disclose their identity...Rohan is not from them..He did it mistakenly..and I went rude..So , SORRY my dear friend...if you felt bad about the reply I hurled on to your comment..Please forgive me...I respect you and your view...
Even after cold and cough sabotaged my body...I went to the college because I love to be regular..Bunking is a natural calamity in colleges which happens without our approval..Hahaha...but I try to regular so I attended the 4 hours practical..and after that we were to be left but there was a declaration that Sir will be taking more 3 hours for us..There will be a lecture...and unexpectedly, us hi samay mujhe loose motion start ho gaya..Mujhe beech me ye ehsaas hua ki Veeru Bhaiiya...bahut bura pressure aa raha hai neechey aur bilkul control hone waala hai nahi..aur agar ye bhadak gaya toh seedhey cheete ke roop me ye bahaar aayega naaa ki solid ke roop me ki ek ek part kar ke geerega...phoos kar ke awaaz aayegi..You will Feel as you are going to phart...lekin wo paad nahi hogi wo andar ka maaal hoga jo ek saath kayi boondo ke roop mein aakey tumhe behaal kar jaayega..Meri haalat ho rahi thi khraab...ghar jaaa nahi sakta tha is condition me kyuki local train itna hillti hai ki wo bhi besabra ho ke turant exit le leta aur mere underwear pe apne zakhmi nishaan chchod jaata..Itna samaz gaya ki ab kahiin na kahiin baith ke apne pett ko shaant karna hi padega..Ab gaya washroom mein..Wahaan saaabun ddhoondhna chaalu kiya..nahi mila..fir socha chalo khareedta hu...aur kismat itni khoti nikli ki college ke aas-paas ki saari dukaanein bund thi aur jo ek khuli thi hamarey classmates aur seniors wahaan hi khadey they to jaise hi main saabun maangta wo samaz jaatey ki aaj ye kuch naya karne jaa rha hai..aur Mr.Fresher banne ke baad ye cheez personality ko sobha nahi de rahi thi..firr andarr gaya...Yusuf ke saath discuss kiya ki kya karna hai..usne kahaa Mitti se haath dho lena abhi jaao hagg ke aao...par agar main iss tarah haath dho ke bahaar nikalta toh mujhe khud se nafrat ho jaati..toh maine chaan-been shuru kiye toilet mein..aur kismat se mujhe wash basin ke neechey ek pudiya mili jismein Surf Excel tha...bhagwaan ka shukriya kar ke ek sandaas grah mein ghus gaya..aur jaise hi saara maal bhadd bhadd kar ke bahaar aa gaya...aur maine apna private part dho liya..fir jaise hi darwaja kholne ko tha tabhi awaaz sunaai di mere class ke boys ki aur seniors ki jo mujhe atchi tarah se jaantey they...Badnaaami ki bhay ke saath main andar hi khada raha intzaar mein ki ye log jaaye..jaise hi kuch 10 minute baad sub shant huaa..Hum bahar niklein...haatho mein surf excel atchi tarah ragad ke sudhdhta ka saath nibhaaya..aur bahaar aaye jaise ki kuch ho hi nahi raha tha hamein kuch palon pehle...ab hum taiyyaar they kitna bhi lamba lecture attend karne k liye aur kisi bhi local train mein cadhne k liye....Hey bhagwaan fir kabhi is tarah college mein mujhe ye durgati mat dikhaaana...Ye life me pehli baar tha ki maine apne school ya college mein hagaa hai....Im sad..I broke this record...
Thanx for reading....Uff.....Dont laugh....It was a serious issue...Hahaha...
One Year Of Blogging Is Sure !!!
76TH BLOG -->>
Today there were many headlines which made me to give emphasis to them. Windows 7 is launched today with many hopes..All over the globe, craze for this new version can be seen. And we Indians should be proud of this as it was possible because of collaboration of our Karnataka's brains. Theres an office of Microsoft in Karnataka where all the perplexed issues of IT and software are resolved. Then there was a sorrowful headline that CMD of SAP has expired. I always feel bad when such great brains take of their soul from the earth.Because of them we are able to do so many things on this earth which have been impossible. Our country is rich in technology..Many Indians dont know this that we lead in the IT and tech sectors all over the world..So Im divulging this thing on Internet.So Im really sad for the expiry of SAP's CMD. I want to read about him or know about him..I'll search on internet..Then there was again a big headline that Who will be the next caretaker of Maharashtra..Who the Maharashtra people have decided to rule them..in this very election..And yes its again Congress in collaboration of NCP..and something which is unbelievable is that Shivsena loosed badly..The way they have been lacking this time from public votes has never been seen from the last 20 years..and the man who made this possible is none other than tha man sitting at the number 14th on the chart of most influenced people in Mumbai.He is Rajsaheb Thackeray..His way of conduct and his approach towards Marathi manoos made this people so blind that they made him win on 13 seats out of 18 where his Kaaryakarta stood..Im from UP..and Im really scared..What will be the future of Mumbai?..I'll be employed in this very city or not as he is the one who fled many UPlites to their own land last year..There should be a party from someone in the Marathas who can defeat this Rajsaheb Thackeray..So finally results are out which come once in 5 years..
The next headline and the biggest part of gossip today about KRK of Bigg Boss was really interesting.And finally he is been thrown out of the house..Not by housemates or public votings but by Bigg Boss himself..This is the right decision taken by Bigg Boss but now there will be no masala in this show.He was the real man who was increasing the TRP of colors.Right now Colors has lead the Star Plus..After many months Star Plus is dragged to number 2nd and Colors is ruling the chart at no.1 with only two shows- Bigg Boss and Balika Vadhu..Im sad for KRK..hahaha....bcoz there will be no masala henceforth..
Finally, after paying just 98 INR per month to Aircel for GPRS through which I surf internet, I have invested 1001 and now my pocket internet validity has increased for 1 whole year..I invested this huge amount in Aircel just bcoz I wanted to write Blogs incessantly. I was scared that this 98 rs offer will end soon so I booked myself for a year.All the money which I saved in this 3 months of pocket money is invested in this..Now Im kangaal..Somebody please lend me some money for next month..Uff...So sad..
Thanx for reading my dedication towards Aircel's offer and Blogging..
Today there were many headlines which made me to give emphasis to them. Windows 7 is launched today with many hopes..All over the globe, craze for this new version can be seen. And we Indians should be proud of this as it was possible because of collaboration of our Karnataka's brains. Theres an office of Microsoft in Karnataka where all the perplexed issues of IT and software are resolved. Then there was a sorrowful headline that CMD of SAP has expired. I always feel bad when such great brains take of their soul from the earth.Because of them we are able to do so many things on this earth which have been impossible. Our country is rich in technology..Many Indians dont know this that we lead in the IT and tech sectors all over the world..So Im divulging this thing on Internet.So Im really sad for the expiry of SAP's CMD. I want to read about him or know about him..I'll search on internet..Then there was again a big headline that Who will be the next caretaker of Maharashtra..Who the Maharashtra people have decided to rule them..in this very election..And yes its again Congress in collaboration of NCP..and something which is unbelievable is that Shivsena loosed badly..The way they have been lacking this time from public votes has never been seen from the last 20 years..and the man who made this possible is none other than tha man sitting at the number 14th on the chart of most influenced people in Mumbai.He is Rajsaheb Thackeray..His way of conduct and his approach towards Marathi manoos made this people so blind that they made him win on 13 seats out of 18 where his Kaaryakarta stood..Im from UP..and Im really scared..What will be the future of Mumbai?..I'll be employed in this very city or not as he is the one who fled many UPlites to their own land last year..There should be a party from someone in the Marathas who can defeat this Rajsaheb Thackeray..So finally results are out which come once in 5 years..
The next headline and the biggest part of gossip today about KRK of Bigg Boss was really interesting.And finally he is been thrown out of the house..Not by housemates or public votings but by Bigg Boss himself..This is the right decision taken by Bigg Boss but now there will be no masala in this show.He was the real man who was increasing the TRP of colors.Right now Colors has lead the Star Plus..After many months Star Plus is dragged to number 2nd and Colors is ruling the chart at no.1 with only two shows- Bigg Boss and Balika Vadhu..Im sad for KRK..hahaha....bcoz there will be no masala henceforth..
Finally, after paying just 98 INR per month to Aircel for GPRS through which I surf internet, I have invested 1001 and now my pocket internet validity has increased for 1 whole year..I invested this huge amount in Aircel just bcoz I wanted to write Blogs incessantly. I was scared that this 98 rs offer will end soon so I booked myself for a year.All the money which I saved in this 3 months of pocket money is invested in this..Now Im kangaal..Somebody please lend me some money for next month..Uff...So sad..
Thanx for reading my dedication towards Aircel's offer and Blogging..
Students Were Present-Teachers Were Absent !!!
75TH BLOG-->>
As you all know that how passionately I completed my assignments so that as soon as Sir will say today that who have completed the whole assignment, I'll be there to moot my hands up.With this Khwahish, I went to the college today.We all were waiting for any one of the teacher to enter the class and take the lectures even for an hour so that the time we wasted in our journey to reach college will be of some use but this is the first time in my life when I saw such an irresponsibility from our teachers. We all were unofficially called today even when our vacations are going on ..We all were present today without fail..but there was no teacher..When we called the class co-ordinator of our class..He smiled and said to one of our classmate that Im in Pune at my native place..You all are enjoying and celebrating there and we are mad here to come to college..There was nobody in the college except our class.We are just the student of 1st year and you all are calling us even on the free days and the one who all are from senior classes are just attending the lectures which are authorized..They dont even attend the regular lectures..They bunk them in masses so that fingers cant be mooted on any one of them..Sir was telling us that your seniors are useless..and you all are following them and not respecting your teachers..not attending your lectures..These all activities is shameful..Now I came to know that my seniors arent faulty..these teachers themselves keep harassing students incessantly.I really got furious today because last 2 nights I havent slept more than 2 hours just because I had to show my assignments today and there is no one today to check it.That day Abhinav commented on my post that He struggled a lot for 20 marks assignment and the teacher didnt even took a nice glance at it..Here in my conditions..They didn't even tried to take a glance..They themself forgot that there was something for which they were troubling us.
Finally , I planned to move towards home as my Mausiji is at home and she will be returning today itself. But after coming to my house I was exhausted..I went to sleep because My home is some 15 minutes of walking distance from railway station ..And it was so Hot today...at 12:30 here in Mumbai that it was unbearable.Finally see-offed Mausiji and finally replied to comments on my recent posts.and then again went to sleep.Right now, I watched Bigg Boss 3..and Yes today was the real Combat I was waiting for in the show..Bigg Boss is incomplete without the fights. Kamaal Khan hurled bottle on Rohit Verma , missed the strike and it dashed Shamita Shetty..and the fight started..Then Raju stopped it..Then he came in the room and started on Raju Shrivastava that Tere se atchi tarah se toh mere ghar ke naukar rehtey hain..and all that.. It was really hurting..Raju is really a sincere man..and when he was targeted everyone opposed Kamaal for the first time.If you really want publicity then you should attack people who aren't lovely to audiences and the masses..Raju is loving to all the Indians and you have targeted him..Now you will be thrown out..Even when I want to state some of my view in public or I feel sometime like fighting..I never catch the person who is friend to everyone..I catch the one who is hated by everyone so that I'll get the support..This is what I did when my blog was caught under controversy in my class..But my target was achieved..I just wanted to ruin someone's life and i did it..Now that person only talks to 3 boys in my class...and else whole class is against that person..This is how you should state your points..Im not saying that Im genious that I did this but before taking any step against anyone just check out his image in public.
Thanks for reading my conspiracy which I play in my mind..Hahaha...
As you all know that how passionately I completed my assignments so that as soon as Sir will say today that who have completed the whole assignment, I'll be there to moot my hands up.With this Khwahish, I went to the college today.We all were waiting for any one of the teacher to enter the class and take the lectures even for an hour so that the time we wasted in our journey to reach college will be of some use but this is the first time in my life when I saw such an irresponsibility from our teachers. We all were unofficially called today even when our vacations are going on ..We all were present today without fail..but there was no teacher..When we called the class co-ordinator of our class..He smiled and said to one of our classmate that Im in Pune at my native place..You all are enjoying and celebrating there and we are mad here to come to college..There was nobody in the college except our class.We are just the student of 1st year and you all are calling us even on the free days and the one who all are from senior classes are just attending the lectures which are authorized..They dont even attend the regular lectures..They bunk them in masses so that fingers cant be mooted on any one of them..Sir was telling us that your seniors are useless..and you all are following them and not respecting your teachers..not attending your lectures..These all activities is shameful..Now I came to know that my seniors arent faulty..these teachers themselves keep harassing students incessantly.I really got furious today because last 2 nights I havent slept more than 2 hours just because I had to show my assignments today and there is no one today to check it.That day Abhinav commented on my post that He struggled a lot for 20 marks assignment and the teacher didnt even took a nice glance at it..Here in my conditions..They didn't even tried to take a glance..They themself forgot that there was something for which they were troubling us.
Finally , I planned to move towards home as my Mausiji is at home and she will be returning today itself. But after coming to my house I was exhausted..I went to sleep because My home is some 15 minutes of walking distance from railway station ..And it was so Hot today...at 12:30 here in Mumbai that it was unbearable.Finally see-offed Mausiji and finally replied to comments on my recent posts.and then again went to sleep.Right now, I watched Bigg Boss 3..and Yes today was the real Combat I was waiting for in the show..Bigg Boss is incomplete without the fights. Kamaal Khan hurled bottle on Rohit Verma , missed the strike and it dashed Shamita Shetty..and the fight started..Then Raju stopped it..Then he came in the room and started on Raju Shrivastava that Tere se atchi tarah se toh mere ghar ke naukar rehtey hain..and all that.. It was really hurting..Raju is really a sincere man..and when he was targeted everyone opposed Kamaal for the first time.If you really want publicity then you should attack people who aren't lovely to audiences and the masses..Raju is loving to all the Indians and you have targeted him..Now you will be thrown out..Even when I want to state some of my view in public or I feel sometime like fighting..I never catch the person who is friend to everyone..I catch the one who is hated by everyone so that I'll get the support..This is what I did when my blog was caught under controversy in my class..But my target was achieved..I just wanted to ruin someone's life and i did it..Now that person only talks to 3 boys in my class...and else whole class is against that person..This is how you should state your points..Im not saying that Im genious that I did this but before taking any step against anyone just check out his image in public.
Thanks for reading my conspiracy which I play in my mind..Hahaha...
Diwali Vacations Ends Here !!!
74TH BLOG ---->>>>>
Last whole night..I didn't even blinked my eyes..Whole night I kept my self busy and engaged in the assignment works and kept myself dedicated towards it..First I went furious towards teacher but after receiving comments from my friends I felt like Im over-reacting because the same situation is handled by everyone albeit they are in the same woe in which I am.So I felt that teachers and parents expect us to do much things..and we should not be rage on it..We should come to the conclusion and show them that We have that guts and we can achieve every target you mark for us..With this intellectual , I sat yesterday after publishing my blog ..It was some 12 o clock then..after that I kept applying my logics and kept implementing Sir's lecture on every programs and questions and finally I completed my whole C programming assignments in the morning at 5 AM...I felt like I was in the air and wanted to call all my classmates and tell them that I have completed my assignments but kept quiet and just being happy I lied down on my bed because I had to wake up tomorrow again for IT subject's assignment.
With the ring of Arya i woke up..welcomed him to my home..This is the first time when one of my classmate of BCA has come to my home..and I was really happy that it was Arya because in my unmatured class he is the one I feel like who has sense and has that idea that next step which he is going to take will bring which all conditions..So in short i enjoyed with him..He also conversed with mummy...then after leaving him I again started on work..Even had some rough conversation with mummy because she was interrupting me while I was watching TV..but finally there was a call from my Mausi that she is approaching towards my home for a stay for 2 days and mummy got excited as both of them are childhood friends..Mummy went up to station to receive her..Finally Mausiji came and in short time after that I found papa knocking the door at such an unusual time that I didn't knew that he will be coming so early..Then there were laughters and cherishing moment in the house..
In the while there was a call from Yusuf , went down the building, gave him my completed assignment of C and took IT's assignment from him ..again started up with that and just now I have completed up with it..I have arranged my bag and books for tomorrow's college as this was the last day of vacation..Officially Its still a vacation but my favourite Zaheer sir has called us up to college for checking assignments and completing the residue portion..Finally, after completing the assignments Im feeling that Teachers arent wrong its our way how we approach our view towards them and I think that we get panicked after receiving the orders of completing assignments..But now Im satisfied with my performance..I also celebrated Diwali charmfully and also completed each and every assignments..Lets see tomorrow Who would have completed assignments except me..????
Thanx for reading my cheerful post..
Last whole night..I didn't even blinked my eyes..Whole night I kept my self busy and engaged in the assignment works and kept myself dedicated towards it..First I went furious towards teacher but after receiving comments from my friends I felt like Im over-reacting because the same situation is handled by everyone albeit they are in the same woe in which I am.So I felt that teachers and parents expect us to do much things..and we should not be rage on it..We should come to the conclusion and show them that We have that guts and we can achieve every target you mark for us..With this intellectual , I sat yesterday after publishing my blog ..It was some 12 o clock then..after that I kept applying my logics and kept implementing Sir's lecture on every programs and questions and finally I completed my whole C programming assignments in the morning at 5 AM...I felt like I was in the air and wanted to call all my classmates and tell them that I have completed my assignments but kept quiet and just being happy I lied down on my bed because I had to wake up tomorrow again for IT subject's assignment.
With the ring of Arya i woke up..welcomed him to my home..This is the first time when one of my classmate of BCA has come to my home..and I was really happy that it was Arya because in my unmatured class he is the one I feel like who has sense and has that idea that next step which he is going to take will bring which all conditions..So in short i enjoyed with him..He also conversed with mummy...then after leaving him I again started on work..Even had some rough conversation with mummy because she was interrupting me while I was watching TV..but finally there was a call from my Mausi that she is approaching towards my home for a stay for 2 days and mummy got excited as both of them are childhood friends..Mummy went up to station to receive her..Finally Mausiji came and in short time after that I found papa knocking the door at such an unusual time that I didn't knew that he will be coming so early..Then there were laughters and cherishing moment in the house..
In the while there was a call from Yusuf , went down the building, gave him my completed assignment of C and took IT's assignment from him ..again started up with that and just now I have completed up with it..I have arranged my bag and books for tomorrow's college as this was the last day of vacation..Officially Its still a vacation but my favourite Zaheer sir has called us up to college for checking assignments and completing the residue portion..Finally, after completing the assignments Im feeling that Teachers arent wrong its our way how we approach our view towards them and I think that we get panicked after receiving the orders of completing assignments..But now Im satisfied with my performance..I also celebrated Diwali charmfully and also completed each and every assignments..Lets see tomorrow Who would have completed assignments except me..????
Thanx for reading my cheerful post..
****** Teachers & Their Bloody Assignments !!!
73RD BLOG---->>>>
Its 19th Today, the day I promised that I'll start working with my assignments.My college is to reopen from 21st October..College gave us vacations of two weeks..According to them they gave us this time to study for the exam which are going to start from this 12th November..Sir was saying that Jitna padhogey utna hi kamm hai..and this staff were talking as they were doing favour for us by giving us this vacation. In the name of Internal marks which just consist of 20 marks per subject..they give us assignment..What do you expect from the assignments which are just going to contribute 20 marks to our subject? Some 10 questions?? I expected this much from them.But here our teachers gave us so much of work that who will teach them that what should be the quantity of 20 marks paper. For the 80 marks paper we have to answer just about 7 or 8 interrogations and we get that 80 marks if we are perfect but here for 20 marks I'll tell you the quantity -
For C Programming , we had to complete 34 programs in the journal with their Outputs on the blank page..That means for them we have to compile each program on the PC..and for all that 34 programs we have to write Algorithm and draw Flow-Chart..We also had to solve minimum two question papers of this subject. These all just for 20 marks..Can you believe this?
Right now Im going to wake up for the whole night and complete the work..I havent wasted a single minute today and I'll utilize this whole night and tomorrow's day and I'll try to complete every emotional atyachar given by them..If not I'll then do this emotional atyachar with the teachers..First I'll try to win, but if I'll lose I'll pakka reply to them aggressively.I decided by my self to study and complete all my portions in this vacations but this teachers have just turned everything in vain..
Thanx for reading my tension against my teachers...
Its 19th Today, the day I promised that I'll start working with my assignments.My college is to reopen from 21st October..College gave us vacations of two weeks..According to them they gave us this time to study for the exam which are going to start from this 12th November..Sir was saying that Jitna padhogey utna hi kamm hai..and this staff were talking as they were doing favour for us by giving us this vacation. In the name of Internal marks which just consist of 20 marks per subject..they give us assignment..What do you expect from the assignments which are just going to contribute 20 marks to our subject? Some 10 questions?? I expected this much from them.But here our teachers gave us so much of work that who will teach them that what should be the quantity of 20 marks paper. For the 80 marks paper we have to answer just about 7 or 8 interrogations and we get that 80 marks if we are perfect but here for 20 marks I'll tell you the quantity -
For C Programming , we had to complete 34 programs in the journal with their Outputs on the blank page..That means for them we have to compile each program on the PC..and for all that 34 programs we have to write Algorithm and draw Flow-Chart..We also had to solve minimum two question papers of this subject. These all just for 20 marks..Can you believe this?
For the subject of Offfice Automation , We had to write 7 practicals in the journal and each practical consisted at an average 8 questions..This is also for this little 20 marks.
For the subject of Fundamentals of IT, we had to solve one question paper with diagrams and One assignments.This is something I can say is right balance.
But the C programming has just created a havoc..And on the other hand My classmates keep disturbing me that we want your book, please come to college and hand-over your completed book to us..This vacations are given for students to enjoy and celebrate the biggest festival of our country-DIWALI..but here it was like our university and our staff want us to just keep writing and give pains to our fingers..Im just frustrated and I have decided that whatever I'll complete that is enough for me, whatever will be left , I'll forget them..and if I'll get less than 15 marks I'll go to Director and show him the quantity of work they gave us.and when the Sir will say that you got 10 days to complete this work I'll reply that we got it for celebrating Diwali..and then I'll see what he answers me back..Right now Im going to wake up for the whole night and complete the work..I havent wasted a single minute today and I'll utilize this whole night and tomorrow's day and I'll try to complete every emotional atyachar given by them..If not I'll then do this emotional atyachar with the teachers..First I'll try to win, but if I'll lose I'll pakka reply to them aggressively.I decided by my self to study and complete all my portions in this vacations but this teachers have just turned everything in vain..
Thanx for reading my tension against my teachers...
Pranjali's Memories & 11 Members who made Today's Day Colourful !!!
72ND BLOG ----->>>>>>
It was Pranjali's birthday today..18th of October..Who is Pranjali? She is my friend..My bestest friend when we were in school..For 4 years from 4th std to 7th std..We had a group which consisted of three bright students- Abhilash, Pranjali and Madhav..We used to talk together...sit together..Joke together..Fight together...even our tuitions after the school were the same..There we used to do masti and fun..Then after that we used to collect together again at my house..then there was again gupshups...Pranjali and madhav used to fight a lot..but I was never in a fight..and with Pranjali my relation was very soft polite and we both used to share many secrets but in the absense of Madhav..She always had a lot of patience..Even when both of us would be around with some misunderstandings , We never started spreading the secrets which we shared..and she was so sweet...that whenever I met with any problem..I used to talk with her..Pranjali mere saath aisa ho gaya..Main kyaa karu?..Mujhe wo ladki pasand aayi hai..Kya karu?..Pranjali aaaj Papa shaam ko aakey mujhe maarne waale hain kya karu?..and she used to reply so lovingly that i used to feel that If she wouldn't have given me the suggestion how would I have faced the problem and clearing it out..I respected her a lot..we were child at that time so fights and combats were usual..I would tease her saying Moti and Feku..because of her over-weightedness and describing any scene with her own spices in it..and she never used to feel bad..Just used to give a powerful naughty smile...I never had a crush on her..bcoz I really took her as my friend who would be with me for the whole lifetime..But after all this goodies..There came a news that she will be leaving school and will be shifting to Gujarat..It was really painful to accept this..But again there was a hope that atleast she would be meeting us twice in a year..She was my first friend in the committee of an opposite gender..hahaha..and really she was wonderful...I miss her even now..Dont know about her..But I really feel that I need a girl to be such a friend with me..and so frank that i can speak to her of any problem...but everything is in vain now...Today is her birthday...So best wishes to her...Hope her this Birthday would have been blast for her..
It is said that people dont visit friends on the day of Diwali as Its a busy day and everyone wants to be with their family and with their prayings..So it wasnt posssible yesterday for a get together..So today my mother planned to call some of good friends and enjoy..One more purpose was there..Actually all of my family trust wearing Gems and Stones...and the man who made us wear all this..Mr. Verma...is respected by our family...I take him as a god for me..He have just changed my life...His suggestions and predictions taught me many lessons and morals..I'll be discussing about my experiences with this gems and stones...later on when it will be needed..So we mostly suggest people who are in trouble..and struggle in their life..To wear gems...and for their Comfort we call Verma uncle to our home..and every friend comes to my house for interacting with that genious person..So today my house was filled up with Mausaji,Mausiji,My dear ones- Priyu and Mahesh..Dadi..and again with Ashish uncle,Deepa aunty and Abhinav..even an assistant of Verma uncle was present..So over all there were 11 people at a time in my house..We had lunch together...and then the readings and predictions and interaction started with many conundrums which were being played with Verma uncle...because without questioning and puzzling him the fact of our life is not going to be facet...Then in the evening, Mausaji's family took off...so 5 members were see-offed...Abhinav's family were still with us as they are always with us in our good moments...that doesnt means that they arent in the sad ones but They support us in every good activities...They are the only loving faces with us in this huge city-Mumbai...and we respect them a lot..And with us joined Khan Aunty and Benish didi...and then there was dinner...Again gupshups and laughters were the huge part of the scene....At last today's day went successful and the much pleasing ones....Thanx to all the 11 members who made our day.....Hope you all will make many of our days colourful....
So in the last i would say all of you to take a look at the Wilshire's comment in my yesterday's blog..Its really funny....and Happy Birthday to Pranjali..again the day have changed...Its 12:33 AM of 19th October..But then too Im giving all my best wishes to her...thanx for reading...and again Happy Diwali to all of you...
It was Pranjali's birthday today..18th of October..Who is Pranjali? She is my friend..My bestest friend when we were in school..For 4 years from 4th std to 7th std..We had a group which consisted of three bright students- Abhilash, Pranjali and Madhav..We used to talk together...sit together..Joke together..Fight together...even our tuitions after the school were the same..There we used to do masti and fun..Then after that we used to collect together again at my house..then there was again gupshups...Pranjali and madhav used to fight a lot..but I was never in a fight..and with Pranjali my relation was very soft polite and we both used to share many secrets but in the absense of Madhav..She always had a lot of patience..Even when both of us would be around with some misunderstandings , We never started spreading the secrets which we shared..and she was so sweet...that whenever I met with any problem..I used to talk with her..Pranjali mere saath aisa ho gaya..Main kyaa karu?..Mujhe wo ladki pasand aayi hai..Kya karu?..Pranjali aaaj Papa shaam ko aakey mujhe maarne waale hain kya karu?..and she used to reply so lovingly that i used to feel that If she wouldn't have given me the suggestion how would I have faced the problem and clearing it out..I respected her a lot..we were child at that time so fights and combats were usual..I would tease her saying Moti and Feku..because of her over-weightedness and describing any scene with her own spices in it..and she never used to feel bad..Just used to give a powerful naughty smile...I never had a crush on her..bcoz I really took her as my friend who would be with me for the whole lifetime..But after all this goodies..There came a news that she will be leaving school and will be shifting to Gujarat..It was really painful to accept this..But again there was a hope that atleast she would be meeting us twice in a year..She was my first friend in the committee of an opposite gender..hahaha..and really she was wonderful...I miss her even now..Dont know about her..But I really feel that I need a girl to be such a friend with me..and so frank that i can speak to her of any problem...but everything is in vain now...Today is her birthday...So best wishes to her...Hope her this Birthday would have been blast for her..
It is said that people dont visit friends on the day of Diwali as Its a busy day and everyone wants to be with their family and with their prayings..So it wasnt posssible yesterday for a get together..So today my mother planned to call some of good friends and enjoy..One more purpose was there..Actually all of my family trust wearing Gems and Stones...and the man who made us wear all this..Mr. Verma...is respected by our family...I take him as a god for me..He have just changed my life...His suggestions and predictions taught me many lessons and morals..I'll be discussing about my experiences with this gems and stones...later on when it will be needed..So we mostly suggest people who are in trouble..and struggle in their life..To wear gems...and for their Comfort we call Verma uncle to our home..and every friend comes to my house for interacting with that genious person..So today my house was filled up with Mausaji,Mausiji,My dear ones- Priyu and Mahesh..Dadi..and again with Ashish uncle,Deepa aunty and Abhinav..even an assistant of Verma uncle was present..So over all there were 11 people at a time in my house..We had lunch together...and then the readings and predictions and interaction started with many conundrums which were being played with Verma uncle...because without questioning and puzzling him the fact of our life is not going to be facet...Then in the evening, Mausaji's family took off...so 5 members were see-offed...Abhinav's family were still with us as they are always with us in our good moments...that doesnt means that they arent in the sad ones but They support us in every good activities...They are the only loving faces with us in this huge city-Mumbai...and we respect them a lot..And with us joined Khan Aunty and Benish didi...and then there was dinner...Again gupshups and laughters were the huge part of the scene....At last today's day went successful and the much pleasing ones....Thanx to all the 11 members who made our day.....Hope you all will make many of our days colourful....
So in the last i would say all of you to take a look at the Wilshire's comment in my yesterday's blog..Its really funny....and Happy Birthday to Pranjali..again the day have changed...Its 12:33 AM of 19th October..But then too Im giving all my best wishes to her...thanx for reading...and again Happy Diwali to all of you...
Diwali-Yes it was Happy
71TH BLOG ------>>>>>
Happy Diwali to all of you...Sitting and reading out my 71st blog..So how was your Diwali..please share it with me...Was it interesting or was it a matter of dissappointment?..From last 3 days , my mobile was continuously ringing...Text messages piled together in the numbers of Hundreds..This was the first time when I received so much of wishes of Diwali..There were many from the unknown numbers..Wanted to know them but my network sent me a message on 16th oct that your message will be charged tomorrow @ 1rs/per message.So my guts and my empty pocket didnt couraged me to reply to every wish..But Would like to send my wishes to each one of them...I'll reply them personally on 19th..But then too accept it here as Belated are always half-heart touched and doesnt give that happiness which we receive on the day itself..
Morning, Woke up in a hurry to prepare for the final day DIWALI for which we were engaged right from 5th OCT...Changed all the covers of my Sofa..Changed Bedsheets,pillow covers..Cushions..New utensils were used for the whole day..Special dishes..In short we were trying to make everything special for today..Just did every tast to impress god and charm the almighty..What I took an oath for today was that I'll avoid using bad words even when i'll be talking to myself in my soul..And I wasnt successful in that But Yaa..I used least of them today...and thats what made me feel that my Diwali was Happy...After we did an excellent make-up of our house, me and my father went to the Panvel streets to witness the Diwali's ascent in the city..We were dissappointed..Last year we were in Nashik and there Diwali was celebrated with Enthusiasm...but here people seems to be busy in something else...In many houses there were not even Diyas...then we came to a conclusion that This is Mumbai, where people run behing materialistic things and they search for the opportunity where they can print money for themselves..and so they dont get engaged in this activities of enlightening their house for the biggest festival..But whatever..It is said..try to change yourself..hope the anti-thinkers in respect to your thinkings will feel an effect...and will start following the good thing you are engaged within..Hope someone of the Mumbaikar would have felt to celebrate Diwali with their heart and soul after watching my Balcony which was all bright...
Then Papa and I returned...Mummy gave a job...Which Im doing right from my childhood...The special dishes which my mummy prepare to welcome the guest on the Diwali mail-milaap, I go and give it to the managed relations all around...A wish from our side which is shown with an affection by offering them sweets and dishes...and then we welcomed Chakraborty uncle , aunty and Abhinav..They came to greet us with the wishes of Diwali and that was the moment I really felt that Its a festival to re-unite people again from their Busy schedules...There were many Gupshups...Papa and uncle were engaged in their boring topic and me and Abhinav were discussing some online stuffs...But enjoyed a lot with them..So this is how My Diwali ended up with all the goodies around...
Tomorrow theres a big list of guest coming to my house...Will be discussing it with you tomorrow and will also tell about my friendship relation with Pranjali who is celebrating her birthday on 18th OCT...thats Today itself...Writing blog took a time and therefore this Hour needle has touched 12 and its 18th now...So we will meet tomorrow..Till then HaPPy DiWaLi Once More...
Thanks for reading...
Happy Diwali to all of you...Sitting and reading out my 71st blog..So how was your Diwali..please share it with me...Was it interesting or was it a matter of dissappointment?..From last 3 days , my mobile was continuously ringing...Text messages piled together in the numbers of Hundreds..This was the first time when I received so much of wishes of Diwali..There were many from the unknown numbers..Wanted to know them but my network sent me a message on 16th oct that your message will be charged tomorrow @ 1rs/per message.So my guts and my empty pocket didnt couraged me to reply to every wish..But Would like to send my wishes to each one of them...I'll reply them personally on 19th..But then too accept it here as Belated are always half-heart touched and doesnt give that happiness which we receive on the day itself..
Morning, Woke up in a hurry to prepare for the final day DIWALI for which we were engaged right from 5th OCT...Changed all the covers of my Sofa..Changed Bedsheets,pillow covers..Cushions..New utensils were used for the whole day..Special dishes..In short we were trying to make everything special for today..Just did every tast to impress god and charm the almighty..What I took an oath for today was that I'll avoid using bad words even when i'll be talking to myself in my soul..And I wasnt successful in that But Yaa..I used least of them today...and thats what made me feel that my Diwali was Happy...After we did an excellent make-up of our house, me and my father went to the Panvel streets to witness the Diwali's ascent in the city..We were dissappointed..Last year we were in Nashik and there Diwali was celebrated with Enthusiasm...but here people seems to be busy in something else...In many houses there were not even Diyas...then we came to a conclusion that This is Mumbai, where people run behing materialistic things and they search for the opportunity where they can print money for themselves..and so they dont get engaged in this activities of enlightening their house for the biggest festival..But whatever..It is said..try to change yourself..hope the anti-thinkers in respect to your thinkings will feel an effect...and will start following the good thing you are engaged within..Hope someone of the Mumbaikar would have felt to celebrate Diwali with their heart and soul after watching my Balcony which was all bright...
Then Papa and I returned...Mummy gave a job...Which Im doing right from my childhood...The special dishes which my mummy prepare to welcome the guest on the Diwali mail-milaap, I go and give it to the managed relations all around...A wish from our side which is shown with an affection by offering them sweets and dishes...and then we welcomed Chakraborty uncle , aunty and Abhinav..They came to greet us with the wishes of Diwali and that was the moment I really felt that Its a festival to re-unite people again from their Busy schedules...There were many Gupshups...Papa and uncle were engaged in their boring topic and me and Abhinav were discussing some online stuffs...But enjoyed a lot with them..So this is how My Diwali ended up with all the goodies around...
Tomorrow theres a big list of guest coming to my house...Will be discussing it with you tomorrow and will also tell about my friendship relation with Pranjali who is celebrating her birthday on 18th OCT...thats Today itself...Writing blog took a time and therefore this Hour needle has touched 12 and its 18th now...So we will meet tomorrow..Till then HaPPy DiWaLi Once More...
Thanks for reading...
Bigg Boss Failed Today-Ideas for Blog !!!
70TH BLOG------>>>>>>
Right now I watched Bigg Boss 3..Today the director planned to give a surprise to all of us..Mr. Bachchan was coming on the screen at every break of Balika Vadhu and used to give us the intimation that we are going to be astonished by some surprise activities he is gonna give today..But it is said that when something is done for the first time..its really a surprising matter and the one which public likes to see or watch or they take interest in it..But if you have given such surprises before public today is so much smart that they know that you are going to make the contestant vote any one of their roommate and you then not going to push him out of the house..This happened even in last season of BB..Really I got bored..I dont know why it happens with the shows I like to watch on television...the first season of Dus ka Dum..I loved it so much..and when it got ended I felt like my days were missing something..and it returned back...But what the hell Salman was boring all of us with his Pakau jokes and useless activities which were not required on the show..He really bored me..and now Bigg Boss again is dissappointing me..Im liking the activity the contestants are performing in the house..Im liking every shades of different characters in the Bigg Boss House..but what Mr.Bachchan is doing is really appallying..
From last some days - I think three or four days , Im receiving the comments from all of you and its really from your heart...It really feels good when you are being suggested so carefully as you are so close to everyone out there who is reading your blog material..It feels like everyone is with me in my house...You love getting poked by your friend and this is what Im feeling..as Im loved when Im getting so much of applauses from my friends..I hope all of you will keep your blessings with me till the date I'll write my last post..I think that even I should divide my blog writing duration and categorize them into Seasons...like the producers are doing now-a-days...Then I'll write that this season of blogging is better then the previous one....Hahaha....But really Im just thinking about stopping to write now and again writing after sometime so that even I'll get some repercussions from my friends..If it will be seen that Yaa my friends are forcing me to continue my writings again..then I'll be back with many new funny ideas to write..When I started on with the blogs ..once I felt that I should write Funny things here so that people will enjoy bcoz mainly Im known for my sense of humour and Joking Vocabulary with which Im specialized with..Hahaha...But I wasnt confident that It will be read ....But now as everyone is reading and commenting me..I feel as every of them are loving me...and wants me to write...By the way...Im going to my native place UP in the last week of November and I'll return after 2 months something or till when my college will be restarted.There in my Native place there are no computers and not even cybers..So I'll be unavailable then..So when I'll return back..It automatically will be the next season of the blog..Dont you think So??
Today parents have created a rule that I'll not write blog in the late nights..but mostly I get new Ideas and the interesting ones at the time I sit alone in my bedroom with the laptop..but this parents dont understand...They keep talking in between when I write..TV keeps talking with them at the high volume...Hey God..Bless my parents with the ideas their son is possessing..Hahaha...
Happy Diwali to all of you...May Goddess Lakshmi bless all of you with Happiness, Peace and Warmth...
Thanks for reading..
Right now I watched Bigg Boss 3..Today the director planned to give a surprise to all of us..Mr. Bachchan was coming on the screen at every break of Balika Vadhu and used to give us the intimation that we are going to be astonished by some surprise activities he is gonna give today..But it is said that when something is done for the first time..its really a surprising matter and the one which public likes to see or watch or they take interest in it..But if you have given such surprises before public today is so much smart that they know that you are going to make the contestant vote any one of their roommate and you then not going to push him out of the house..This happened even in last season of BB..Really I got bored..I dont know why it happens with the shows I like to watch on television...the first season of Dus ka Dum..I loved it so much..and when it got ended I felt like my days were missing something..and it returned back...But what the hell Salman was boring all of us with his Pakau jokes and useless activities which were not required on the show..He really bored me..and now Bigg Boss again is dissappointing me..Im liking the activity the contestants are performing in the house..Im liking every shades of different characters in the Bigg Boss House..but what Mr.Bachchan is doing is really appallying..
From last some days - I think three or four days , Im receiving the comments from all of you and its really from your heart...It really feels good when you are being suggested so carefully as you are so close to everyone out there who is reading your blog material..It feels like everyone is with me in my house...You love getting poked by your friend and this is what Im feeling..as Im loved when Im getting so much of applauses from my friends..I hope all of you will keep your blessings with me till the date I'll write my last post..I think that even I should divide my blog writing duration and categorize them into Seasons...like the producers are doing now-a-days...Then I'll write that this season of blogging is better then the previous one....Hahaha....But really Im just thinking about stopping to write now and again writing after sometime so that even I'll get some repercussions from my friends..If it will be seen that Yaa my friends are forcing me to continue my writings again..then I'll be back with many new funny ideas to write..When I started on with the blogs ..once I felt that I should write Funny things here so that people will enjoy bcoz mainly Im known for my sense of humour and Joking Vocabulary with which Im specialized with..Hahaha...But I wasnt confident that It will be read ....But now as everyone is reading and commenting me..I feel as every of them are loving me...and wants me to write...By the way...Im going to my native place UP in the last week of November and I'll return after 2 months something or till when my college will be restarted.There in my Native place there are no computers and not even cybers..So I'll be unavailable then..So when I'll return back..It automatically will be the next season of the blog..Dont you think So??
Today parents have created a rule that I'll not write blog in the late nights..but mostly I get new Ideas and the interesting ones at the time I sit alone in my bedroom with the laptop..but this parents dont understand...They keep talking in between when I write..TV keeps talking with them at the high volume...Hey God..Bless my parents with the ideas their son is possessing..Hahaha...
Happy Diwali to all of you...May Goddess Lakshmi bless all of you with Happiness, Peace and Warmth...
Thanks for reading..
Little Rude But At Last Im Again Normal !!!
69TH BLOG---->>>>>
It happens many a times that people love you when you tell something or suggest something but there are quite a time when some one suggest you with an idea and you abuse him in your conscious mind. I take suggestion of the people whom I think are more developed then me and I throw the suggestions of the people who themselves are struggling for an urge to development and nudging into my activity. Some say you are selfish, some say you are helpful..Now which one should I believe, So what I do is I categorize the views into two sections..one of the people who are matured then me and one who are still to cope up with my level of maturity and development..then I see what the majority of people say who are more developed then me..and then I try to change myself...
Firstly...I dont like changing my self and this oath strengthen more when someone else try to do this..Arrey..why are you interfering in my lifestyle..are you Perfect?..have you achieved everything you dreamt of..If No then try for them naa..Your life is still in struggle and you are poking me in my track of life...There are some of them who comment me..So to them I would like to say ki Heyya....dont try to rule over me....Me myself is a practical person..I do ....if success is gained...I follow that path rest of my life..and if Failure is hurled over me..I take a lesson and I stop combating with that useless path..So to them who are trying to make their kingdom in the territory of my life...Please stop it..and my well-wishers dont think that something has happened today that Im going on with such a rude behaviour with a group of people but I was thinking to write all this long before but at that time I didnt had the blog facility..so that time my orkut's status was - Stop Instructing Me..but there was a fury in the heart which I wanted to burst out at I got a chance today....and here it is....So dont feel that somebody has ruined my whole day..No I have enjoyed today a lot..
Today I had a lot of works...diwali safaai as usual...Im repeating it daily on the blogs as its the biggest festival of my hinduism track of Religion..I had to iron many cloths...I had to study...But nothing … nothing in the world seems to dissuade me from my attention to the blog and my little daily contact with the extended family.....So Im here again..Little late..but Im there...Today I changed the look of my blog..Last time when I changed was on 19th September..the day I won Mr.Fresher...Now you will be asking what have you won today..Nothing friends..Today its Dhanteras and when everything is cleaned...Houses are taking different looks...People are making their localities attractive so that Goddess Lakshmi will bless them with wishes...and powers..I thought of making my blog respectively clean and new..Hope Goddess Lakshmi will like it...if not she then atleast you all will surely like it and will visit it daily..Hahaha.....so HAPPY DHANTERAS TO ALL OF YOU...
Live life till all the extent ...
Thanks for reading...
Trying to be honest with Myself !!!
68th BLOG
After writing yesterday's blog and requesting you all to show little solidarity towards me and my writing and to comment on it and regularly suggest me and interrrupt me on my writing..Today I received your comments right from the morning...I received 4 to 5 comments even on SMS...Wow...This was really very exciting...Thanks for commenting on my posts my dear friends and my readers...After writing yesterday's blog I felt like I performed Gaff..because of the language I used in my blog....Hope that I'll not use that type of language again ... but I'll be there sometimes with my bhaiiyya image..Bhaiiyya means All who have migrated from North states to the different states of India...Legally..Yesterday I completed my 50th Blog...I completed this before itself but you all know naa that because of a controversy in my college about my blog I had to delete them and it was reduced to 33 posts..and today legally I have completed 50th blog and this one which Im writing is 51th....and for the regular users I would like to inform that this one is 67th one...
After requesting and giving a cute order to all of you to comment on my blog...I felt like I'm doing injustice with them who are commenting on my blog..Many a times I have been asked questions in the comments to which I havent replied any of the time...Now I'll be replying to every of the comments which I'll be getting on my blog...I should interact with my friends who are commenting...Those who are sending comments on SMS...even they will get their replies here on the very post on which you have commented....I'll even publish your comment here.....but friends dont comment anything about my blog on my face...Its really hard to accept even when it is a positive one...
Diwali safaai is not ending...I have got bored...but then i think about my mother and every lady of the middle class family who are preparing many different dishes for the Diwali...Just thinking about them..I keep continuing with my Diwali works...Not getting time to study....actually Its not only the fault of this Diwali time Its even my fault...On the holidays I should read and learn and go through my books for the whole day but I try to be online 24 * 7..This is really a bad addiction and even its reducing my value...People who always see me online dont say HII now a days because they may be thinking ki isko toh koi kaam hi nahi hai..Hamesa online rehta hai so now I'll try to deplete this Image off...I'll punite my self...I'm judging my self so even the judgement will be given by me....I have planned today itself that now I'll start studying right from tomorrow...ab dekho ki kal subah kya hota hai..Promises toh bahut baar kiye hain...nibhaaya hi toh nahi jaata hai....I havent broken any of the promises I have given to someone else...But I break the one which I give to myself....Jo khud ka nahi ho saka wo doosro kaaa kahaan se hoga....So I'll try to be honest with me first..and then with others....
Thanks for reading.....
After writing yesterday's blog and requesting you all to show little solidarity towards me and my writing and to comment on it and regularly suggest me and interrrupt me on my writing..Today I received your comments right from the morning...I received 4 to 5 comments even on SMS...Wow...This was really very exciting...Thanks for commenting on my posts my dear friends and my readers...After writing yesterday's blog I felt like I performed Gaff..because of the language I used in my blog....Hope that I'll not use that type of language again ... but I'll be there sometimes with my bhaiiyya image..Bhaiiyya means All who have migrated from North states to the different states of India...Legally..Yesterday I completed my 50th Blog...I completed this before itself but you all know naa that because of a controversy in my college about my blog I had to delete them and it was reduced to 33 posts..and today legally I have completed 50th blog and this one which Im writing is 51th....and for the regular users I would like to inform that this one is 67th one...
After requesting and giving a cute order to all of you to comment on my blog...I felt like I'm doing injustice with them who are commenting on my blog..Many a times I have been asked questions in the comments to which I havent replied any of the time...Now I'll be replying to every of the comments which I'll be getting on my blog...I should interact with my friends who are commenting...Those who are sending comments on SMS...even they will get their replies here on the very post on which you have commented....I'll even publish your comment here.....but friends dont comment anything about my blog on my face...Its really hard to accept even when it is a positive one...
Diwali safaai is not ending...I have got bored...but then i think about my mother and every lady of the middle class family who are preparing many different dishes for the Diwali...Just thinking about them..I keep continuing with my Diwali works...Not getting time to study....actually Its not only the fault of this Diwali time Its even my fault...On the holidays I should read and learn and go through my books for the whole day but I try to be online 24 * 7..This is really a bad addiction and even its reducing my value...People who always see me online dont say HII now a days because they may be thinking ki isko toh koi kaam hi nahi hai..Hamesa online rehta hai so now I'll try to deplete this Image off...I'll punite my self...I'm judging my self so even the judgement will be given by me....I have planned today itself that now I'll start studying right from tomorrow...ab dekho ki kal subah kya hota hai..Promises toh bahut baar kiye hain...nibhaaya hi toh nahi jaata hai....I havent broken any of the promises I have given to someone else...But I break the one which I give to myself....Jo khud ka nahi ho saka wo doosro kaaa kahaan se hoga....So I'll try to be honest with me first..and then with others....
Thanks for reading.....
Please Comment Friends !!!
Kal ka blog maine bahut hi saaf dil se likha tha...Yusuf ka naam liya tha maine..Isliye aaj jaise hi usne blog padha usne call kiya..I want to clear it Yusuf right here...mere kehney ka matlab ye nahi tha ki tumhe chchod ke un 8 ke saath dosti nibhaani hai aur tumhare saath nahi..tum galat samjhey..Mere kehney ka matlab ye thaa ki It is difficult to take Panga with 8 friends who are not close...I can talk to you later and solve the misunderstanding..You understand me and you know me...So Im confident that you will not leave me..So I took that step..at that very time..Sorry brother...My yesterday's blog wasnt intentionally written to hurt you...Im apologizing..
There are many who read my blogs and leave them without really commenting on it...They comment on my face and thats really terrible to accept them...because mostly when people comment on my face..The comments are negative...and when they read the blog and immediately when they write the comments...it is something which is easy to accept even when its a negative comment..
Today again I received a notification from Google that my blogs were visited for 350 times in a week.Aur jyaada khushi hoti agar yeh pata chalta ki 350 alag alag logo ne mera blog padhaa hai...par chalo koi bhi cheez sahi samay pe hi milti hain...jyaada laalach bhi buri hain...pata chala jitney padh rahe hain unhone bhi chchod diya...Bahut bura hoga us din..Ki main itney mann se likhta hu aur log bolte hain ye toh chutiya hai...isko koi kaam dhandhaa toh hai nahi..hum kyaa faaltu hai jo padhtey rahein roz ka roz..aur agar aise hi bol bol ke logo ne chchod diya padhna..toh meri kya aukaat reh jaayegi...kahaan jaaaunga main..mera toh bathroom bhi is jagah bana huaa hai jahaan rounga toh uparr waaley aur neechey waale sun lenge..aur fir ghar mein aake maa baapu se poochengey ki ..tumhaaara beta...bathroom mein hagta mootta hai ya fir rota hai...ye toh bahut hi jyaada bura ho jaayega...Zindagi bharr yahaan hi rehna hai..aur yahaan waalo ko agar pata chalaa ki main rota hu...bathroom me to kya mooh dikhaaunga..aur wo bhi agar ye pata chala ki iska blog koi padh nahi raha hai..toh kitna mazaak udegaa mera...isliye mere pyaarey doston...please mera blog padhtey rahiyega..aur aap log Wilshire se kuch sikhiye naa wo roz comment bhi akrta hai mere blog mein...usko maine badaa bhaai bhi maan liya hai is wajh se..aaapko bhi banaa lunga kuch na kuch...kaka..mama..hahaha.....aur Yusuf sahab..aap saamne comment karne ke bajaay yahaan hi kar diya karein..site pe..toh mujhe bhi excitement rahegi padhney ki....Jaise aap interested rehtey ho roz ye padhney ke liye ki maine aaj kya pakaya hai..aise hi mujhe bhi toh excitement rehti hogi na ye padhne ki ki aapne mujhe kya suggestions diye hain...Toh umeed karta hu ki aaj se aap log mujhe comment karenge....fir ek din google waaley ye bhi message bhejenge ki bhaisahaab aapko itney logo ne comment kiya...I love you all....Muaah...for reading my blogs on the daily basis...this Muaah is not for the girls who are engaged and committed..and the single ones who are reading this with their brothers...Hahaha...Sorry Im getting little personal...ufff....Im stopping now..nahi toh aaaj is blog ki saari hadein paar ho jaaayegi...
Thanx for reading...
There are many who read my blogs and leave them without really commenting on it...They comment on my face and thats really terrible to accept them...because mostly when people comment on my face..The comments are negative...and when they read the blog and immediately when they write the comments...it is something which is easy to accept even when its a negative comment..
Today again I received a notification from Google that my blogs were visited for 350 times in a week.Aur jyaada khushi hoti agar yeh pata chalta ki 350 alag alag logo ne mera blog padhaa hai...par chalo koi bhi cheez sahi samay pe hi milti hain...jyaada laalach bhi buri hain...pata chala jitney padh rahe hain unhone bhi chchod diya...Bahut bura hoga us din..Ki main itney mann se likhta hu aur log bolte hain ye toh chutiya hai...isko koi kaam dhandhaa toh hai nahi..hum kyaa faaltu hai jo padhtey rahein roz ka roz..aur agar aise hi bol bol ke logo ne chchod diya padhna..toh meri kya aukaat reh jaayegi...kahaan jaaaunga main..mera toh bathroom bhi is jagah bana huaa hai jahaan rounga toh uparr waaley aur neechey waale sun lenge..aur fir ghar mein aake maa baapu se poochengey ki ..tumhaaara beta...bathroom mein hagta mootta hai ya fir rota hai...ye toh bahut hi jyaada bura ho jaayega...Zindagi bharr yahaan hi rehna hai..aur yahaan waalo ko agar pata chalaa ki main rota hu...bathroom me to kya mooh dikhaaunga..aur wo bhi agar ye pata chala ki iska blog koi padh nahi raha hai..toh kitna mazaak udegaa mera...isliye mere pyaarey doston...please mera blog padhtey rahiyega..aur aap log Wilshire se kuch sikhiye naa wo roz comment bhi akrta hai mere blog mein...usko maine badaa bhaai bhi maan liya hai is wajh se..aaapko bhi banaa lunga kuch na kuch...kaka..mama..hahaha.....aur Yusuf sahab..aap saamne comment karne ke bajaay yahaan hi kar diya karein..site pe..toh mujhe bhi excitement rahegi padhney ki....Jaise aap interested rehtey ho roz ye padhney ke liye ki maine aaj kya pakaya hai..aise hi mujhe bhi toh excitement rehti hogi na ye padhne ki ki aapne mujhe kya suggestions diye hain...Toh umeed karta hu ki aaj se aap log mujhe comment karenge....fir ek din google waaley ye bhi message bhejenge ki bhaisahaab aapko itney logo ne comment kiya...I love you all....Muaah...for reading my blogs on the daily basis...this Muaah is not for the girls who are engaged and committed..and the single ones who are reading this with their brothers...Hahaha...Sorry Im getting little personal...ufff....Im stopping now..nahi toh aaaj is blog ki saari hadein paar ho jaaayegi...
Thanx for reading...
Annual Day Of MGM College !!!
We were called to the college with lots of hope..Chuttiyaan chaalu ho chuki hain ...Teachers ne socha ye bachchey log toh hamarey hi maal hai...chalo bulaa le in saalo ko college mein...2 se 5 baje tak lecture hone wala tha Business kaa....Sir was on the time and even all of us...but there was no class arrangement for all of us...Sir came and went back showing us Thumps Down...We all went very happy that even Sir wasnt interested and we went without teaching us..Fir humne plan kiya ki lets go to Little World mall of Kharghar...went up there...Got bored...as theres never a pre-planned program of my classmates for any hang-outs..so on every step..we discuss that what gonna be the condition at the next second..coz we have no plans...Yusuf chahta tha ki main in subko chchod ke uske saath alag se ghoomne jaaun..but this wasnt accepted by me...ek ke liye 8 logo ko toh nahi chchod sakta na main..is college me in hi batcho aur dosto ke saath 3 saal guzaarney hain..aur agar main un sub ko avoid kar ke Yusuf ke saath jaata toh kahiin na kahiin unke dimaag me mere liye ek negative image bann jaati jo ki main nahi chahta tha..so maine Yusuf ko kaha tum chale jaao I will be with them...
Thodi der wahaan baithney ke baad jaise hi bahaar nikley to maine apne bachpann ke friends ko dekha wahaan pe..Gaurav , Rohit and Roshan...doston ko bola ki aap log jaa saktey ho apne apne ghar..kyuki tabtak unke saath kaa plan bhi khatam ho chuka tha aur sub apne apne raastey nikalne waley they...fir in dosto ke saath vulgar talks kar ke....ab bachpan k dosto se to freely hi baat hoti hai na...fir in logo k saaath enjoy kiya ek ghaanta..aur aagey nikal padaa MGM college ke taraf...Aaj is college mein unka Annual Gathering Function tha...aur mujhe mere dost Yasir ne invitation diya tha...main free bhi tha..to kuch 5.30 pe main wahaan pahunch gaya...aur wahaaan ka decorations...program...its quality...hosts...sub kuch bahut atcha laga mujhe..bahut hi atchi arrangements thi...kaafi dhyaan se maine har ek baat notice ki wahaan pe...kyuki agley saal ya fir do saal baad agar mujhe in sub cheezo ka co-ordinator banaya gaya mere college mein..toh fir saare functions mein main yahi baaton ko saamne rakhta...par ye bahut aagey ki baat hai....five group dances huye....mostly girls ne hi participate kiye they..actually MGM me ladkiyo ka crowd hi jyaada hain...ladko ko dhundna padta hai...Yasir ke khudke class me sirf 4 ladkey hain aur baaki ladkiyaan hai 50....saarey hi group dances lajawaab they...I loved them all...fir fashion show shuru huaa aur mujhe aisa lagaaa ki mere college me bhi ye sub hona chahiye...I'll talk to my seniors ki kya aisa hota hai hamarey yahaan..agar nahi to ho...because fashion show such mein bahut hi interesting tha...Side mein LCD pe saare batcho ki image display ho rahi thi aur wo log saamne ramp walk akr rahe they.....all were looking extremely beautifull....Atlast Yasir ke wajah se aaaj ki shaam rangeen ho gayi..mera saath nibhaa raha tha Yasir ka bhai Haseeb..kyuki us poorey campus me sirf hum do hi shaks anjaan they....aur hum dono hi ek dusrey ko jaantey they....toh hami ek dusrey ki mehfill jamaa rahe they....
Iss tarah aaj ka din khatam hua bade hi josh ke saaath....ye mumbai me aaney ke baad pehla din tha jab main ghar mein itna late entry kiya hu..raat ke 11 baje....Par din paisa wasool tha...Thanx god for showing me many new things today.....
Thanx for reading...
Abhilash Ruhela - Veeru
Thodi der wahaan baithney ke baad jaise hi bahaar nikley to maine apne bachpann ke friends ko dekha wahaan pe..Gaurav , Rohit and Roshan...doston ko bola ki aap log jaa saktey ho apne apne ghar..kyuki tabtak unke saath kaa plan bhi khatam ho chuka tha aur sub apne apne raastey nikalne waley they...fir in dosto ke saath vulgar talks kar ke....ab bachpan k dosto se to freely hi baat hoti hai na...fir in logo k saaath enjoy kiya ek ghaanta..aur aagey nikal padaa MGM college ke taraf...Aaj is college mein unka Annual Gathering Function tha...aur mujhe mere dost Yasir ne invitation diya tha...main free bhi tha..to kuch 5.30 pe main wahaan pahunch gaya...aur wahaaan ka decorations...program...its quality...hosts...sub kuch bahut atcha laga mujhe..bahut hi atchi arrangements thi...kaafi dhyaan se maine har ek baat notice ki wahaan pe...kyuki agley saal ya fir do saal baad agar mujhe in sub cheezo ka co-ordinator banaya gaya mere college mein..toh fir saare functions mein main yahi baaton ko saamne rakhta...par ye bahut aagey ki baat hai....five group dances huye....mostly girls ne hi participate kiye they..actually MGM me ladkiyo ka crowd hi jyaada hain...ladko ko dhundna padta hai...Yasir ke khudke class me sirf 4 ladkey hain aur baaki ladkiyaan hai 50....saarey hi group dances lajawaab they...I loved them all...fir fashion show shuru huaa aur mujhe aisa lagaaa ki mere college me bhi ye sub hona chahiye...I'll talk to my seniors ki kya aisa hota hai hamarey yahaan..agar nahi to ho...because fashion show such mein bahut hi interesting tha...Side mein LCD pe saare batcho ki image display ho rahi thi aur wo log saamne ramp walk akr rahe they.....all were looking extremely beautifull....Atlast Yasir ke wajah se aaaj ki shaam rangeen ho gayi..mera saath nibhaa raha tha Yasir ka bhai Haseeb..kyuki us poorey campus me sirf hum do hi shaks anjaan they....aur hum dono hi ek dusrey ko jaantey they....toh hami ek dusrey ki mehfill jamaa rahe they....
Iss tarah aaj ka din khatam hua bade hi josh ke saaath....ye mumbai me aaney ke baad pehla din tha jab main ghar mein itna late entry kiya hu..raat ke 11 baje....Par din paisa wasool tha...Thanx god for showing me many new things today.....
Thanx for reading...
Abhilash Ruhela - Veeru
Mother's Love & Big B's Birthday !!!
Love is always there for the festivals.Its not an infatuation.Its really something which comes from within...Beneath the body there is always a love for the festivals.The way we are excited for our birthday or New Year the same condition is when your festival comes near to celebration.Diwali is near..and so is my heart getting sweeter and sweeter with its feeling day by day..Today I shared a big hand in the cleaning of the house.I just wanted to help my mother today..She is very hard working.Im talking about the festival which is 6 days far.Now, i'll talk about the festival which me and my mother celebrated today..Today was the festival of होई अष्टमी ...Hoyi Ashtmi..a festival when mother keeps fast for the happiness and long life for her Son.Im the only child of my mumma. and so her love for me is speechless.She loves me unconditionally and beyond the limits. I can vociferate infront of the world that my mumma is the dearest person to me..Even infront of my father.. there was a time in my life when I hated my father a lot and i was living there with him just because he (was)is the husband of my mumma..and he is the biggest part of my mother's life..That was the time when I wanted to retaliate to every cruel word of my father and disrespect him on his every sentence..But I heard every hateful word from his mouth for me and kept quiet just bcoz he is the husband of my mother..It is really a big task to divulge this kind of condition in which Im infront of all of you..Adjacent to me right now is just a fear that what will you all think about me..But there is a time in every boy's life when he hates his father the most in his life.
Now lets stop this topic right now.I'll talk about this later when it will be needed to tell you all about my past.I'll share everything on this blog..Even the worst condition in which I was...But not right now..Bcoz I want to make this blog happy and gayful.My mother kept a fast for me and her love was seen right from the dawn..Now this is not the condition that rest of the day her love is missing but today her love was seen to be something articulate..It was distinct..She loved me..hugged me..kissed me..played with me for a while like a small child..shared the talks of my childhood..Mimicced the expression and my activities which I used to do in my childhood..This lady has done a lot for me.For the two years I disrespected my mother a lot..but she was there just with the tears in her eyes..Her mind was just in the research and analysis that why my child is going far away from me..But what was happening with me , why I was disrespecting her .. I dont know..I was not conscious of the attitude i was trying to show her..I respect and love my mother a lot..There was a time when I always used to take the name of my mother infront of every friend..My talks always consisted the name of my mother...My mother always had been hard-working..a women without any gray shade in her mind for anybody who is kindful with her...Today I shared quality time with my mother..In the evening..following the traditions my mother saw the stars in the sky..on Karwachauth moons are awaited for..and on the hoyi ashtami..stars are awaited for..that means child is a twinkling star..equivalent to that..wow...Am I so sweet and lovely for my mother...Thank god for giving me such a mother..There's not many mother who keeps this fasting and thus theres no news of this festival on news channels..and my mother keeps it for me is the biggest happiness..You always feel aired when you come to know that theres some one on the earth whose life is just for you...who doesnt care about anything else much then you...and my mother has always showed this affection to me..and Im dedicating my whole life to her..it was always dedicated to her...but today is the first time I'm declaring on the blog's post so Im saying as I have started just right now..
One more festival was celebrated today all over the nation...this festival is celebrated by the people of all the castes...you would be thinking how is this possible in this diversed culture of India...But yes ..this festival does it possible..The name of Festival -It was the birthday of Mr. Bachchan..Amitabh Bachchan ..Megastar of India...Star of the Millennium...theres a lot of name given to this great personality..He turned 67 years old today...Im waiting for his blog...what is he going to write today..will it be something special on his today's blog...Just waiting for it..But this festival was celebrated very passionately all over India..Every Media channels showed his famous dialogues on their special shows..every news papers had their section describing the success and definition of Amitabh Bachchan..I respect this man a lot...I love him...and I owe my personality developement in the recent years to him..I always try to be like him..I know that Im not even 1% of Mr. Bachchan but I want to be like him...Hahaha..laugh people laugh...Even Im laughing on this statement...
Chalo thank for reading this blog and Im not writing more bcoz then you will avoid reading..
Now lets stop this topic right now.I'll talk about this later when it will be needed to tell you all about my past.I'll share everything on this blog..Even the worst condition in which I was...But not right now..Bcoz I want to make this blog happy and gayful.My mother kept a fast for me and her love was seen right from the dawn..Now this is not the condition that rest of the day her love is missing but today her love was seen to be something articulate..It was distinct..She loved me..hugged me..kissed me..played with me for a while like a small child..shared the talks of my childhood..Mimicced the expression and my activities which I used to do in my childhood..This lady has done a lot for me.For the two years I disrespected my mother a lot..but she was there just with the tears in her eyes..Her mind was just in the research and analysis that why my child is going far away from me..But what was happening with me , why I was disrespecting her .. I dont know..I was not conscious of the attitude i was trying to show her..I respect and love my mother a lot..There was a time when I always used to take the name of my mother infront of every friend..My talks always consisted the name of my mother...My mother always had been hard-working..a women without any gray shade in her mind for anybody who is kindful with her...Today I shared quality time with my mother..In the evening..following the traditions my mother saw the stars in the sky..on Karwachauth moons are awaited for..and on the hoyi ashtami..stars are awaited for..that means child is a twinkling star..equivalent to that..wow...Am I so sweet and lovely for my mother...Thank god for giving me such a mother..There's not many mother who keeps this fasting and thus theres no news of this festival on news channels..and my mother keeps it for me is the biggest happiness..You always feel aired when you come to know that theres some one on the earth whose life is just for you...who doesnt care about anything else much then you...and my mother has always showed this affection to me..and Im dedicating my whole life to her..it was always dedicated to her...but today is the first time I'm declaring on the blog's post so Im saying as I have started just right now..
One more festival was celebrated today all over the nation...this festival is celebrated by the people of all the castes...you would be thinking how is this possible in this diversed culture of India...But yes ..this festival does it possible..The name of Festival -It was the birthday of Mr. Bachchan..Amitabh Bachchan ..Megastar of India...Star of the Millennium...theres a lot of name given to this great personality..He turned 67 years old today...Im waiting for his blog...what is he going to write today..will it be something special on his today's blog...Just waiting for it..But this festival was celebrated very passionately all over India..Every Media channels showed his famous dialogues on their special shows..every news papers had their section describing the success and definition of Amitabh Bachchan..I respect this man a lot...I love him...and I owe my personality developement in the recent years to him..I always try to be like him..I know that Im not even 1% of Mr. Bachchan but I want to be like him...Hahaha..laugh people laugh...Even Im laughing on this statement...
Chalo thank for reading this blog and Im not writing more bcoz then you will avoid reading..
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